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Posts posted by chomiq

  1. Yeeeea, at the moment you can run A2/OA content in a addon folder but the pure amount of work to make the sights and weapons compatible would take months, if not a year or so.

    What about using one model (lets take M4 as example) of weapon as a base and creating separate attachments to make different variants of the same gun. That would only require modder to place proper attachments points on railed guns and check if everything works well together. End user would only have to pick his attachments on a gun (which is much better in my opinion compared to pre-defined setup). Regular (non-railed) guns would only require modder to add the A3 specific options (muzzle flash etc) in order to work properly in A3.

    That's only my opinion, I don't know all the fancy technical stuff about editing A2/A3. I know it's not that simple as simply dragging the files to A3 dir, but it's still less work than starting from scratch again.

  2. I don't like the 'press this button for insta-grenade' at all.

    Sure, in current stage its kinda like CoD-styled grenade, but if they'll add other functions it might be better than what we had so far.

    Personally I'd prefer to stick with a keybind dedicated to grenade toss (as it is more user friendly than having to cycle between weapons), but add transition from your primary/secondary weapon to grenade throwing. You don't see operators throwing grenades with their weak hand or sth and what we have so far seems to be a little too fast.

  3. ffs im so sick and tired of everyones defensive attitude! His english is not very good, nowhere in his post was he complaining, he was telling everyone his specs and his experience with the alpha, in this case, he was letting it get known that performance isnt on keen, stop ramming "ITS AN ALPHA Z0MG ALPHA" down everyones throat and let people post what they freaking want you child. Grow up and learn to read when someone is actually complaining. What you said about the amd cpu is true tho, or so ive read.

    I'm surprised you managed to pull that much stuff from one sentence. Now please count the number of posts/threads in which people mention that game isn't utilizing the hardware resources properly and think how many would we actually have if instead they'd stick to one actual thread. Read that others are experiencing the same issues as OP, even those with top notch hardware. It's all over the freaking place. BIS is aware of it and at this point (unless you come up with some great in depth analysis) all you can do is sit tight and watch them work on it. That's why I tried to keep it simple and instead got ganged up by you and called a child. You don't need 50 posts to explain one guy that what he's experiencing is a global and well acknowledged issue. Looks like I'm not the one that actually needs to grow up here.

  4. ok im running at 8 core cpu from amd at 4 gigs a core with 8 gigs of ddr3 ram and on a ssd with a 7970

    and my frames are horrible some times. i also have noticed when you are on a dedicated server. all people connected get random fps drops for like 10 seconds then it goes back to normal. i also noticed some missions run well only on self hosted servers. and will not run well on dedicated at all.

    so at this point and time im going to say.

    cpu not optimissed and is a bottle neck.

    that bottle neck bottle necks the gpu.

    the gpu also has issues and needs to be worked on.

    its hit or miss with this game on fps

    so can we get some help with the 7970 as well.

    not to many people have this card but i do.

    and would like to see it work well.

    on another note how i know this game has issues.

    i get 60+ fps in arma 2 amazing i know right ?

    so please any thing i can do to help let me know

    It's ALPHA, things aren't properly optimized yet. Deal with it.


    You don't have 8 core CPU as none such desktop cpu exists in this dimension. You might have 8 threads, but only 4 physical cores. You got fooled by AMD marketing scheme.

  5. For all of those reporting low gpu usage:

    Launch editor and place yourself in the village area. Take note of your fps and gpu usage.

    After that change your weather to heavy overcast. Preview again and compare.

    Personally I managed to achieve 99% of gpu usage and high fps during stormy weather. With sunny weather my gpu usage was somewhere around 40-50%.

  6. Anyone else thought that due to Steam being the only universal distribution system for A3 it means that no matter what they still get the % of share no matter if the game was sold through bistore or on steam? Like some sort of distribution deal that earns them 5% of each sold copy.

