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Everything posted by egilsandfeld

  1. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Ahh managed to pull this up from the BIS hat: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168452-Figuring-out-the-blending-between-satmaps-and-ground-_co-s-and-where-things-go-wrong&highlight=good+middle+mco Now I can adjust the sat_lco properly as I have made a group of layers in Photoshop, so that I can "counter" balance the Sat_lco so it will look properly in game. Neat! Screens will appear soon!
  2. egilsandfeld

    Isla Duala for Arma 3 (WIP)

    Looks great! Got two questions about specific map making though: First: Is that image taken from ingame A3? If yes, did you have any troubles with ground texture being way too bright compared to the sat_lco? The reason I'm asking is because I'm designing an island myself and the illumination is really strange and way too bright on the sat_lco being utilized at long distances :/
  3. Sounds really impressive and natural! Great job so far. Awww I just wished, JSRS, Speed of Sound and ACSE could be combined or working together on a major overhaul of the A3 sound engine to maximize profit from their work :)
  4. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Here's a image with original sat_lco overlayed, so you can see the giant difference in brightness: Does anyone have any clues how to dial the brightness back? It's like the brightness on object is kind of okay, while on the ground textures it's just way too bright.
  5. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Alright I sort of got the illumination at night fixed now by tweaking with the lighting settings. Only thing not properly right now is the sat_lco layer on the island ingame which is way too bright. At night time it's good enough but at day with the sun it's way too bright. Today I managed to get a nice soundscape put into my beloved little island :) It consists of correct species of birds, wind, flies, bugs. A thing there I'm would want more though is to tweak so that the coast sounds can be heard from more than just about 10 metres away from the coast. In my EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds: class Coast { name = "Coast"; sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\ambient\waves\beach_sand_small_waves1STEREO",0.625893,1,4000}; soundNight[] = {"A3\sounds_f\ambient\waves\beach_sand_small_waves1STEREO",0.6294328,1,4000}; volume = "coast"; }; I've tried changing "4000" to both 50, 200 (default 200) but it still won't make any difference I don't think. Any ideas to change the sound attenuation to a longer distance? Ps. for new comers, this was how I got modified sounds into my island: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?87771-Individual-cfgEnvSounds-per-terrain&highlight=envsounds
  6. egilsandfeld


