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Everything posted by opus

  1. Placing game logics in map creates new capture locations. Example below could be used for the NW Airfield on Chernarus. The same can be used to adjust location of the depots and camps Warfare spawns, just setvariable "name" in the city logic to the name of the town. At game start WF checks for a city logic within 350m before running a town's setup, and if it finds one will use it instead. Quick setup for adding custom capture sites to a Warfare mission in editor: 1) SET UP THE DEPOT: Place a "City" game logic (Game Logic -> Locations -> City) where you want the depot to be. 2) In the Initialization field set variables, which the WF scripts will use for certain functions: this setVariable ["name","NW Airport"]; this SetVariable ["speech","airfield"]; this SetVariable ["fastTravelArea",NWAFFT]; The variables being set: a. Name: "NW Airport" is the name that will appear in chat messages when the location gets captured or lost: "NW Airfield captured", or "NW Airfield lost!" This "name" variable must be set for Warfare to detect the location as a custom capture site. If adjusting a town used by Warfare, use the town name. b. Speech: "airfield" is the word that will be spoken when the location gets captured or lost: "airfield captured", or "airfield lost". It has to be a config sound or it has no sound. Custom locations generally won't have sounds set up (unless you create them), so simplest options are "town", "village", "airfield" or "CommandPost". If adjusting a town used by Warfare, use the town name. c. FastTravelArea: NWAFFT will be the name of the logic placed to identify where incoming fast travel units arrive. 3) SET UP DEFENSE CAMPS: Place "Camp" game logics (Game Logic -> Locations -> Camp) where you want any defense camps to be. 4) SET UP THE FAST TRAVEL AREA: Place a "City Flat Area" game logic (Game Logic -> Locations -> City Flat Area) where units using fast travel will arrive. Try to choose a relatively flat open area. 5) In the Name field, give the flat area logic a name. The name must match the "FastTravelArea" variable that was set in the depot logic. Example: NWAFFT 6) SET UP THE FAST TRAVEL ROUTES: Choose which of the nearby capturable towns will have direct access to this location. Might be based on connecting roads but, eh, maybe not. 7) Place a "City Link" game logic (Game Logic -> Locations -> City Link) at each chosen town. Teams will be able to fast travel to this custom site from those towns. 8) SET UP THE OWNING SIDE: If you want owning side to be default at game start, ignore this step. Otherwise, place an "Owner (x)" game logic (Game Logic -> Locations -> Owner (x), where "x" represents BLUFOR, OPFOR, NAPA or Civilian). 9) FINALIZE: Clear any automatic grouping. If any of the logics have a light blue "group" line connecting them, select Group (F2), select the logic and drag away to empty space so they become ungrouped. 10) Select Synchronize (F5) and synch the "City" logic (depot unit) with each of the other placed logics (camps, flat area, city links, owner). 11) Finally, synchronize the Warfare logic to the "City" logic. The location should now serve as a custom capture site. Save and launch.
  2. The SOM reinforcement isn't configured as a support (called), it's configured as a SecOp (offered), which by default is not added to the pool but set to auto-activate as members of the team get killed. When a death occurs it activates to offer the reinforcements. The leader either accepts or declines, just like a SecOp. If the leader doesn't respond the offer times out, just like a SecOp. But it only runs automatically if its setting is 'true' at mission start. Are you using settings in the module or no? If so, fifth setting would be auto-reinforce.
  3. Not dead yet! Not dead yet.... :o I'll wrap up what was found on the SecOps Manager (SOM) and push it to goliath86 for consideration. It should make the SOM compatible for hosted multiplayer and Warfare missions, without impacting the campaign or packaged missions that use SOM. I can't say for DS (don't have one) but hope it might resolve issues there too. @ goliath86. I'll PM when sent. I hope you won't be hesitant, but can't be disappointed if you are. The write-up is huge, but gives over-detailed explanations for most things. The proof is in the play though; I'll include a couple missions, MP and WF that use the suggested changes.