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Everything posted by magicool

  1. Hey I have a problem with the sound when driving in tracked vehicles; whener ever I hit any of the WASD Keys to change direction/accerlerate/break I get sound crackling for a few seconds. This also happens when changing direction while using mouse steering. kinda like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bbI9mKajMY I have a Soundblaster Audigy SE soundcard. - already reinstalled all the drivers and Creative software, also tried with the windows only and not the creative audio drivers - tried every possible combinations of audio settings in the drivers; 16/24bit, 44.1khz-96khz, soundcard-sided sound enhancements off/on - ingame sound samples from 16 - 128 - ran ArmA3 without any mods edit: this only happens with the default sounds when using the DragonFyre sound mod the crackling is completely gone Any of you have more trobleshooting ideas?
  2. thx for the info! glad to hear it's not on my side, sad to hear that theres no fix
  3. magicool

    Getting weird shadow glitches

    I have updated to 355.98 and no shadows at all
  4. Hey I don't know if I am blind or dumb but I can't find the "MapBuilder" module in the modules list? I looked through all the categories to see if it somehow went in there but nothing I only started @MapBuilder with no other mods for debug still nothing to find
  5. Hello I recently got Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE and people can't hear me ingame over VOIP. It seems to be an ArmA II specific issue since my mic is set up correctly & it works in TS/Skype & all other games I play whihc use VOIP. Any tipps?
  6. this would have been the right thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?74039-Arma-2-Addon-request-thread
  7. magicool

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    okay,thx in the readme.txt it still says convert3d is required though :P now I get the following error .... MSVCR110.dll missing .... when running arma2p what would that be? sounds like microsoft visual C++, but I think I have the latest microsoft visual C++ installed edit: I checked there is a msvcr110.dll in my system32 also I get a couple of "acces denied" and "betalist.txt not found"(which is indeed not there) errors in the cmd: to avoid acces denied I thought maybe running arma2p as admin would help but then the cmd says "P:\ must be set" although I have a P:\ drive :(
  8. magicool

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    I have the problem that arma2p says it also requires "convertp3d" but there is no "convertp3d" under https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files so where can I get that?
  9. Hello I want to shift the Ambient Civilans over to the Headless Client. I'm using the "HeadLessClient Auto Detection Switch"-Script so for normal AI I just put if(elec_stop_exec == 1) exitWith{}; in the first line since the Ambient Civilians are spawned automaticly by the module I have no idea how to shift them over to the HC help would be much appreciated
  10. nice work!! I love MRAPs looking forward for a release :) thx for still creating stuff for ArmA II!!
  11. magicool

    EOD Mod

    I think this mod must somehow broke with newer beta-patches, I don't think he'd leave us a completely broken mod. I placed all 4 modules tried with default inits and tried with all probabilities set to 100%, did it like shown in the videos in the OP. I haven't seen a single suicide bomber, triggerman or IED the loudspeaker is only working one time then I never get the addaction again. So am I guessing right when I say reezo abonded this project? But I'd be more than happy if some got this mod working lately and would share his experience here. Or maybe someone how has an older version of it (2.20) could PM me a link to it.
  12. thx, but still can't get it to spawn with a game logic on the wanted spot ("tent_east_ep1" createVehicle (getPosATL YX);), not even with f.a.t.a running also is it retextured for f.a.t.a or also in ArmAII:CO?
  13. magicool

    Taskmaster 2

    ah okay now it works like a charm thank you :)
  14. magicool

    Taskmaster 2

    Hey there, I have a problem with getting tasks broadcasted to other players. I've set up the mission this way; - I have no briefing - the taskmaster.sqf is being executed once on mission start by the server only - after around 60 sec. another script selects a task this task is then added via ["TaskXY","Do this","DO IT"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add; (called by server only, since it says it does broadcast everything to the players) so I waited till the task was set and let a friend join but he didn't see the task so we finished the task anyways but he didn't see the success task hint either when the task ended by using ["TaskXY","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd; (called by server only aswell, since it says it does broadcast everything to the players) and he wasn't able to see the next task, called by ["TaskXYZ","Now do this","DO IT!!"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add; , either what am I doing wrong, I'm the only one seeing the tasks (tested on Server hosted on my PC, not a dedicated Server)
  15. Hey, everytime I run the ger weppack 1 addon I get the following error on startup: And I can't shoot with any of the G36 rifles including the ones in this mod besides the ArmAII/ACE G36K (I guess becaise it 's using other cfgs/files). Nothing happens, it doesn't even the recoil animation on these rifles.
  16. magicool

    BWMod for ArmA II

    will this beauty ever be released? it's almost 2014... :(
  17. hey, first of all great map! I have a question tho, are those desert tents ArmA II build in or custom objects? I can't find the classname anywhere.
  18. magicool

    ACE for OA 1.13

    okay maybe I was not clear enough :) the map is FSF Jungle 0.1 Ingame you only see contour lines and height in meters on the ingame map (only with ACE enabled, when starting ArmA 2 in Vanilla mode it automaticly loads the satellite map on top of the toographical map.) but normaly topograpical maps also depicture vegetation (and roads, cities and so)not in this case though so it's very hard to navigate through the jungle. I guess because it's a very early version of the map. However, my question was if it's possible to enable the satellite map on the ingame map with ACE enabled. What I found in the ACE changelog. so is there maybe a fnc or variable that makes it possible to activate them again?
  19. magicool

    ACE for OA 1.13

    hey guys, I have the following issue, ACE seems to restrict Satelte-Map-textures on the ingame Map by default. I have a mission on an early map version and the topographical Map is not finished yet, it's basicly plane white. So I need the Satelitte-Map to navigate which is finished. On the briefing screen right on the beginning of a mission I still can see the Sat.-Map but ingamge using the ingame map it only shows the topographical in this case plane white map. Is there a way to allow Sat.-Map textures in ACE? Help would be much much much appreciated :)
  20. Hello, my question is how can I enable (satellite) textures on the ingame map, like in the editor or in DayZ (vanilla). im using FSF_jungle 0.1 for a mission and the ingame map has no vegetation depictured it's just plane white with city names, elevations and some houses. So if I could enable the sat textures it would be much easier to navigate. edit: ingame map at max, Zoom and for comparison the same location seen in the editor: edit: I got a hint from someone that it would be in the "definition of the map component". So do I have to make like a "cfgMap.hpp" and insert this code?: For example: class Map { ... maxSatelliteAlpha=0.66; alphaFadeStartScale=0.05; alphaFadeEndScale=0.15; ... }; Help would be much appreciated :)
  21. is this a "clientside repalcement" or is it required that this addon runs on the server aswell?
  22. is it possible to replace the default BAF units with this?
  23. how to set off a "BAF_ied_vX_muzzle" without all the fancy planting stuff? I placed an object, named "IED1" then a trigger Act: BLUFOR OnAct: bomb="BAF_ied_v3_muzzle" createVehicle (getPos IED1)