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About shona

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    Lance Corporal


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    Electronics technician for devices and systems

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  1. shona

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Here https://pastebin.com/a1dp5JTX But i think i found the problem, we had the optional weapons from NIArsenal too and they cause the problem which is strange because we played with the same mods other missions like Patrol Ops 3 & 4 and had no issue. If i load the server now without the NIArsenal Optional Weapons it is working Edit: Other question Is it an issue for the mission if i move the base to the airbase?
  2. shona

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hello, i downloaded =BTC= Hearts & Minds Version 1.18.4 from the Github site but i can't run the .pbo on my dedicated server. I tried the mission without RHSUS and with RHSUS. Both time the server respond with the following error. 0:11:12 Roles assigned. 0:11:12 Reading mission ... 0:11:51 No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches.rhs_c_weapons'. 0:11:52 Mission =BTC=co@30_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis read from bank. Since i know a little bit about editing mission files i unpacked the mission and search all files for "rhs_c_weapons" but nothing. I tried to start with the mod and without the mod but again the same respond from server. Since 2 hours now i try to solve the issue but i can't find it. Edit: Mods loaded with the neweste versions on the server - ACE3 - ACRE2 - CBA_A3 - NIArsenal (It makes no difference if i load it or not)
  3. It is not a mistake...Press here http://radio.task-force.ru/en/ the "Download Radio" Button and you get 0.9.0.zip
  4. There is no way to handle this. We using B.E.C to control if someone is on our TS3 Server and in the correct Channel, if not they get a warning and kicked from the server. If you want using BEC with the TS3 Plugin you have to edit the "Ts3_Settings.py" file in the plugins/Ts3 Folder of B.E.C To find out the Channel ID's we are using the Webinterface for TS3 from psychokiller. I think there is no other way to find out the channel id's If you have A.C.R.E on the Server no one without A.C.R.E can join the Server so there is no need for the ACRE antenna
  5. @Tonic Xeno wrotes me he don't know what you mean with "involves Domination as the restrictions put onto it by Xeno aren't something I like" because Domina is the most modded Arma mission. Also the problem is defenetly not Domination there is something in VAS which kills the respawns. I know you changed it but there is something which breaks it still. Other thing is can i disable the "Load on Respawn" in the Code to look if this is the problem? Or is it to complex to comment the lines out?
  6. VAS is defenetly installed, in a other way then you post but this is because the Domi uses also a cfgfunctions.hpp I can use the VAS Box like it should and before the 2.0 Update i never had the blackscreen but i thought i would be better if you update so i posted it here. I don't know before that you updatet this Codepart so it was a shock for me to see that after this change you made i get the blackscreen. Domination is a complex system but easier to understand as your mod. I work now since end 2011 with Domi and have never such a Problem with a Mod and the Respawnsystem of Domination.
  7. I never use this because it dublicates the inventory... I tried to test an other issue and get the black screen after the 3rd respawn. If this is not vas which killes the Domination respawn which "Mod" is it then? I have no other Mods in the map as VAS and i don't touched the VAS box on this test i only use the "Save Gearlayout" from the normal Domination Box to bring up an error message after respawn. (http://hx3.de/461198-beitrag731.html) So i don't get the message but i get a blackscreen with the message "You have selected a respawn position, stand by!" and then nothing. Something is destroying the respawn system and as i say i have no other mod then vas in the mission Edit: Tried on vanilla mission and work without problem, no blackscreen.
  8. ok, but i get still the blackscreen with Version 2.0 after 3-5 respawn. i tried it without VAS and have no problem with the respawn
  9. player RemoveallEventHandlers "Respawn"; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[VAS_slot] spawn VAS_fnc_loadGear;}]; Can you please change the removing of all eventhandlers for respawn because you kill all respawn options with this code snippet and we get blackscreens after some time if we respawn. If you don't trust me i hope you trust Xeno -> http://hx3.de/460929-beitrag695.html <-
  10. Hey all, we using the A.C.R.E Version from here http://www.3commandobrigade.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1165 It works fine on our server but if someone join without A.C.R.E he dont get a error message that acre_sys_radio is missing he land only in the server browser. it is a little bit grap because they don't now whats the problem is :( Is there a way to fix this so they get a message?
  11. Is this line still the same? or do we have to change it? And if we have to change it which is the correct line now since the release?
