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Everything posted by Waffle_SS

  1. Waffle_SS

    currentWeapon in MP

    if (isServer || isDedicated) then { private ["_units","_i","_unit"]; while {true} do { _units = playableUnits; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _units)-1) do { _unit = _units select _i; if ((alive _x) && (_x iskindOf "Man") && (primaryWeapon _x != "")) then { hint format ["%1 is one badass motherfucker",_x]; sleep 1; }; } forEach _units; }; };
  2. just use this once: { _x addAction ["BTK Cargo Drop","BTK\Cargo Drop\InitAction.sqf"]; } forEach (nearestObjects [player, ["Air"], 30]);
  3. Personally, I wouldn't use a trigger for that. But if I were to use a trigger, I would do: If your using a trigger radius: Activation: select player's side Condition: this & player hasWeapon "EvMap"; On Act: hint "A player has 'EvMap'"; Otherwise, just make a trigger with: Condition: player hasWeapon "EvMap"; On Act: hint "A player has 'EvMap'";
  4. To remove any possible chance of generating an array index that doesn't exist, change that to: _RandomTownPosition = position (_towns select abs((round(random(count _towns)))-1));
  5. Waffle_SS

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    Why the hell is this using .sqs files?!? Those are made for use in Operation Flash Point!
  6. Hello people of Bohemia Interactive forums. Recently, I've been attempting to make a script in which after a player disconnects from a server, the AI that takes over their unit automatically is killed. The issue with this is, after the AI is killed, the player can not use the playable unit in any way. Upon trying to take control of said playable unit, you are met with a scoreboard, and the AI's dead body, with no hopes at respawning. Respawning is enabled on the server, and does work when the player dies in-game, or presses the respawn button to die. Any help on this issue is appreciated, thanks.
  7. Waffle_SS

    Loop .sqf

    Just use <objectname> setVehicleInit "<delete NVGs>"
  8. Waffle_SS


    You could try something like: _VIPcheck = true; while {_VIPcheck} do { if(CONDITION) then { >insert shit here< } else { >insert other shit here< } }; If you want to stop the loop put something like "_VIPcheck = false", and the loop should stop running.
  9. Well seeing that Bohemia isn't adding a ragdoll fucntion at the moment, I decided to help find a way to ragdoll units on command. So far I have been able to do it in a water enviroment using a boat bt teleporting it to the player, putting the player in the boat, accelerating the boat, and then ejecting the player. The whole thing takes about half of a second and the boat is almost unnoticeable to the player. _ragdoll setVelocity [0,0,0]; _ragdoll setPos [(getPos _ragdoll select 0),(getPos _ragdoll select 1),-1.59697]; _ragdoll setVelocity [0,0,0]; _savepos1 = getPos _ragdoll; sleep 0.3; _magicarpet = "B_Lifeboat" createVehicle [(getPos _ragdoll select 0),(getPos _ragdoll select 1),-1.59697]; _magicarpet setPos _savepos1; _magicarpet setVelocity [0,0,9]; _ragdoll moveInCargo _magicarpet; _magicarpet setVelocity [0,0,-9]; _ragdoll action ["eject",_magicarpet]; sleep 0.5; deleteVehicle _magicarpet; The only problem with this is that I have no way of forcing the player to unragdoll, they just coast down to the bottom. It would be very usefull if there was some method of getting the player to unragdoll a few seconds after they are ragdolled. I also can not find a usefull method of getting a player to ragdoll on land.
  10. As the tittle pretty much says, is there any sort of command or method to change the underwater view distance? In Bohemia's underwater gameplay is using a higher underwater view distance, and in my opinion it looks much better. Can someone help me out here?
  11. Waffle_SS

    Set Underwater Visibility?

    ...Except setViewDistance doesn't seem to take any effect underwater.
  12. I'm trying to get opfor units with AA RPG's to fire at the player when in range. The only problem is the AI are not shooting untill your in a hover 200m away from them (=_=). I've tried "commandFire", "FireAtTarget", and so on. No matter what I do, the AI are still just as afraid to pull the fucking trigger. What the hell do I have to do to get these guys to fire missiles at descent ranges?
  13. Thanks man, i'm not sure why that wasn't working for me before.
  14. Tried that, didn't work. :L
  15. I would try "heli1 setBehaviour "CARELESS" when you want to make the heli oblivous to the enemy, and then "heli1 setBehaviour "AWARE" when you want it to wakeup again.
  16. Waffle_SS

    How to? Hostage situation

    I would try to use a trigger with any of these: "opforguy1 commandFire hostie1;", "opforguy1 doFire hostie1;", "opforguy1 fireAtTarget [hostie1,"WEAPONCLASSNAME"];" I can't confirm if any of these will work right for you, but thats what I dug up from the scripting wiki.
  17. I'm pretty sure this has not been put in yet. The best we can do is make a script that forces a unit to eject from a vehicle.
  18. If you don't like "if" statements try to use "waitUntil{}" or "while{} do {}"
  19. Please, does anyone have any idea on how to at least get close to working?
  20. If you really lazy you can place an ammo box at each pillar and give them names like "pillar1" and so on. Then in a trigger or script put something like "!alive pillar1 && !alive pillar2 && !alive pillar3 && !alive pillar4" for the condition, and then on activation put "hint "Tower Destroyed";"
  21. Waffle_SS

    AH-9 Co-pilot seat

    I dont even think its possible at this point :L
  22. I need help passing a variable from a script to a trigger that has been placed in the editor. Lets say I have a variable "dsarf=true" in a script. When I try to have a trigger activated by the condition "true=dsarf" the variable never gets through. I've even tried "dsarf=true;publicVariable "dsarf"; in the script, but it still never gets through. Does anyone know how to pass a variable between a script and a trigger? Both ways?
  23. Yes this is kind of random, but does anyone know how to attach object "A" to object "B" in ArmA 3 Alpha? The original plan was to use the old "attachTo" command from ArmA 2 to create a boat of floating containers (don't ask). Is there any substitute for this that will work with the new PhysX 3.0 objects?