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Posts posted by yamajin82

  1. I'm still struggling to get this working. I just created a new mission to test it out. Copied the folder into my mission, put the line in the init.sqf, start the mission in editor, get the hint that revive is intialized, but no revive function. Please help, its driving me nuts! I've used it previously with no issues but the last two missions have been like this, any help would be appreciated.

  2. Hello, I'm making a mission where I need to differentiate between friend and foe while in thermal view from a helicopter. Is there any way to do this? A periodic flash or any kind of visual clue that would be obvious from a somewhat shaky view (I know the infantry helmets are a dead give away but its hard to really get that zoomed up on them without the screen shaking all over the place) would be great. Thanks!

  3. Wait, is this in singleplayer or multiplayer?

    Interestingly it works with any SP version, ie when I load it in editor by my self as well as when I select it in scenarios from the play menu in game. It will initialize in MP when creating a game from both the multiplayer save file from editor as well as from the workshop file but the revive function will not work.

  4. Have you tried other revive modes?

    Yeah I just tried switching the value to 2 where anyone can revive with a medkit and its the same issue. Teammates just die and there is no option to revive. When I die however I get the spectator screen and the hint that tells me how far away the closest medic is but nobody is able to revive me.

  5. I noticed a few other posts similar to the issues that I'm having. I have a pop up message when I start the mission that says 1.4d initialized, but the actual revive only works when I preview it in editor. When I go to try it in multiplayer or my steam workshop version I still get the initialized message but there is no option to revive (I have it set to revive mode 1 where anyone can revive, so I know its not a medkit issue). Can anyone help me out here?

  6. I love this script but I seem to get random issues with it. I have a mission right now where it works when I preview my mission as Single Player in editor, it also works on the same mission as a multiplayer mission in editor, but when I run it in multiplayer and my friends join me I don't even get the "Revive initialized" hint. Anyone have a clue as to why that would be?

  7. Hello, I am making a mission where you are patrolling from town to town and only want the enemy AI to engage if I am say within 50m of them or so. As of now I am getting essentially what I want with a trigger making me captive from the start, then when I enter their vicinity I have a trigger set to not captive, then once I have cleared out the enemy I have another trigger that sets me to captive again. This works to a certain extent but I was wondering if there is a more tidy and smart way of doing it? Thanks.

  8. Hello, I did some digging in the forums and I found this old thread about a civilian kill counter:


    I tried all the varieties of what is shown in the thread and got it to work in single player but when I save the mission as MP it no longer works. I am a total noob when it comes to this kind of thing so can anyone tell me if there is any reason why this shouldn't work in Arma 3 Multiplayer?

    Here is essentially what is in the thread that I had working in SP:

    execVM "check_for_civ_death.sqf";// run on server side
    MC_DeadCivilianCount = 0;
    MC_DeadCivilianLimit = 10;// limit amount of civ casualties allowed
    MC_EndMission = false;
    [] spawn {
    waituntil {MC_EndMission};
    playSound "start";
    cuttext ["Game over. Civilian casualties are at an unacceptable level. Hearts and minds, boys...","PLAIN",2];
    sleep 10;
    endmission "END2";
    MC_fnc_deadCivilians = {
    hint parseText format["<t color=""#80FF00"">Civilians dead: %1, Watch Your Fire 10 is the limit.</t>"];
    if (_this >= MC_DeadCivilianLimit) then {
    MC_EndMission = true;
    publicvariable "MC_EndMission";
    MC_eh_killed = { 
    private "_side"; 
    _side = side (_this select 1); 
    if (_side == WEST) then { 
    MC_DeadCivilianCount = MC_DeadCivilianCount + 1; 
    publicvariable "MC_DeadCivilianCount"; 
    if isdedicated then { 
    if (_this >= MC_DeadCivilianLimit) then { 
    MC_EndMission = true; 
    publicvariable "MC_EndMission"; 
    } else { 
    MC_DeadCivilianCount call MC_fnc_deadCivilians; 
    if isserver then {
    if (side _x == Civilian && _x iskindof "Man") then {
    _x addEventHandler ["killed", MC_eh_killed];
    } foreach allunits;
    } else {
    "MC_DeadCivilianCount" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) call MC_fnc_deadCivilians };
    [] spawn {
    waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};	
    waituntil {!isnil "BIS_alice_mainscope"};
    waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_variablespaceadd"};
    [bIS_alice_mainscope,"ALICE_civilianinit",[{_this addEventHandler ["killed", MC_eh_killed]}]] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd;

