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Everything posted by Demonasius

  1. Demonasius

    Destructable Environments?

    Hello all. Just got ARMA 2 CO and all the DLC. Great game thusfar, HUGE learning curve but I'm churning through it. Basically wanted to replace BF3 with something a little more tactical but still retain the vehicles, destructible environments, etc. and located this gem. I was going through the boot camp, first tutorial and 3rd I believe. Basic Training and Tank training now this isn't a huge selling point for me but I noticed something off about the destructible environments. First after AT training, I took one of the SMAW's into the village to clear it of bandits, shot at the side of a building and it did 0 damage to the building. I did it to several buildings and same thing, even did it to a fence near by and same thing. Now I'm not an expert by any means but shouldn't the side of the building and fence be demolished at that point? I mean I know this isn't top notch, high-end quality destructible environments but that makes for a pretty unrealistic experience. Second on the tank training, same thing. When in the tank on the main turret. I was firing direct at a tree and a fence and did no damage to either one but can drive through them and take them down. Like I said it's not a deal breaker or anything and it doesn't make the game bad or anything. Just kind of curious about that, does it depend on how the map is made as to what's destructible and what's not, is there a mod or setting that helps correct this, is it just because it's boot camp and environments aren't destructible based on that? Well either way, look forward to playing more of this great game. EDIT: Awww...posted in the wrong forum, great! Sorry. :(