The key rhsafrf.0.3.7.bikey prevents our server from initializing properly.
I can't point out wich is the exact problem with it but any installation i put this key fails to launch correctly and i have to manually end the process in the task manager.
Downloaded form
I need help as the new Arma 3 artillery sight shows ",2 ft" where the current and desired elevation values should be displayed (down-right). Also in the center-left it displays ",1 ft".
This happens with mortars and artillery (BLUFOR and OPFOR) but the Artillery Computer does work so the problem sticks to how the data is used for the sight only.
I've already tried some things: Reinstalling the game, trying dev. build, uninstalling antivirus, deleting configuration files and some other minor things; nothing changed.
A possible solution would be very wellcome but if at least someone can start pointing out what the game does to display that data that would be a good start point as it is clear something is being messed up in the process.
Finally it turns out this only happens in some languages. Not working in spanish nor french at least.