    Ok, read OP again and I see that he mentions it. Anyway, bought A3 on steam as bistore had problems on launch day. I also bought my A2 and OA in retail store, guess I'm the bad guy ;)

  7. Hi,

    So at 1500 view distance, other distances at default, standard SMAA, 2xAA, Post Processing at Low and with everything else maxed out I get around 30-45 FPS in the showcases.

    When I played multiplayer, I got around 20-25 FPS. I cranked down all the settings to as low as they would go, and I still got around 20-25 FPS.

    Is this game really that CPU bound? Does this give me a reason to overclock my CPU?

    Check if you have C1E enabled in bios - if you DO then you need to disable it. Report if it helped.

  8. Are you able to tell me that at current stage RV engine can greatly benefit from running as 64-bit executable, can you explain in what exact ways it will improve the "performance" of RV engine? No, you can't because you're not the guy that designed this engine, BIS know their tech and they know better if they have to go with 64-bit only executable at this point or should they stick to 32-bit for now. It's not about "the future" as we could clearly see that when DX11 was released most of the games released at that point were using regular DX9 tech because developers decided not to go with it. Hell, even a DX10 exclusive title was a phenomena. It's about "where are we now" and "where do we want to be with our final product".

    Maybe you can prove that such decision won't result in shift of release date of current BIS lead project - Arma 3? They already had delay when they decided to update the PhysX version, then they had to go with Steam because otherwise they'd have to design lots of stuff in house. Trust me, if they'd decide to go with 64-bit only version of the engine they would make such decision at beginning of the development.

  9. Do you remember how they cut off the nearly 70% of users that asked to not use Steam as the only distribution platform?


    If Bohemia Interactive feels that it will be a good business decision, they will do it.

    That's exactly what I'm saying - it's all about them deciding if it's a good decision to make. They took the risk and decided to stick with steam as the main form of distribution. You already had one of BIS staff explaining why they won't make such decision regarding 64bit at this point.

    Even with the case of your quoted "Steam - opinions and experiences survey" - it was exactly what the title said, they wanted to gather feedback. It wasn't "Do we go with Steam or not - you make the decision" type of situation.

  10. If you tally up those numbers:

    71.58% of Steam users are using a 64bit OS

    27.66% of Steam users are using a 32bit OS

    00.76% of Steam users are using an undefined OS.

    I think they really need to focus on 64bit.

    They won't as it would mean cutting off the 27%. If you're about to do such decisions you have to consider the feedback from customers. Sure, 72% might say "nothing against it" but 27% will say "no way!". Back in the days of DX8 and DX9 some people didn't want DX9 as minimal requirement because they just bought a brand new DX8 card. One would either decide to ditch DX8 and force their users to switch to DX9 or go with older tech/compromise between DX8 and DX9 mode.

    If you want another example lets take methods of distribution - look at Steam issue on this forum. BIS decided to go for option A - you deal with it or you don't buy it. It's a hard decision to make and a lot of thought goes into such decisions.

  11. The Alpha lite is a STEAM invite, I don't do STEAM so I guess I'll go Alpha, I don't need the additional game downloads, got 'em already The maps would be handy but I'll get them at a later date.

    Umm, ALPHA lite is in a form of invite to send to your friends after you bought REGULAR/DELUXE/SUPPORTER edition. You HAVE to use steam no matter what option you'll pick.

  12. Our original entry into the series is still something that inspires us as developers. For me personally it was the first thing I worked on for BI in 2001 (North American release). We felt it would be a nice little gift for people.

    Thanks for clarifying that. Guess I'll simply go with regular version.

  13. Few questions:

    1) Does this:



    12 WEAPONS

    Only relate to Alpha version or is it final list for full game

    2) What's the reason for including Cold War Assault?

    3) Why there's no DIGITAL DELUXE DLC BUNDLE EDITION - that includes 3 Alpha invites/Beta & Full Game/All Future Arma 3 DLCs? I'd pay 40 euros for this, I don't need ARMA X & CWR and I don't need the tactical guide/ost/map. Due to this if anyone wants the future DLCs he needs to pay 70 euros for some stuff that he really doesn't need.