  12. You don't need this =) If you have "taskkill /IM arma3server2.exe /F" in your bat the bec.exe will closed automatic after 1-2 second after the server is closed ;) You need this only if you have more then one IP or if you host the server from your pc and not on a root server Can you test it with our .bat file and your Stuff? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: ©2012-2013 Blackhorse Gaming by [bHG] Shona - All rights reserved :: If you have issues with the script you can ask in our Board under www.blackhorse-gaming.eu :: :: :: Info about /affinity :: :: /affinity 3 = Server starts on Core 0 & 1 of your CPU :: /affinity C = Server starts on Core 2 & 3 of your CPU :: /affinity 30 = Server starts on Core 4 & 5 of your CPU :: /affinity C0 = Server starts on Core 6 & 7 of your CPU :: :: Change the affinity how you like it and look how many CPU Cores you have :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @echo off color 1C title ARMA 2/3 Server Startup by Blackhorse Gaming echo BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH GGGGGGGGGGGGG echo B::::::::::::::::B H:::::::H H:::::::H GGG::::::::::::G echo B::::::BBBBBB:::::B H:::::::H H:::::::H GG:::::::::::::::G echo BB:::::B B:::::BHH::::::H H::::::HHG:::::GGGGGGGG::::G echo B::::B B:::::B H:::::H H:::::H G:::::G GGGGGG echo B::::B B:::::B H:::::H H:::::HG:::::G echo B::::BBBBBB:::::B H::::::HHHHH::::::HG:::::G echo B:::::::::::::BB H:::::::::::::::::HG:::::G GGGGGGGGGG echo B::::BBBBBB:::::B H:::::::::::::::::HG:::::G G::::::::G echo B::::B B:::::B H::::::HHHHH::::::HG:::::G GGGGG::::G echo B::::B B:::::B H:::::H H:::::HG:::::G G::::G echo B::::B B:::::B H:::::H H:::::H G:::::G G::::G echo BB:::::BBBBBB::::::BHH::::::H H::::::HHG:::::GGGGGGGG::::G echo B:::::::::::::::::B H:::::::H H:::::::H GG:::::::::::::::G echo B::::::::::::::::B H:::::::H H:::::::H GGG::::::GGG:::G echo BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH GGGGGG GGGG echo. echo. echo Server Startup Script for ARMA 2/3 made by Blackhorse Gaming echo. echo. :: Start the server... echo Start the server...please wait... set server="arma3server.exe" set cfg="-cfg=basic.cfg" set config="-config=config.cfg" set profiles="-profiles=YOURPROFILENAME" set name="-name=SAMEASPROFILENAME" set port="-port=2302" set mem="-maxMem=4096" set mod="-mod=@YOURMODS;" -netlog -world=empty -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1 -bandwidthAlg=2 start "" /affinity C0 %server% %port% %config% %profiles% %cfg% %name% %mod% %mem% echo Server is now starting... echo. :: Waiting 15 Seconds before Bec is starting so Bec timeout can not happen for /L %%i IN (15 -1 1) do ( ping -n 2 localhost>nul echo Bec starts in %%i) echo. :: BEC Startup...... set becpath="YOURBECPATH" cd /d %becpath% start "" "bec.exe" -f Config.cfg echo Bec is started. Have fun with your Arma 2/3 Server :) echo. ping -n 5 localhost>nul exit
  13. Are you sure you update the undefined errors? Here are all Error i get if i only load the map Error in expression <", count _locs];}; _locs = [_locs] call CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error position: <CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error Undefined variable in expression: cba_fnc_shuffle File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\core\functions\common\fn_initLocations.sqf, line 425 "CRBSERVERFPS,Time,FPSAvg,FPSMin,UnitsMax,UnitsAvg,UnitsCur,allGroups" "MSO-1.983 Persistent DB Disabled - Exiting." "MSO-2.006 Time Sync off: Date [2035,7,6,14,15]" "MSO-2.117 GTK Initialised Type: YACSA..." "FPS Missionobjects: 0" "FPS units to hide: 0" Cannot create non-ai vehicle GarbageCollector, "MSO-2.253 GTK YACSA Scanned new objects 0..." "FPS Missionobjects: 0" "FPS units to hide: 0" Error in expression <; _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _text; _text = ""; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; u> Error position: <_text; _text = ""; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; u> Error Undefined variable in expression: _text File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\support\modules\crewinfo\main.sqf, line 82 "MSO-2.501 CQB Population: starting to load functions..." "MSO-2.524 Initialisation Completed" "MSO-2.524 PDB EP Population: starting to load functions..." Error in expression <able "server_initmissiondata" != 1) && (MISSIONDATA_LOADED == "false")) then { > Error position: <MISSIONDATA_LOADED == "false")) then { > Error Undefined variable in expression: missiondata_loaded File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\core\modules\persistentDB\lobby_onConnected.sqf, line 23 "MSO-2.655 Create Locations: Name Stratis Air Base - Size 369.31,276.14 " "MSO-2.655 Create Locations: Name Agia Marina - Size 200,200 " "MSO-2.655 Create Locations: Name Camp Tempest - Size 121.02,90.49 " "MSO-2.716 CQB Population: loaded functions..." Error in expression <this select 0); _debugHint=false; if(_dynamicAI) then { while {true} do { _fr> Error position: <_dynamicAI) then { while {true} do { _fr> Error Undefined variable in expression: _dynamicai File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_DynamicAI.sqf, line 8 "MSO-2.845 Create Locations: Name Camp Rogain - Size 96.81,72.39 " "MSO-2.845 Create Locations: Name Air Station Mike-26 - Size 151.27,113.11 " "MSO-2.845 Create Locations: Name Camp Maxwell - Size 121.02,90.49 " "MSO-2.845 Create Locations: Name Girna - Size 77.45,57.91 " "MSO-2.845 Create Locations: Name Kamino Firing Range - Size 61.96,46.33 " "MSO-2.95 PDB EP Population: loaded functions..." "MSO-2.95 PDB EP Population: Starting INIT..." "MSO-2.95 PDB EP Population: