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About Rammer

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Coaching Football, Tactical Warfare
  • Occupation
    Marine Service Manager
  1. It could be the dedicated servers?? We use gameservers. I posted on Armaholic and there hasn't been a single reply. I did get Tonic's updated VAS and it took care of the error messages that started showing up when you went into the ammo crate but still have the task completed issue. And it happens on all the missions we have that contain multiple tasks, I guess it might be possible all of them were created using the module set up. We will see if they respond to djotacon's report.
  2. The custom mission I made "Cold Morning--Operation Stay Alive" uses modules, create task with triggers for task status succeed. It is posted in the workshop. I took it back into the editor, re-saved as MP. Now if I host a server, it run correctly, but when I run it on our gameservers dedicated server it starts with all but the last task marked as complete. (I did upload the new pbo to the server cfg after I saved it in the editor) I checked a few other missions we have on rotation on our gameserver server and all of them with multiple task do the same thing, once you enter the mission, and look at task, they are all marked completed.
  3. After getting the latest update on ArmA3, when I go into custom missions, all the task are checked as complete at the beginning of the mission, and then as you go through the mission it will start pop'n up task complete for every task. Also getting an error on the VAS, gun config wrong (I suppose because of the adjustments made to some weapons). This happens on our dedicated server and if I just host the mission. Any ideas on the task complete? [sA]Rammer
  4. Created my first MP mission after a great deal of learning from help here at Armaholic and BI forums. I am having an issue with my debriefing/End of Mission. I am running the mission on a gameservers server. Once the last task is complete I set a trigger, End1...works fine, once trigger is activated it displays Mission Complete for a few seconds then kicks everyone back to the start screen. So, I decided I wanted to add a little extra at the end screen...add a pic, display credits etc... I added to the discription.ext the following: class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = "Mission Completed"; subtitle = ""; description = "Job well done fellas, wait for helo extraction and head back to base for some well earned R & R."; pictureBackground = ""; picture = "SA.jpg"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; }; Then in the trigger init field I put: "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; The trigger is set to activate on Blufor Present Once. The trigger is selected as End1 (there is no other "end") Once I start the mission, select player and enter the game, the ending pop's up with what I added along with Mission Complete, then after a few seconds, back to the select player screen. I assume I have messed up the trigger or the description.ext but can't seem to find a topic/tutoral on how to do this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [sA]Rammer
  5. Created my first MP mission after a great deal of learning from help here at Armaholic and BI forums. I am having an issue with my debriefing/End of Mission. I am running the mission on a gameservers server. Once the last task is complete I set a trigger, End1...works fine, once trigger is activated it displays Mission Complete for a few seconds then kicks everyone back to the start screen. So, I decided I wanted to add a little extra at the end screen...add a pic, display credits etc... I added to the discription.ext the following: class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = "Mission Completed"; subtitle = ""; description = "Job well done fellas, wait for helo extraction and head back to base for some well earned R & R."; pictureBackground = ""; picture = "SA.jpg"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; }; Then in the trigger init field I put: "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; The trigger is set to activate on Blufor Present Once. The trigger is selected as End1 (there is no other "end") Once I start the mission, select player and enter the game, the ending pop's up with what I added along with Mission Complete, then after a few seconds, back to the select player screen. I assume I have messed up the trigger or the description.ext but can't seem to find a topic/tutoral on how to do this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [sA]Rammer
  6. Rammer

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    spunFIN, just what I have been looking for to help run my missions at high fps throughout. Great work! I do have a problem in MP and there are so many post on this and Armaholic forums I could not look through all of them to see if this issue have been talked about but in militarize and fillhouse when I add vehicles sometimes it seems like they just keep adding up, will start with 2 helo's spawning, then 3,4,5,6 seems like they would just keep coming if I didn't end the mission. I have adjusting what I can think of and sometimes it will seem to work fine but most times they just keep adding up. Here is what I entered: [Red4,2,50,[true,false],[true,false,false],true,[12,4],[1,0],""default"",nil,nil,4] execVM ""LV\militarize.sqf"";"; with this: ";nul = [[4],[player],400,true,true] execVM ""LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf"";"; Both are put in with gamelogic Any ideas would be great.
  7. Rammer

    Splash Screen Edit

    Must be the issue, the pic is jpeg, but it is not 512, 1024 or 2048 Thanks for all the help [sA]Rammer
  8. Rammer

    Splash Screen Edit

    Yep, tried that too, still no go.
  9. Rammer

    Splash Screen Edit

    well, I tried that, still no go. Tried putting a different pic into the file folder and using that, get same error. Changed the name of the pic file to SA and this is the ext file... OnLoadMission = "Virtual Ammobox System"; onLoadName = "Croatian Agression"; respawn = "BASE"; author = "SA Rammer"; respawndelay = "30"; #include "gear\common.hpp" #include "gear\menu.hpp" LoadScreen = "SA\intro.jpeg"; Not sure what I am doing wrong. Error on start up is....Cannot find picture SA\intro.jpeg File properties....SA type of file: JPEG image (.jpeg) size: 22.7 KB
  10. Rammer

    Splash Screen Edit

    Thanks for the fast reply. I already had a description.ext file with the spawns and so forth. I have the Mission Name, author and mission description working fine but cannot get the LoadScreen pic to show. I get an error message, cannot find Picture. I placed the picture in the folder where the sqm and ext files are located (C:\Users\Rick\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\{SA}Rammer\missions\Operation%20Take%20Back.Stratis). The pic is a jpeg. Should the string look like this.... LoadScreen = "C:\Users\Rick\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\{SA}Rammer\missions\Operation%20Take%20Back.Stratis\Team Stay Alive\intro.jpeg" Thanks again [sA]Rammer
  11. With the latest update, now when my created missions loads in MP, there is a splash screen. It says....Unnamed Mission, Unnamed Community Author. How/where do I change that info to show mission name and author? Very new to editing, sorry if its so easy a 5yr old could figure it out, I have looked around a bit but just don't see it. Also, is it possible to have our clan image to show on the splash screen? Thanks, [sA]Rammer