    So we sort of got some new toys to play around with in the new update of the BES Tools 3. As I understand it we need to binarize with AddonBuilder.exe now instead of BinPBO. Does anyone know if the new events does something new/good for our a3terra making?
  7. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Yeah probably ;p
  8. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Oh it's just that they have dissappeared from the map in game now. I can still hover over them though and it will display a title of the house, and I'm still able to see them in game. So I'm really happy you guys can help me (and maybe others) out here. Got a new problem for you: The illumination at night time is insanely bright. All lights really lightens the world up, it's too extreme. Does anyone know where to turn the brightness down? (No it's not my settings, as other map are balanced well with lighting) :)
  9. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Okay I think I finally figured it all out :) Seems like there is not supposed to be any Tunoe folder inside my Steam-A3 directory. That's usually where I have the folder so I can load my island up in Buldozer fine. So I removed that. Second thing I did was to copy the line from AddonBuilder.exe (former BinPBO) to a txt doc, and guess what? It was filled with wierd symbols near the end just where I have my roads extensions. So I fixed the line and pasted that back into AB, and I could load up my Roads + Objects now :D Only thing not working atm is houses and stuff on the map it self, but that's not important for me right now. Thanks for your great help, M1lkman. Really appreciated. Guess I just had to mimic what you did about pasting in from a txt. Now on to working on fixing roads <-> Objects :) #BackInTheGame!
  10. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Yes James there was something not right in there. Though, in Visitor I changed my satellitte grid to 96 instead of 48, which apparently fixed it. Got the fix from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161555-Need-Insight-On-Custom-Terrain-Issues&p=2470687&viewfull=1#post2470687 See but no touching... So it seems that I can load Milkman's tunoe.pbo into my game with roads all fine. But if I try to pack a pbo with his tunoe\data\roads folder including content there doesn't appear any roads in game. So I guess that leaves it to the binarizer app, right? Two options: 1. Nagging Milkman everytime I need to update my roads for the final pbo 2. Getting some sort of fix for either the BinPBO, or learning how to pack properly with cPBO. I'm taking the first solution is a bit too expensive in shipping beers, so does anyone know how to get it right with cPBO or other better packing/binarizer? I've noticed sth with the line of files to be copied directly in BinPBO; After starting the program the first time after any restart of my computer, it display exactly this in that options line: *.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.cfg;*.dbf;*.shp;*.prj0 Notice the end where it just craps out and inserts i "0". It's also missing *.shx which was there before. But even after restore this full line: *.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss; *.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisur f;*.sqm;*.ext;*.cfg;*.prj;*.shx;*.shp;*.dbf; it still doesn't give me roads. Could it be that the max length of this line is limited to exactly where that "0" is inserted? Could I leave something else out of that line to make room for the roads fileendings perhaps?
  11. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Da fuq!!! Woooohoooooooooo I did something and now there are roads in game :D Not sure exactly, but when extracting your tunoe.pbo to my arma\@tunoe\addon, I moved my old pbo back a folder into just the @tunoe. That may have caused the issues with conflicting inside @tunoe folder. Anyway got roads now and they look excellent :) Thanks so much for your help, Milk! I guess then the problem is something with my rectitying the area. Well gonna check out my awesome roads now.... ;)
  12. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Thanks for taking your time to help me out, Milkman :) Okay so downloaded both of your zips, but only extracted addons.zip for now into ...steamapps\common\arma3\@Tunoe\addons, so that tunoe.pbo is now within that folder. I can load that up fine and here is what that exact same crossing looks like from my pov: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/A3-Kryds.png (1440 kB) By comparison to your fine looking http://i.imgur.com/GuynO4R.jpg I would say we're still a bit off. I guess that leaves it to my Arma 3 install? But I can see all types of roads on Stratis and Altis. Before extracting your tunoe.pbo, I tried one last time with reinstall BinPBO + conversion tools and then binarizing my island again, but with same results. Guess now that I actually would have my "own" binarization of my roads in game if there we'rent sth wrong with my A3. Is this correct? Does anyone know what I should do about it?
  13. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Yes already done that 10 times at least :) Already deleted files in my P:\bin_temp. Not following here? What should I do?
  14. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    As I still cannot get roads in game, let's break it totally down: - In my list of files to copy directly is currently: "*.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf;*.sqm;*.ext;*.cfg;*.prj;*.shx;*.shp;*.dbf;" (tried with qpj as well) - If I just overwrite my files in the P:\Tunoe\Data\roads with yours from that 7zip file no roads appear. - After BinPBO I extract content of Tunoe.pbo, and it correctly shows a folder at Tunoe\Data\roads with all 6 files needed. Also the path is correct inside config.cpp to be: newRoadsShape = "\Tunoe\Data\roads\roads.shp"; - If I open your tunoe roads shp on top of your Qgis project (from http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156592-M1lkm8ns-roadpainting-source-files-for-quantum-gis) it displays it totally correct on top of my island. So no issues there. - roads.shp in P:\Tunoe\Data\roads does contain something. It's 13Kb so there definitely roads shape lines in there. BÃ¥m... where it's that damned error? WGS84 + UTM 31N, UTF-8 as encoding, longitude = 10.38; latitude = -55.97; ... I see this as a challenge and I want to succeed with this!
  15. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Newest version here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/Tunoe.rar The original road lines are from a Danish GIS company, so they're already rectified (I think?). What I did was loading ZGM workspace, loaded my roads.shp, then my roads.shp appeared way to the north of ZGM image (looked like the correct distance between Denmark and Greece). Then I think I moved my roads.shp lines down to overlay on top of ZGM image in the bottom left.
  16. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Good points, Bush. I'll definitely consider doing that later on. About roads. Tried overlaying stratis roads.shp, and it does appear to the west of the "roads20480.png" and my own roads.shp. It's about 750km off. But still nothing appears in game if I overlay my roads.shp on top of Stratis and include both those roads and my own in the export and then binarizing it. Hmm wierd that the original "roads20480.png" is off? Could it be that I have set my GM to UTM projection, Zone 32N, WGS84 and METERS? Also in config.cpp I got this: longitude = 10.38; latitude = -55.97; landgrid = 100; newRoadsShape = "\Tunoe\Data\roads\roads.shp";
  17. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Okay, I changed all road lines to have just one _ instead of two at _LAYER and _ID. rar file "roads.rar" updated in post above to reflect that. My line in BinPBO is now: *.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf;*.sqm;*.ext;*.cfg;*.shx;*.shp;*.prj; (also tried including *.dbf) No change in result :/ I guess it's not something to do with texture as the "shape" of the roads don't even show up on the map: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/A3-RoadsMap.png (397 kB) But what the problem then is idk.
  18. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Wow Bush, that fixed my problem! :D Jihaaaa now it looks Ã… w e s o m e! Thanks so much for looking into it, and thanks for your kind words. Much appreciated! Think my clutterGrid should be at about 1.2 then. It's really amazing how much the clutter gives to the overall impression of the map. It's kind of the glue in world that holds everything together. Well now I have tasted blood, I might as well just bring my second issue :) Trying to get roads on the map as well. But again I cannot get it in to the world. There are some areas where the problem might be. First of all in my config.cpp I have newRoadsShape = "\Tunoe\data\roads\roads.shp"; at the class Tunoe: CAWorld. In P:\Tunoe\Data\roads I have 5 files: roads.dbf;.prj;shp;shx and the RoadsLib.cfg: As I follow ZGM's tut on how to get roads into A3, I have this for every single line in my roads.shp: Each line has its own unique "__ID" starting from 1001-1042ish So the road lines are on top of my sat image of the island, which I've imported to ZGM's "roads20480.png" file and is located bottom left. When I export I deselect the other layers that is not the roads.shp layer. I then go file -> Export -> Export Vector Format, select shapefile format, Export Lines and save it as roads.shp in P:\Tunoe\Data\roads\. I don't select/deselect anything else in that export window. I then binarize with BinPBO (have no *.shp in the list of files to copy directly) , go ingame and have no roads. Do we still have to georectify like you did previously, to get the roads of your new island on top of Stratis roads? Anyway I got a .rar file of my roads files here, in case anyone wants to take a look: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/roads.rar Help! :bounce3:
  19. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    I'm already doing that every time to make sure nothing gets mixed up with earlier binarizations :)@Bushlurker: Yes I'm importing sat & mask as text in that stage and then have them binarized with binPbo. About the grass.rvmat, I changed it so that the second now points to the co.paa instead. BUT the clutter still doesn't appear :( I'm still out of ideas, so any good ideas to pointing me in the right direction is much appreciated. I've uploaded my "P:\Tunoe" folder as a rar file here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/Tunoe.rar in case anyone have the time to take a look? Btw. clutter in my Altis and Stratis is still there, so I haven't screwed up with my A3 core I guess :)
  20. egilsandfeld

