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Everything posted by Fuse

  1. Fuse

    Arma 3 Teamspeak Skin

    Lookin' good! I'll definitely be checking this out. You say you have an Arma-themed Steam skin, too? I'd be interested in that if you wouldn't mind posting a link. Been using Steam for nearly 10 years now and I've never changed the skin, hehe.
  2. 104-105 is not a stutter... Sorry, I don't understand what this is supposed to have done if the numbers are exactly the same. It's probably because you're not giving enough info. We need min, max, and average for this to be anything other than anecdotal. At this stage in development I would certainly hope so!
  3. Sounds good to me, but a slider would be ideal. Neighbors, significant others, or even just giving your own ears a break; there are lots of reasons a slider should be available. I still remember a neighbor complaining about what "sounded like thunder" when I was playing BF1942: Road to Rome late one night. :)
  4. A lot of the new players don't seem too familiar with PC gaming. It's kind of surprising, scratch that, it's flat out silly how often dust or old thermal compound is the culprit when people see heavy stuttering after playing a certain amount of time. Sure, won't help many, but someone might see it and discover they just need to do some basic maintenance. Who's it hurting? Not sure why anyone got worked up. If you're really worried about posts like these cluttering up the forums then stop bumping it. :j:
  5. Alpha isn't using the Steam server browser, while I believe release will. The current server browser is an archaic place holder.
  6. Fuse


    Typically VSync locks your FPS to your monitor's refresh rate. This is most commonly 60Hz/60 FPS, though higher end and 3D displays are 120. Leave it disabled unless you have problems with screen tearing as there are a lot of minor side effects you're better off avoiding. If your FPS ever drops below your monitor's refresh rate then you need to leave VSync off.
  7. Sorry guys, I know you hate to hear it, but "alpha" is definitely the answer. Anti-Cheat isn't some magic button they press. There are legit uses for scripting during an alpha test.
  8. Viper raises a good point that I hadn't thought of. The animation would probably be less than a second, but I didn't think of how server lag could mess with you. Changing my vote to sound, which should be easy and provides aural feedback so you don't have to look at your HUD. The more I think about it the more I miss that feedback when playing.
  9. Fuse

    ArmA 3 is a Beacon of Light

    I'd like to politely suggest that this is the wrong thread to post complaints in.
  10. Fuse

    Volunteers for helping out?

    Think you may have made a mistake. Did you mean to post this here? ;)
  11. I'd love to use Ambient Occlusion. DoF is only good for pretty screen shots. Motion blur looks like crap and makes me sick. Anyone using motion blur in a game that is pulling a decent frame rate has something wrong with them. It should only be used to hide the inadequacies of console hardware. I've upvoted multiple tickets on the tracker asking to have the options separated, and unless they do that I have to leave PP set to off. Not sure why they lump them all together like a crappy console port when they do everything else like a PC game is supposed to.
  12. Don't stop now, guys. I just made a fresh batch of popcorn! :)
  13. A lot of the vets seem to be of the opinion that if BIS hasn't already included something then to even think of suggesting it is some how a slight. It's a shame how hostile a lot of people with thousands of posts to their name are being towards post that are basically, "Hey, this would be nice, right guys?" I was honestly expecting better of the actual Arma community.
  14. Fuse

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    Good for you. Get them in to it when it's in a more presentable state. We've still got the majority of a year before the game even launches. If anything people given access to a co-op alpha invite are more likely to play custom content for a month or so, get bored due to the limited assets, and move on. That or launch it, see the performance issues, and trash it on forums for the next few weeks and then forget about the game. A real demo later will make a much better impression on new players than the current Alpha. Have you seen the hundreds of new users, often incapable of typing coherently, coming here to complain about the state of alpha? Or the people in this very thread talking about how poorly Alpha represents the game, even though it says a dozen times "not representative of final product"? People these days are prone to make poorly informed snap decisions, and get very invested in their ignorant opinions. Again, if the invites are useless then don't use them. You're already getting alpha access and a big discount on the game. It costs you nothing not to use the Lite invites, it costs BIS nothing. There are lots of reasons to limit the alpha lite, there are few valid ones to expand it. Your friends can wait.
  15. Fuse

    Volunteers for helping out?

    Glad to see this shaping up. I'd definitely be interesting in joining a session (as a FNG). My availability is hard to predict right now, but I just wanted to express my interest and support. There's a group for that one mod (name removed because people apparently can't even see it without having to go off-topic to comment on its players) called Trusted Medics of the Wasteland that trains new players on a 1 on 1 basis. My training session with them was pleasant and informative. Their leader assigned a trainer, the trainer contacted me and we met on their private server & Teamspeak for about an hour of basic training. Two days later I realized all anyone on that mod does anymore is gank and I quit, but TMW is good people. Would be awesome to see an existent clan take up this role for Arma 3. I think people like this can make a huge difference in a community, especially when it's undergoing a period of rapid growth. Would be a great way to recruit, too.
  16. Fuse

    Soldier's Height?

    Awesome. Thank you for your help.
  17. In my experience this is not the case. Most servers running the wanna-be MMO gank mods use 3rd person because their players aren't there for realism so much as griefing. Most of the good servers I've seen running the real game do not use 3rd person. You may be getting the wrong idea from the current server list. Most of the servers up right now are set up pretty poorly, but that will change as the admins learn. Again, that's just my experience. I admit that I could never fully get in to Arma 2. So we can all stop arguing and be friends now, right? :)
  18. Fuse

    Question on TrackIR & Infantry

    Sorry, I misunderstood. I don't see any reason not to do it, except that I'm pretty sure your soldier's head is tied to your view. Might take some work to implement and I fear it would result in weird rubber-necked soldiers. I'd probably end up disabling it just to keep the movement more fluid.
  19. Guys, the OP already said he bought it. Stop using this to pad your post count.
  20. Fuse

    Question on TrackIR & Infantry

    I agree with Liquid. Being able to lean incrementally is one of the big advantages of using head tracking. I wouldn't trade it for fluff.
  21. Fuse

    Arma3 Sharks!?!

    IIRC they plan on making fish react to the players.
  22. Fuse

    Arma 3 Alpha: Vehicles??

    That looks awesome! I just hope Monster is a sponsor. :) I don't get the obsession with that logo. I've seen people (regular people, not sponsored extreme sports athletes) with it as a tatt!
  23. Fuse

    Soldier's Height?

    Sorry, but I have to ask. Are you saying this because that's the average height of a male in both the USA and Czech Republic, or because they were that height in previous installments? If that's how it was in Arma 2 then it's probably a safe assumption. I know what the average height is, I just wanted to make sure Arma's soldiers were average height and not have an assumption screw me up.