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About _FR_starfox64

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  • Location
    Dijon, France
  1. Apparently putting CfgNotifications directly into description.ext instead of having it in an included file fixed it.
  2. That did not fix my issue, the description is still not there. The color is a placeholder btw.
  3. Hello, I've been trying to display custom notification in the mission I'm working on but something odd happens. ["KOTHPowerUp", []] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; class CfgNotifications { class KOTHPowerUp { title = "POWER-UP AVAILABLE"; iconPicture = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\instructor_ca.paa"; description = "A new power-up is available!"; color[] = {0.4,0,0.5,0.7}; duration = 4; }; }; How can I fix this issue?
  4. _FR_starfox64

    UnitPlay issue on dedicated server

    Date Submitted 2013-11-07 14:15 Great...
  5. Hello, I recently created a multiplayer mission where you insert in helicopters. When I test the mission in a local multiplayer session the helicopters follow the UnitCapture path fine but when I put the mission on a dedicated server here is what happens. HeliPath.sqf Heli1Path = [[...PathData...]]; Heli2Path = [[...PathData...]]; _Heli1Script = [Heli1, Heli1Path, [], true, nil, nil, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; _Heli2Script = [Heli2, Heli2Path, [], true, nil, nil, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; _Heli1Script spawn { waitUntil {scriptDone _this}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units group driver Heli1; deleteVehicle Heli1; }; _Heli2Script spawn { waitUntil {scriptDone _this}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units group driver Heli2; deleteVehicle Heli2; }; How can I fix this issue?
  6. _FR_starfox64

    Restrict UAV Controls

    Thanks, searching for "UAV" on the wiki did not show me this command back when I was looking for a way to do it.
  7. _FR_starfox64

    Restrict UAV Controls

    Thanks, that did the trick for restricting the driver control, now I just need to find out how to prevent players from adding waypoints.
  8. _FR_starfox64

    Restrict UAV Controls

    I just want to disable taking control of the driver and adding waypoints, not completely disable the UAV.
  9. Hello, How can I prevent players from taking control of the driver and adding waypoints to a UAV? In my mission there is a UAV with a 300m radius loiter waypoint and I want to prevent the players from interfering with the flight path, in the fire from vehicles showcase you cannot take control of or add waypoints to the UAV. The only issue is that the marksmen DLC is still encrypted so I have no way of knowing how these controls were restricted.
  10. _FR_starfox64

    Object Placement

    Yeah, I'm gonna be using X-Cam from now on, I actually did some looking around in the campain files and it seems that they are (or have been) using the built-in/hidden 3D Editor (RscDisplayMissionEditor).
  11. Hello, What is the best way to place objects accurately (in some sort of 3D editor obviously)? As of right now I'm placing my objects using Zeus and MCC to export to a .sqm. The issue is that Zeus is quite inaccurate when it comes to spawning and placing objects. I was wondering, which tool does the official mission makers use, the hidden 3D editor, or do they have some sort of custom script?
  12. This is exactly what I want to avoid as this seems extremely exploitable.
  13. Hello, How can I know if a specific player is an admin (from the server)? I looked around and it seems that you can only check if the local machine itself is admin, not a specific player. serverCommandAvailable "#logout"
  14. Foxed Servers is a new small community hosting an Altis Life server! We will be doing a raffle Sunday 9th at 3PM PST. Join our server and get a chance to become a Tier 1 Donator and get $100k! You can get more info about our community on our website foxedservers.com. To join our server simply filter for foxedservers.com and our server will be the only one in the list! If you have any questions fell free to join our forums and ask us ;)
  15. _FR_starfox64

    Very low FPS

    Thanks you so much it worked! I love you!