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About Shibby

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  1. Thanks. It took alot of time to figure out the code. But what i did was to take away alot of shit in the adress like http://api.mybrowserbar.com/cgi/errors.cgi?ct=15&type=dns&ccv=153&q= then hit the Enter button then it worked. I use Chrome. If anyone need any help send me an E-mail: lolla9119@hotmail.com and i can help you thrue it. I guess its gonna be alot faster then sending an E-mail to the support :P THANKS AGAIN Ballistic09! <3 :bounce3:
  2. Ive even tried to call the bank in different countrys and they culdn't help me. Im swedish and i tried to call Poland England and the US. No help there or maybe they can't help.
  3. All mine does is reloading the page and it says Transaction is being processed Please wait … and nothing happens been like this for 10mins now.
  4. Day 2.... Still no key to be seen... Ive posted about 4 E-mails so far with all the information i can give and still no answare. Feels like i am the 1%
  5. If i only can get the f*** key i would play with ya :>
  6. I got exactly the same problem mate. Same thing with no E-mail confirmation or Order number. I can wait... But im not buying another copy unless i get my money back so i can try buy it again ofc. Also it says Order Information: No Orders to Display. In my "my games". Sent an e-mail to Bohemia, now just wait and see what happens i guess.