Calling INITLOCS..." "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Stratis Air Base - Size 369.31,276.14 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Agia Marina - Size 200,200 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Camp Tempest - Size 121.02,90.49 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Camp Rogain - Size 96.81,72.39 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Air Station Mike-26 - Size 151.27,113.11 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Camp Maxwell - Size 121.02,90.49 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Girna - Size 77.45,57.91 " "MSO-3.032 Create Locations: Name Kamino Firing Range - Size 61.96,46.33 " "MSO-10.615 Initialise Locations (scalar)" Error in expression <", count _locs];}; _locs = [_locs] call CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error position: <CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error Undefined variable in expression: cba_fnc_shuffle File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\core\functions\common\fn_initLocations.sqf, line 425 "MSO-10.73 Initialise Locations (scalar)" Error in expression <", count _locs];}; _locs = [_locs] call CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error position: <CBA_fnc_shuffle; diag_log format["MSO-%> Error Undefined variable in expression: cba_fnc_shuffle File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\core\functions\common\fn_initLocations.sqf, line 425 "MSO-10.73 PDB EP Population: Endet INITLOCS scalar..." Error in expression <ion: Endet INITLOCS %2...", time, count CRB_LOCS]; }; _DEP_loctypes = ["Hill"> Error position: <CRB_LOCS]; }; _DEP_loctypes = ["Hill"> Error Undefined variable in expression: crb_locs File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\functions\MSO_fnc_depinitlocs.sqf, line 38 "MSO-10.73 PDB EP Population: Start collecting locs from CRB_Locs (scalar)...!" Error in expression <DEP_locs_tmp < DEP_ACTIVE_LOCS && count _CRB_locs_tmp > 0} do { private ["_cont> Error position: <_CRB_locs_tmp > 0} do { private ["_cont> Error count: Undefined variable in expression: _crb_locs_tmp File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\functions\MSO_fnc_depinitlocs.sqf, line 60 Error in expression <"VegetationVineyard"]; _CRB_locs_tmp = +CRB_LOCS; _DEP_locs_tmp = []; _DEP_ArtyI> Error position: <CRB_LOCS; _DEP_locs_tmp = []; _DEP_ArtyI> Error Undefined variable in expression: crb_locs File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\functions\MSO_fnc_depinitlocs.sqf, line 44 soldier[i_diver_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_diver_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e930040 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4bd28040 soldier[i_crew_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_AT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4f59a040 "CRBSERVERFPS,61.601,44.5958,1.5528,9,9,9,3" "FPS Missionobjects: 8" "FPS units to hide: 0" Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x516cc040 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4c578040 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 "FPS Missionobjects: 8" "FPS units to hide: 0" Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 "CRBSERVERFPS,121.631,44.0461,5.02513,11,10,11,4" Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x516cc040 LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x3f8ec080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5e8080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss' Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss' String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found String STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1449 not found Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss' Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss' Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss' Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5e8080 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 "CRBSERVERFPS,181.697,45.5372,17.8571,11,9.33333,8,4" "CRBSERVERFPS,241.702,45.3876,30.303,11,9,8,4" Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 "CRBSERVERFPS,301.754,45.2954,30.303,11,8.8,8,4" "CRBSERVERFPS,361.548,45.2163,20.8333,11,8.66667,8,4" Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x51d0e080 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e6f4040 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5b6080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5fc080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5b6080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 control[DebugConsole]: Unexpected control type [15] control[DebugConsole]: Unexpected control type [15] control[MessageBox]: Unexpected control type [15] control[MessageBox]: Unexpected control type [15] Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4e5b6080 Error in expression <aftSpawned=0; while {_airCraftSpawned < _air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error position: <_air} do {sleep 1; _airCraftSpawned=_air> Error Undefined variable in expression: _air File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\enemy\scripts\eos\eos_Init.sqf, line 96
  14. Yeah i know read here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127978-B-E-C-quot-Battleye-Extended-Controls-quot-Admin-Tool&p=2450182&viewfull=1#post2450182 i made this and it is version 1.01 from psutil thats why i ask if he test it with my version because i have no problems.