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Everything posted by Focht

  1. Focht

    Pilot only script

    just replace "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" with "B_helipilot_F" and you should be in business!
  2. try the revamp version. It uses scripted spawns. The murkspawn version deletes all spawned units to be spawned back in using the proximity triggers. I can setup a revamp version with a.i respawns. briefing, a.i moving indoors, and a revamp respawn version on the todo list. the hotfix for the occupation version should be up. did a quick drive through a couple sectors and a.i was spawning again. currently working on a Fort Maxwell fob defense for the Marsoc crew. Should have all the revive/respawn/rio loadout along with a reloadable mortar emplacement.
  3. will post a hotfix. deleted one too many lines in the init.sqf when removing the startup msg. should resolve the issue adding it back in.
  4. with the values no longer being vehicle is there a way to delete weapons/magazines off the ground? this seems like a requirement for dropped item auto removal, and base protection vs the new satchel/demo value setup.
  5. Focht

    Clean up Script

    All I've been able to find is corpse/wreck cleanup.
  6. updated versions to 1.3 and 1.2. Rebuilt the base and moved aircraft to the spartan. Added in a base marker. Added minefields/enemy supply dumps/randomized a couple vehicle spawns for the occupation version. *edit* after some gameplay, things aren't working for everyone. will keep looking into it/wait for alpha updates. :D
  7. pretty sure the specops divers are. Nato B_diver_TL_F B_diver_F B_diver_exp_F Eastern O_diver_TL_F O_diver_F O_diver_exp_F
  8. So I can make the crates invincible with "this allowDamage false" in the init. They still have physics though, so they're subject to being knocked all over the place. Going to work on no demo/nades in base (I can spread vehicles out all over the place and it's still demo dominos. some instances moreso). Seems to be the only solution for base trolls.
  9. Don't know what's up with the view distance. Will look into it. Added in anti nade and respawn with same weaps/gear for both missions. updated dl links! lookin into revive(if it's not active from the weaps/gear respawn script) and anti c4 @ base. there's alot of buggy stuff when hosting as client. Don't know about dedicated!
  10. Try using the minefield sites module. Sorry not an answer to your question. Just something to check out.
  11. my version 1.2 or zorro's v.01? posted a revamped version of the mission. using kylania's spawn script with no re-spawning a.i atm. Added in random road mines with roadside ambushes (could be some funky locations needs tested). 5 enemy "ammo dump" locations randomly located for neutralizing. Will update with enemy vehicle spawns, and random scuba mine/diver encounters in the bays(sea tiles currently empty). Need to hunt down some more classnames (wait for someone to find em, post em, and find the post). hotfixed some things in the revamp and updated the dl file. re-positioned the ammo crates, fixed a broken trigger, and changed the a.i default to CBA_fnc_taskdefend instead of patrol (hopefully works with the cba_a3 addon). Still no dice on vehicle or scuba classnames. Off to continue the search!
  12. version 1.2 released. Added some hold waypoints for the enemy troops, lowered the water mine amount, and added a service station near the base for vehicles.
  13. updated the download! Added in backpacks, disabled ai for dedicated, and added a few more red zones. Also removed the bis defend function from the enemy troops, and they seem to be making a b-line for the main base less often/reacting to their surroundings better now. *update* fixed a few blooper sites, and added in 7 naval targets along the western coastline. Contemplating adding in a couple patrols in the open areas central island, and some more naval targets on the eastern coast. v1.1release also added in an armaholic mirror courtesy of Big!