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Everything posted by meatball

  1. Thanks for the update! Works like a champ.
  2. Anyone been able to get this script working with A3?
  3. All I know is that I've been scripting for a few months and everywhere I look on the forums, Kylania is posting up help to people. Just wanted to say thanks to Kylania and the whole community for helping out a lot of newer folks get our arms around Arma scripting. Thanks!
  4. Still loving this script, but running into one issue I can't seem to figure out. I have about 10 points the players can randomly start from. I'm also having the players 'insertion' chopper being moved with the players with the following in the init.sqf: [["west",11,[heliStart]]] call compile preprocessfile "shk_randstapos.sqf"; heliStart is a Ghosthawk I have set Flying near the players. Problem is, unless the players are randomly put at the first location, the helicopter starts on the ground, which in some locations may place it on top of rocks or trees, etc and it blows up. I've tried setting 'this flyInheight 40;" in the helicopter's init, but the heli still starts on the ground everywhere other than the primary 'startpos_west' marker.
  5. meatball

    Mission Parameters

    Does anyone have a good understanding of how to change weather settings based on selectable mission parameters in a multiplayer mission? I think I have the basics down, but doesn't appear to be working right. I play to leave Rain/Lighting/Waves and Wind set to auto and just let the players set Cloud Cover and Fog levels to start. I have the following in my description.ext // paramsArray[5] class weatherClouds { title = "Cloud Cover"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Clear","Partly Cloudy","Light Rain","Heavy Rain","Random"}; default = 0; }; // paramsArray[6] class weatherFog { title = "Fog Level"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"No Fog","Light Fog","Medium Fog","Heavy Fog","Random"}; default = 0; }; Then I have the following in my init.sqf: // Weather : Cloud Cover weatherClouds = (paramsArray select 5); switch (weatherClouds) do{ case 1: {0 setOvercast 0;}; // Clear case 2: {0 setOvercast .2;}; // Partly Cloudy case 3: {0 setOvercast .5;}; // Light Rain case 4: {0 setOvercast .95;}; // Heavy Rain case 5: {0 setOvercast random(floor(1));}; // Random }; // Weather : Fog Cover weatherFog = (paramsArray select 6); switch (weatherFog) do{ case 1: {0 setFog 0;}; // No Fog case 2: {0 setFog .35;}; // Light Fog case 3: {0 setFog .60;}; // Medium Fog case 4: {0 setFog .90}; // Heavy Fog case 5: {0 setFog (random(1))}; // Random }; Fog seems to work. Cloud cover...not so much. Anyone notice anything I'm missing? Two additional questions. How do I handle this for MP missions with possible JiP? If I just set it on the server, with that synch automatically to all clients as they connect at the beginning or JiP, or is there something else I need to do?
  6. Ah, makes perfect sense, thanks! I was able to figure out the exact ones I needed for the buildings I was looking for, but good to know that I can roll up to House_F as a parent choice. :)
  7. Alright, I'm at a bit of a loss on this now. How does one get a static object's type name to use with 'nearestObject'? I'm thinking I can place game logic down on the object to be destroyed and group that to a trigger to what I need to do, but just not sure how I can use nearestObject in the gamelogic trigger without using ID. ---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ---------- Alright, _think_ I figured it out. Found a list of object type names and I'll just need to experiment to figure out what is the correct one for object. Then I can place a GameLogic object right on the object I want to watch with a nearestObject check in the init. For example, I created some Game Logic on the small radar at the end of the runway at the airport with the following init: tempObj = nearestObject [srGL,"Land_Radar_Small_F"] Then I just dropped a trigger nearby with a !alive check on that tempObj and it seems to work. I'm not sure yet if I'll run into any issues with this setup for multiplayer games with or without a dedicated server. And this of course assumes they don't change the object names...
  8. Alright, I verified that it is the Building/Object ID's changing between patches that is causing the problem. I went from the current beta (.76) up to the dev version and found the trigger I had grouped with the Radar array at Air Station Mike had changed from ID # 68508 to ID # 123297. The trigger was still correctly attached to ID # 68508, but that ID # now belonged to a wall at the Airport, so the trigger was grouped to that, which breaks all my triggers. :) Not sure if there's any way around this if they continue to change Object/Building ID #'s between patches since the only other method I know involves Game Logic looking at a specific ID #, which would break as well if the ID changed... ---------- Post added at 02:22 ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 ---------- I'll look into that. That _should_ fix the issue since one would hope that the type name of the building should not change.
  9. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Pretty sure this script doesn't work with AI. Might be causing issues?
  10. True, but if this happens every time there's a patch, it'll be somewhat annoying. :) Does anyone know for a fact that they have been changing ID numbers? Pretty sure I can go another route and set up game logic to fire the triggers based off the building ID's, but if those are going to change every single time, that'll break as well.
  11. Which means this method, or even the game logic method, will break with every patch... There must be another way to handle this or a lot of missions would be breaking. I actually submitted a bug report on this specific issue about a week ago.
  12. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Gia, you fixing/fixed that weapon config.bin error in this version too? Haven't had a chance to try it yet and was just wondering.
  13. Has anyone had a problem with this method whenever the game patches? I have a bunch of triggers set this way, but every time the game patches, all the 'groupings' between the triggers and the building ID's get reset and I have to manually go in and fix them.
  14. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Not sure I follow, what dialog?
  15. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Yeah, spectator when people are waiting to revive would be great. I've actually had a few players chuck grenades and kill AI while they were waiting for revive. I know I can black screen it so they can't use the action menu, but just hate to do that. :)
  16. meatball

