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Posts posted by meatball

  1. Civilians have traditionally been fraidy-cats, even when using Careless behaviour. But I just tried the following code on a civilian, and he walked calmly past a firefight and didn't bat an eye when I shot at him:

    this disableai "target"; this disableai "autotarget"; this disableai "fsm"; 

    If for some reason that doesn't work out, you could always just force a walking animation on him if it's a simple A to B.

    Nope, that did the trick. Can unload a few mags into him and he just keeps on coming. Thanks!

  2. Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this. I have a task in one of my missions that spawns a civilian that walks up to the players with a simple doMove. When he gets near them it fires a trigger. Only problem is if the players get jumpy and accidentally shoot the civvie, the civilian seems to lose all motivation (go figure) to walk to the doMove end point. I've set the civvie to allowdamage false and allowfleeing 0, but that doesn't seem to keep him on track.

    Any thoughts?

  3. Yeah that should work so, place the game logics where you want to spawn militarize and fillHouse, give each it's call for the script in question and its parameters. Then you place somewhere an extra game logic and call in it simpleCache with the IDs and the other four parameters.

    Well, I've got v1 working, but had to use triggers with 'isServer' to spawn the original militarize spawns, then another trigger that runs the simpleCache call after all those complete. Seems to be a limitation with using the gameLogic call that you can't have calculations in some of the variables. In my case, I have a multiplier that I use to increase the range based on a parameter the players can choose and simply include that calculation in the militarize call (100*enemyMultiplier). For some reason that works without a problem with a trigger, but won't work with a game logic.

    Other than the expected delay at the start of the mission from all the militarizes starting up and then getting cached, it's working fine. And the delay isn't that big of a deal since the players have a few minutes of 'prep' to do anyways.

  4. Well, really trying to figure out both since I assume v2 matches what you posted.

    So for v1, it looks like I set all the Militarize calls as game logic to launch as the mission starts, then I _think_ I'm supposed to set up a trigger that calls simplecache.sqf with all the ID's I set in the game logic militarize calls.

    For v2, it seems different. Looks like if I just put markers with "Militar_Mrkr" as part of the name it grabs them and puts the default militarize around that marker. Just trying to figure out how to make some of those markers different militarize settings compared to others.

    I could be wrong on both counts, just trying to piece together all the info from the posts and scripts here and on Armaholic.

  5. Well, at least it's not just me. :) Just to see if it has anything to do with any of the scripts, what ones have you been using when you've seen it? I generally use BTC revive and spunFin's AI Spawn Script Pack as the main ones. I don't see how it can be a scripting issue though since it works without a problem when locally hosted. Maybe something with the way A3 handles informing clients of AI death when on a dedicated server?

  6. @Na_Palm - Trying to get my arms around the changes you made with the new simpleCache updates. I see the basics of how it's working, but I'm not sure how I handle it if I want the different areas (markers) to have different variables for the militarize script. So, say for example I have one location I want to spawn with possible water and air units, another location I want just infantry, and another I want infantry/vehicles. Do I need to have a script setup for every one?

  7. Anyone ever noticed in a game that the rag doll on enemy AI just stops working when a mission is hosted on a dedicated server? As in, you shoot them and they drop prone/flat without any 'rag doll' tumbling type effects? I've been finding that happening in some of my tests, and it only happens if I host the mission on a dedicated server. If I host the game locally, the rag doll animation works fine.

  8. Hmm...that sorta works. I created a unit named "Test", a fuel truck named "laserTest" and the created a trigger with a hint to fire on "(laserTarget test) distance laserTest < 2;"

    Trigger only fires if you laser the back portion of the cab. Lasering the tank, tires, etc., doesn't fire the trigger.

    Not sure how to handle that for MP where there could be different players lasering a target or trying to laser a building. Player won't work on a dedicated server setup.

    Also,trying to laser a building, even with a gameLogic object that gives the building a name using nearestObject and the building class name, from any distance the trigger just won't pick up the laserTarget hit.

  9. Following 2nd Ranger and Camaris' posts I was able to get this to work without any changes. Was even able to swap out the mortars and use rocket artillery and it works like a champ.

    I do have a question though. I'd like to have this used as one of my objectives in a MP mission. Players have to blow up a factory facility. Basically I'm trying to figure out the mechanics on how to have them call in the artillery bombardment. Right now I just have a trigger set about half a kilometer away, they go to it, the mortars fire.

