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10 Good

About Landyachtz

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  • Interests
    Aviation, Gaming, Computer Hardware, Cars, Hot wings, The F4 Phantom, Kid Cudi, and much more.
  • Occupation
    SIC at GE Aviation

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  • Biography
    My name is Connor Horton (aka Landyacht)
    I run the Arma community called "The Company"
    I am an avid Arma pilot, my favorite being the UH-60
    I enjoy near impossible missions, good coordination, and the art of being high speed/low drag.
    I try my best at all times to be respectful of others interests.

    On a side note, I work for a company called Southern Industrial Contractors. We work alongside General Electric in the build process for the GEnx turbofan engine. This is the turbine that finds its home on the Boeing 747 and Dreamliner.
  • Youtube
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  1. What is the faction classname for these units? i.e. US Army are "bis_us" and USMC are "bis_usmc" This would be helpful seeing how I need these units to have tracking markers attached via a call for faction. Thanks in advance
  2. Squadname - "The Company" Timezone - EST (GMT -5) Squad gamemode preference - CO or TvT Contact - thecompanyarma2@gmail.com website - http://www.thecompanyarma.com
  3. A while ago I had the same idea. Never followed through with it though. The farthest I ever went with my joystick outside of the pilot seat was using it for variable speeds in tanks and IFVs. You should be able to set your look inputs to the joystick. Let me know how that works out for you!