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About Darkfie1d

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  1. But my concern was more about close (range) to midrange, since when I'm running around in TPS and all of a sudden there pops an enemy around a corner and I have to react fast so when I shoot with my crosshair on the head of a soldier the bullet hits around the belly. I know about the gravity since it's one of the many things I like about arma, thanks for the info regardless.
  2. Thanks a lot buddy. :P
  3. Hi, Sorry if it's an already mentioned issue but I failed to find any solution by searching the forums. My problem is when I play Arma 2 in FPS mode I get dizzy because there are a lot of shakes and blur going on, and I have this issue for a while. When I go TPS my crosshair is higher than it should be therefore when I fire my weapon the bullet hits much lower than intended. Is there a way to fix this? I redownloaded the game through steam and checked for the integrity of local files and it didn't help. I'd appreciate it if you could help me with solving this. I have screenshots but the forum rules wont allow me to post them since I created a fresh account only to solve this. PS: Sorry for my poor English skills it's not my native language.