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About Bashka_IF

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  1. At 2:40 Pls, remove side strafing in form that exists now. in multiplayer it is worst than in any other game
  2. Bashka_IF

    Arma's Nature

    I installed this mod and.. . what should I do next to spawn trees with script ? any example pls!
  3. Bashka_IF

    need new game on Arma 3 engine (graphics part)

    this is what I forgot to mention, I don't want Bohemia abandon this version of arma, but it could be branch of arma with fixed gameplay (likу they did with Dayz, Take on Mars/Helicopters, Iron Front) and hence optimized networking, if it is impossible to make smooth gameplay with current engine that allows modding at the price of big perfomance hit
  4. Bashka_IF

    need new game on Arma 3 engine (graphics part)

    Huge ? Name two pls, with similar graphics, map sizes, vechicles, planes. my problem with Arma 3 - 20fps or laggy server response even with 10 ping and 40+ fps
  5. need new game on Arma 3 (excluding networkpart) engine Multiplayer experience (no bots) in Arma 3 is terrible. you put 20 rounds into enemy from behind, he dies 5 seconds later and manages to kill you too. Or kills you and do not die. you see guy coming from around a corner - you die 0.1 seconds after without chance to fire back. player movement is kinda choppy compared to other games, vehicle move choppy almost always. why have mso many contant when game does not provide basic things. It is not my concertn that game want me tons of data about action 10 miles away, I want that enemy in my crosshair dies if I hit him. gameplay is poor. a lot of servers woth King Of Hill, that is in basic - deathmatch without tactics. why there is no servers with missions like in RO2/BF3/H&G ? there is 1 server with FT-2 mission and 1 with TacBF. I want another game, no mods (allow some customization), no bots on Amra 3 graphics engine and content, with some popular mission types, reworked network code for it so it is fluid as all other FPS games. and yes, if you happy with mods and bots, I'm glad for you, please don't flood in this thread.
  6. Bashka_IF


    delete this pls
  7. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General

    ukranian government official ( Oleksandr Turchynov) threatens to create "dirty" atomic bomb. prepare to survive, dear european supporters of "young democracy" ... http://news.rin.ru/eng/news///103078/1/
  8. Bashka_IF

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Sure. Nemtsov criticized Putin, insulted him on camera (not face to face), Putin killed him. It is so obvious, case solved, simply nothing to discuss here anymore
  9. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General

    wow, 2007... Today (5 march) was a news that ukraine gov. honored Shuhevich with 1 minute of silence and made 14 October a celebration day. 14 october -official date of creation of UPA, Ukranian Nationalist Army which fought on the side of Hitler army against Soviets.
  10. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General

    facism in ukrain: Roman Shukhevych honored as national hero on anniversary http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/roman-shukhevych-honored-as-national-hero-on-anniv-61606.html Roman Shukhevych - ukranian bloody nationalist participated in killings of civilians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia
  11. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General

    so much democracy in Russia today: any soldier can give away all secrets of russian army and not be afraid of any punishment. BTW Russian logistic is superb: he said tanks are moved to Donbas from Ulan-Ude, it is only 5130 kilometers (straight line), bravo.
  12. Bashka_IF

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    http://for-ua.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15481 people celebrate...
  13. Bashka_IF

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Obvious provocation before the planned opposition meeting in Moscow at 1 march. Boris was a well-known figure in the past, but not as bright as the anti-government politician Navalny who recently was trialed 2 times and 2 times given a suspended sentence, not even real sentence. Too bad these things happen.
  14. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General

  15. Bashka_IF

    Ukraine General
