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Posts posted by armyinf

  1. So after starting working on some basic scripting for a mod, I have run into what seems to be a pretty unique problem. Using the A3Tools Addon Builder (I have tried Mikero's Tools and PBOManager), I can pack the mod folder without any problem at all. It contains all of the necessary scripts, etc., but when I actually get into the game, none of the scripts I pack are detected. They are obviously there, because when I unpack the PBO, all of the scripts are there. Also, when I give all of the files to my friend, and he packs them, the PBO works just fine in game. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. Unfortunately, running updated 0.3.6 + A3 1.42 stable, I am getting consistent, complete A3 crashes when player as commander turns out from USMC Desert M1A1FEP tank. Also, when player as commander turns out from M2A3 Bradley (Busk 1), his position clips with tank (he is too far down), but this does not cause a crash.

    Can confirm its like that on all the M2 Bradley models (Didn't check the M6)

  3. I have a update coming this week for the A-10C and i'll look into this before I put the update out, I've been busy with other things and getting my Airfield Logistics mod done to put out this week too.

    Thats great to hear!

    I know feature request, but if there a way you can have "two" A-10's, one with HUD disabled as it currently is, and one with HUD enabled?

  4. That won't work as the backpacks are not already part of the vehicle

    If you want to do it from vehicle init then this would be much better:

    _x addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 2];
    }forEach (everyBackpack this);

    Note: The backpacks need to already be inside the vehicle otherwise this won't work. Only works on backpacks that are already inside your vehicle.

  5. So I assume just making sure I am following your code, write an SQF and link it in the init of the vehicle.

    so for 8 backpacks I would name each one something I.E.

    _BP1 _vehicle;

    _BP2 _vehicle; etc


    _vehicle addBackpackCargoGlobal ["B_AssaultPack_khk", 1];

    _BP1 = (everyBackpack _vehicle) select (count _BPs); etc

    _BP1 addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 2];

    _BP2 addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 2]; etc