    [MP | COOP 2-8 | WIP] Static Loop

    Just a heads up, I've released a temporary new version, 0.85 to fix triggers that were broken with the latest patch. Plan to spend some time coming up with a better way to do triggers so this doesn't break every patch. Additionally I added in a new parameter that let's those of you that really want it, to only allow the Combat Life Saver to revive others. Default is everyone can revive. Main post has been updated with the latest release link.
  17. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Hey Giallustio - Can you elaborate on what the 'specatating' system does? Not near my machine to try it out, but interested to know what it is. Is it when players are dead? Waiting to revive? When does it come into play, and how do they spectate?
  18. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Questions on BTC Revive and JIP/players. For the init command line: "call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";", should that be run just on the server, or does it need to be run locally on all player/client machines, including JiPs?
  19. Does anyone know of any good reads/resources that talk through the differences of triggers and scripts and such running on local clients vs. server and dedicated servers? I'm getting to the point of my scripting that I can see areas where I think there may be issues with some stuff due to locality, but I'm not exactly sure on how to deal with them. Would love to read up on the subject if there's any good reads out there.
  20. meatball


    Nope, using .21 It's working regardless now with a few checks, so I'm not too worried about it. :)
  21. meatball


    Hmm, no idea why, but I have to do direction first, then distance second :) Regardless, I think I got it working. _mapCenter = getMarkerPos "mapCenter"; _rMLoc = [_mapCenter, random 360, random 4000, false, [2, 1000] ] call SHK_pos; while {(surfaceIsWater _rMLoc)} do { _rMLoc = [_mapCenter, random 360, random 4000, false, [2, 1000] ] call SHK_pos; };
  22. meatball


    I've tried it the with the parameter's ordered distance,direction and I keep getting points with 360m of my _mapCenter, so the way I've show it above is the only way I can get it to work right. And I've tried both false and true and neither of them work all the time and I end up with points in the water. My guess is the road variable is overriding the false/true and if the script can't find a road within the distance specified, it's dropping back to the originally found location, regardless of whether it's water or not.
  23. meatball


    Love this script, and trying to use it on Stratis with the following call: _rMLoc = [_mapCenter, random 360,random 4000,true,[1,1000]] call SHK_pos; The problem is, this still frequently dumps the spot out into the water. Shouldn't this always end up on land since the water flag is set to true? (Which is find closest land)
  24. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    So that likely means your using the Stable build. :) The Arma 3 beta build has the option run a 'stable' build that they only patch every so often, or a 'dev' build that gets updates continuously as BI is pushing them out. The Dev build will be closer to what the final game will be, but is likely to be more buggy as new changes are thrown into there first.
  25. meatball

    =BTC= Revive

    Fix for that is discussed in a previous post. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148085-BTC-Revive&p=2458241&viewfull=1#post2458241 Also believe that's fixed in the .93 version.