    I'd love for them to have to radio the strike in, or better yet, use the laser designator. I'm just trying to figure out how to do that so they can only call the artillery in on when attacking this one objective and not other times in the mission. Any thoughts?

  10. Found a partial bug when you disable self respawn using BTC_disable_respawn = 1; Don't know if it BTC or just the way ARMA handles things.

    Normally you'll sit there watching your corpse with just the option to spectate and the 3 options. But if someone has a hankering too, they can blast their ESC key and you see the "RESPAWN" button pop up momentarily. You do it enough and can click on it and get to the respawn menu.

  11. Think I figured it out and it turned out to be less complicated than I expected. You can set up a trigger to just count items in a box. All you need to do is name the box, then set up a trigger using the a 'count' with item/weapon/magazineCargo commands. For example, in my case, I created a crate named 'fakCrate', and emptied it out. I wanted to watch for a certain number of first aid kits to be put in the box. So in the trigger condition I just did:

    ({_x == "FirstAidKit"} count itemCargo fakCrate) > 4

    You can even string things together so say you wanted there to be 5 first aid kits and a medkit placed in the box before the trigger fires:

    (({_x == "FirstAidKit"} count itemCargo fakCrate) > 4) and (({_x == "Medikit"} count itemCargo fakCrate) > 0)

    You could just as easily count weapons or ammo using weaponCargo or magazineCargo instead of itemCargo...

  12. Yeah, I've not seen any major updates to weather so far from BI other than the updates to the look of rain. Rain does still seem to be tied to overcast level as in, you have to have a minimum overcast level for it to rain (50% I believe), and with high overcast levels the engine might create rain anyways.

    I did tweak the weather script a bit to no longer update both overcast and rain at the same time. I think that might have been part of the problem with the earlier versions of the script. I also _believe_ the script should work as is for single player too since even in single player, the player's machine is considered 'server'.

  13. So, couple of questions I've been digging around and haven't been able to find anything more detailed on what I'm looking to do for a new mission.

    1) Does anyone know if there's any way through game included or add on scripts to allow players to click on a marker on the map and have it bring up the related task info? I know folks can click on tasks, and you can embed links to show the map location marker using <marker name> </marker> in the task description, but I'd love to be able to have the backwards capability of that as well.

    2) Good scripts or ideas on how to add civilian ambient life to a mission? Particularly civilian traffic/cars on roads as well as foot traffic in towns. Something that spawns/despawns would be great too so a mission won't get bogged down.

    3) There a simple way to listen to all the available in game music/sounds? I've been adding stuff to a trigger and checking them out one at a time, but there's gotta be an easier way.

  14. Hi,

    firstable thanks for your great script.

    I have nearly no knowledge in Arma scripting but i'm programmer in some other programming languages and i got a question in my mind bwhile reading your script. You raise the counters serverWeather and clientWeather time by time and i thought what will happened when the mission will be very long. Everytime the counter variables will reaches there end (overflow). May be it's better to reset the counters to zero when reaching this end line or raise it on first step and lower it on next step?

    Hope it will help you. Greets

    Hadn't really considered that since the counter will only go up at most, once every 15 minutes. So for a server that's up 24 hours, that's 96 counter increments, a month would be 2,880. I agree it's not the best method, but it's the simplest way I could think of keeping Client/Server weather in synch. I'm still relatively new to Arma scripting as well, so I'm up for any suggestions :)

  15. I've got part of this figured out but was hoping someone could help me out.

    • I have 2 units in game. 1 Player unit (test1) and 1 AI unit (test2).
    • In the init field of player 1 I have 'testGroup = group this;'
    • 1st Trigger (trigAdd) near the AI unit that triggers on the player moving into the trigger field with an On Act of '[test2] joinsilent testGroup;'
    • 2nd trigger (trigRemove) 50m away that triggers on the AI unit moving in with the condition of '({_x in thisList} count [test2]) > 0;' and on Act. of '[test2] joinsilent otherGroup;hint "Remove";' (Also tried 'otherGroup = group test2;' with no luck)

    When I take the player unit into trigAdd, the AI unit joins my group and starts following me. When I run into trigRemove, I see the hint fire, but the AI unit will not drop from my group. Any idea how to force an AI unit to drop from a player group? I've tried just about everything I can find in the forums but can't get it working.
