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About Klages

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  1. normally you select the radio messages with the buttons 0-9, i would like to map them to a controller. is there any way to realize this because i can`t find this option in the configuration.
  2. i had the game first downloaded on my game hdd, i was able to play the installation for one hour without problems. after the second start which failed, i redownloaded the game from steam. this time i installed it on my ssd (should no defrag need), which now shows up the same problems as when it was installed on the hdd. i have also the arma series installed which start without any problems, also my pc is at least 6months old. i agree with the hardware problem but i have no clue what it could be since all other games and applications running really well. PC specs: intel i7-2700k@3.50Ghz, 16gb ram, nvidia gtx660, win8
  3. hi guys, i bought the game yesterday over steam. after download the game ran very well and i played for an hour or so, but as i tried to start the game a second time i received this error message: "The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error." i looked up google and realised that it might have something to do with the harddrive, so i deleted the game and installed it on an other harddrive. sadly i got still the same error message. suspicious is that every time i check the file integrity from the game (on steam) there is one file that have to redownloaded no matter how often i run the check its always one little file that need to be redownloaded. help would be neat because i cant find any solutions over google.
  4. works like i wanted it thanks! if it quits after 83.3333 minutes, how can i manage this function to work infinite? (its for a dayz server)
  5. hello everyone! i tried to make a script that forces the playerview in Vehicles to First-Person. what i got is this: while {true} do {if(vehicle player != player) then {player switchCamera "Internal";};sleep 0.5;}; with this code the player is able to play in First-Person and third-Person while on feet, as soon as the player gets in a vehicle the camera should change to First-Person (Internal). the problem with this piece of code is that if i get in a vehicle the camera stays out of the vehicle. when i try do drive away the camera stays still at the point from which i got in the vehicle. can please anybody help me out with this? i guess its just a small thing or somethingi just dont know. cheers!