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Hi Milkman :) Okay I changed CfgSurfaces and CfgSurfaceCharacters to this: Also in Clutter class I've changed it to: I have this as my folder structure: It still doesn't work. I don't have any clutter ingame, only the trees+bushes import via WT->visitor. Log and config.cpp links in my original post have been updated, to reflect what I have now. Do you see anything wrong here? * My list of files to copy directly within BinPBO are: "*.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf; *.sqm; *.ext; *.cfg;"
  21. egilsandfeld

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I am so in love with Altis! It's mysterious and gigantic. Here's my very first experience with it ;) BIS has done an outstanding job! Couple of stutter when turning the head quick but not that bad for me.
  22. You might be right about the time is not perfect for starters. I think I'll set this project on standby until A3 is out and Visitor and tools are more up to date, and then try again. Guess I'm back to the battlefield then ;)
  23. Removed the double _ before LAYER and ID, but it still didn't work :( I really have no clue what I'm doing wrong, I'm really starting to give up on this after about 40 hours of trying. I see you using Transverse Mercator and not UTM in global mapper? Does that have something to say? Might as well just use my time on something easier than to struggle with this, as my balance between problem solving and solutions are so off :( But thanks for taking your precious time trying to help me, M1lk :) Much appriciated!
  24. Thanks for helping me out, M1lk! All the lines are individual lines so I learned not to type them all as __ID: 1004. So that's one mistake there. I have attached the simple zgm.gmw + my edited png which should be rectified. If you have the time to look at it, it's here: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/ZGM-Edited.rar I have one line in there which should have __LAYER set to City Road ID set to 4 ORDER set to 1 __ID set to 1001 What am I doing wrong?
  25. Okay just so everyone is on the same page here: 1. Rectify my roads.shp to be placed on top of Stratis lower part: 2. Uncheck Stratis road map so left is only my own roads.shp (the one with 445 features): 3. Select all lines, right click and Edit... Inside I assign 4 attributes: _Layer is City Road ID is 4 ORDER is 1 _ID is 1004 4. File -> Export Vector Format, select Shapefile -> Check Export Lines and select my roads.shp to be here: P:\ESG\Emdrup\Data\Roads\roads.shp. Also uncheck Generate projection... and Add Feature to Type...: 5. Delete files in BIN_TEMP and my A3 game directory under my @Emdrup\Addons (a log and the pbo was there) 6. In BinPBO I have these following settings: 7. Also in config.cpp at P:\ESG\Emdrup I have changed it to "roads" with the lower case "r": 8. Pack! When "Ready" check file is present in A3 game folder. I also unpack the pbo to check there's a roads.shp inside there. Yep at: I find my roads.shp file.9. Then run A3 with this command line: 10. Head into A3's Editor, select my map Emdrup and the Editor pops up with no roads, just the basic terrain topography. 11. Place my helo on the map and start it. Looks like this: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9959158/10.png (1602 kB) Nothing. Must be something with the coordinates or something as Zerog's png is not on top of Stratis?