  9. Alright, I've tried a variety of solutions to get the hostage to release the "surrender" animation but no luck. His hands will come down, but he is then stuck in place, unable to move but has joined my group. My latest attempt was a mix of methods found on the forums including:

    On the Hostage named H1:

    removeallweapons this; removeallitems this; removeheadgear this; removevest this; this unassignitem "nvgoggles"; this removeitem "nvgoggles"; this setcaptive true; (at one point there was also a " this disableai "move"; added in there but I took it out to see if it was conflicting with my trigger)

    Hostage has a waypoint with this in the init:

    H1 playMoveNow "CutSceneAnimationBaseZoZo"; H1 switchMove "TestSurrender";

    On the trigger (from a post by Kylania):


    [_x] joinSilent (thisList select 0);

    _x setCaptive false;

    _x enableAI "MOVE";

    } forEach [H1, H2];

    Any ideas as to why my hostage is stuck in place? The trigger is working to get his arms down and join my group but won't budge. Also, Kylania, if you read this, you da man!

    ---------- Post added at 03:11 ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 ----------

    If I remember, simply exec this: officer switchMove ""

    Note, there is no transition. BTW, the animation name is self explained, so soon or later, this could be renamed.

    Oh I also tried this and it didn't work either

  10. Hello, I recently discovered the animation viewer and have been looking at all the different animations. Through some of my forum searching I have found how to get a unit to do a certain animation (in this case I have some hostages with their hands on their heads, activated by reaching a waypoint). Being a complete noob, can somebody please explain how I would get a unit to get out of the surrender animation to resume normal behavior? I referenced Jester's youtube video on hostage release and I can get them to join my group but they are frozen in the hands on head animation.

    On the captives I have:

    officer playMoveNow "CutSceneAnimationBaseZoZo"; officer switchMove "TestSurrender";

    On the release trigger I have:

    [officer, civ1] join p1; officer setcaptive false; civ1 setcaptive false; officer enableAI "move"; civ1 enableai "move";

    Like I said, I'm a total noob to this stuff so if you have any suggestions on how to improve the surrender animation or how to get out of it I would greatly appreciate it. Cheers!

  11. So I entered the on death drop to my .sqf and its still clipping through the ground. I'm assuming that I entered the code wrong. In my carry1.sqf the lines of code are inset by one space further each time, for example:



    (two spaces)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    (three spaces) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Do I need to maintain that format or can i just go with:






  12. I'm afraid that is quite a poor script really and should be rewritten. Poor use of variables and it's no MP friendly.

    Try adding the death line to the script

    case 0:


    _scase = _this select 0;

    _man = _this select 1;

    _scase attachto [_man, [-0.23,0,-0.15],"Pelvis"];

    _scase setdir 75;

    _scase removeAction act1;

    act1 = _man addaction ["Drop Case","carry.sqf","",1,false,true,""];

    take=1;scase = _scase;taken=true;

    [_scase,_man] spawn {waituntil {!alive (_this select 1) or take==1} ; detach (_this select 0);};// on death drop


    I never had a problem picking it up if it was detached.

    haha yeah, I dug it up in an old post from 5 years or so ago and was surprized it actually worked at all so I was pleased, but any improvements will be awesome. You guys are collectively the man! Oh, and I was just being lazy with copy&paste, all the ; are there.

  13. sorry about that, the script is carry.sqf:

    switch (take) do


    case 0:


    _scase = _this select 0;

    _man = _this select 1;

    _scase attachto [_man, [-0.23,0,-0.15],"Pelvis"];

    _scase setdir 75;

    _scase removeAction act1;

    act1 = _man addaction ["Drop Case","carry.sqf","",1,false,true,""];

    take=1;scase = _scase;taken=true;


    case 1:


    _man = _this select 0;

    detach scase;

    scase setvelocity[.5,.5,-.5];

    _man removeAction act1;

    act1 = scase addaction ["Take Case","carry.sqf","",1,false,true,""];




    and in the suitcase init:

    take=0; act1 = this addaction ["Take Case","carry1.sqf","",1,false,true,""]

    and on the officer:

    suitcase attachto [officer, [-0.03,-.105,-0.27], "LeftHandMiddle1"]; suitcase setdir 90

    I'm very new to editing so I'm not sure where I would put the suitcase setposatl, any help is greatly appreciated.
