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About SanMiguel

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  1. This issue has already been reported here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7743 Please go to the issue tracker and vote up to give it a higher priority.
  2. I don't get the complete picture with the 'injection' or 'hack'. So does it really not change any file on my client and are we sure that's only temporarely, means in memory and as soon as I restart the game it's gone?
  3. SanMiguel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yes, same for me, Steam deleted my ArmA 3 folder and downloaded the whole content (6.9 GB) again last night. What has happened?
  4. SanMiguel

    Graphical Issues

    I would guess you have an issue with your graphic card. Have you checked if it get cooled and the GPU temperature is ok? Does the GPU card fan work?
  5. SanMiguel

    Wrong mouse acceleration in Alpha Lite

    This will not help you with your problem, but can you please describe how you managed it to install the Alpha and Alpha Lite in pa rallel? And why?
  6. The thread is asking for my first ArmA 3 impression, so here it is: WOW, WOW, WOW! Hey BI, this was really unexpected what I have seen here: A fantastic graphic and a much more stable Alpha than the ArmA 2 first release!!! Of course a lot is still missing, but what you provided us in the Alpha has a very high quality level. And I really like this model to get the community involved in that early stage, this is really beneficial for both sites and will definetly improve the final version. Great job so far BI, please keep this high level!