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About CthulhuRay

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    Private First Class
  1. CthulhuRay

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    honestly, both mods were installed after I played on a server and I liked the sound. not sure what the difference is between the two (never played with one and not the other) do you have any mod recommendations? from what I can tell SOS improves the heli sounds, they always seemed to be very loud. in the documentation there are Mission Templates, were these ever released? don't think they are in the download package.
  2. CthulhuRay

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    ok so I tested it last night (with all mods active) on a completely clean map and it worked fine. I'm not sure if the mission I was working on had too many other things going on or if the latest update changed anything. the mods I run are the following: ASR AI Blastcore Blastcore Tracers CBA JSRS2 Speed Of Sound V2 STHud TAO Foldmap I'll play around some more and see what happens
  3. CthulhuRay

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hey redarmy, apologies for not being clear enough, thanks for the reply I'm not using MCC, but I am running some mods (ASR AI for one, I can try without any mods). the chopper lands in the exact spot where I placed a marker. basically there's a repeating trigger that checks how many units are left in the group that is called Alpha. when countAlpha < 1 the script is called to send in a helicopter. I don't have the exact statement in front of me right now but the new group joins group Alpha. as soon as the helicopter lands the engine turns off and the units just sit in the heli next I tried it with a new group (no other group named Bravo on the map as an example) and that works fine - units get out to do their thing and heli leaves. once I get home from work I'll try to set up a demo mission with no mods, I'll let you know if it's still happening =] another thing I forgot to mention, if I change the trigger to countAplha < 2 and the current leader of group alpha is still alive it works fine.
  4. CthulhuRay

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    so to add to the reinforcementChopper script problem I'm using the reinforcementChopper script to replace dead groups so that once group "alpha" is dead a chopper brings in a new "alpha" group, it seems that when the leader of group "alpha" (or basically the whole group) on the ground is dead the spawned units won't get out of the chopper once it lands. however if I create a new group (say "Bravo") it works perfectly can anyone else replicate?
  5. CthulhuRay

    ARMA2 OA DLC install problems (steam)

    the problem was BIS/Steam side apparently. you could try verifying your steam cache to download the updated files that are supposed to work
  6. alright I understand, generally I only use it when I know it's safe and I use the mapclick to maneuver around dangerous areas didn't realize it until my chopper tried to land right on top of an AA tank =D
  7. Hi SaOk, I was playing last night and it appears that the Transport Heli is immortal. I took a ton of direct hits from AA missles while the heli was hovering above ground and nothing happened
  8. CthulhuRay

    ARMA2 OA DLC install problems (steam)

    I have excellent news, no idea what has changed but it worked I verified the cache again and it downloaded 1 file (no different from previously) ran OA and it installed ACR fine. The only difference this time is I did not have BAF or PMC installed. Busy re-downloading BAF and PMC to try those again.
  9. CthulhuRay

    ARMA2 OA DLC install problems (steam)

    yep no luck. I can see the key in the registry for ACR looks different from BAF and PMC but I'm having the exact same issue with PMC so that's probably not the problem.
  10. CthulhuRay

    ARMA2 OA DLC install problems (steam)

    doesn't look like anyone is too keen on helping out it appears that on all the forums everyone's recommendation is "run as admin". clearly this is not the proper solution found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2szI0f8BLo want to try it tonight, currently at work. didn't watch the whole thing yet and it could just be whatever I've done already. will see what happens I guess. I have an idea that perhaps the registry could be messed up since I had the retail installed and then installed the steam version.
  11. Hey folks, I had the retail copy of Arma2, Operation Arrowhead and Reinforcements. Recently they changed it so you can activate your CD-Key on steam so I did that over the weekend. Also bought ACR via Steam. So now I'm stuck with the same problem many users are experiencing whereby the DLC does not install correctly/at all but none of the "fixes" so far have worked for me. The odd thing is BAF installed fine but not PMC or ACR the error I get every time I run ARMA2 OA is something in the lines of "file read error... path/ARMA2 OA/ACR/setup.dat... " "file read error... path/ARMA2 OA/PMC/setup.dat... " some steps I went through (after the downloads finished) included: 1. Restart Steam 2. Restart as Admin (this only really makes a difference if UAC is turned on as far as I know) 3. Verify Game Cache for ARMA2, OA. It actually does download a new file every time I run it but no idea what it is. 4. Deleted the entire game and reinstalled 5. Deleted just the DLC packages and verified to download again 6. Reboot PC ... Adding the mod to the startup parameter or running it from the steam ACR page will only work if the game is actually installed. it does not look like ACR or PMC installs at all. looking at the \Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma2 OA folder there is only a BAF folder. In the DLCSetups folder I can see BAF/ACR/PMC. I copied the PMC and ACR folder into the root ARMA2 OA folder and changed the folders around a bit such as data -> addons it loads the dlc via expansions but the actual maps and missions aren't there. any help would be greatly appreciated as I have no idea what else to do... thanks, CthulhuRay
  12. Hey SaOk, I have a question regarding the caching/deleting of objects that are far away from the player character one thing that happened was that I took out an enemy mortar and decided to use it against my enemies. I put one of my guys from my squad on it as gunner and carried on pushing forwards towards a town. after getting a certain distance from my buddy the mortar disappeared and he was just standing around. another thing that happened is I used the "return HC" function on a group of friendly tanks. 2 tanks joined my squad and I was also in a tank. I rolled out and the AI was a bit slow so I went ahead expecting them to follow but then their tanks and their crew disappeared. I was wondering if it's related to the caching of units or perhaps just a random bug...
  13. Ah thanks, unfortunately I don't have the save anymore because I already restarted again. the only missions I had available when resuming that save was Liberate Altis, Make Contact With Resistance (speak to civilian) and create base camp when speaking to any civilian all I could do was ask for a mission (defend officer, deliver crates...) or ask about known enemies would it make sense to put markers on the map to show friendly/neutral/unfriendly villages? perhaps after you've visited them at least once?
  14. Hey Saok, I only play the sp version and noticed you added the ability to resume your game after quitting via the menu you get when you start the level (awesome feature!) after playing for quite some time (not sure if it was because of the patch before last) it reset the mission to speak to civilians, but when I speak to them I don't get the option to ask about the resistance anymore so I can't complete it. also what exactly does it mean when reinfocements are "blocked"? sometimes it just stays like that the entire time I play and not sure what is blocking them. could it be AA in the area?
  15. CthulhuRay

    Activate module with trigger

    I think I've seen a skip time module in the dev branch. Have not tried it though. I also tried creating a site via trigger, actually wanted to make it so that you can "capture" sites. Meaning if opfor is present and no blufor the opfor site activates... that make sense? couldn't get that to work =/ I guess we have to keep an eye on when this gets updated http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createSite http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148841-How-do-we-use-quot-createSite-quot you could just spawn some guys at the base without using the site module though?