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Everything posted by Tuliq

  1. Tuliq

    Bullet Cam Script

    Nice! Could be fun to use to add some tension during missions were a single bullet should make a difference.
  2. hello! use the command "units" to separate a group into an array of units. foreach units _grp1
  3. I don't think you can have two markers with the same name. Marker names needs to be unique.
  4. That's what happens, yeah. They all start fighting each other because the see each other as traitors.
  5. You can do an this addrating -5000 (or more) making them "bad guys"
  6. Yes! You can create a script that moves a "respawn_west" marker around, so that it always is close to the other players. Should work!
  7. Tuliq

    Hand Signaling & Commo Rose

    Agreed 100% ^ For some reason this didn't bother me at all back in the OFP days, but after seeing how other games did things I start to feel like us in the armaverse are missing out on a lot of advances in the world of UI and gaming. RV is good with so many things, why can't it be good at this as well?
  8. I assume you have put the activation of the trigger to blufor. If so, give this a shot in the condition field: ({!alive _x} count thislist) > ({alive _x} count thislist) And then write like hint "You are losing badly"; in the on activation field.
  9. Seems you are using a local variable _player instead of referring to the player variable. Try fixing that in the moveInDriver command.
  10. It is because I found it an ineffective check. Your whole script could actually be fixed by just adding a if (!isServer) exitWith {} command at the very start, because as it stated, then the script will exit if any clients try to run it. I overcomplicated things a bit. Everything should work fine as long as the server is the only one running the script for each player, which that if statement makes sure of.
  11. This simple modification should make it work for AI as well //---------- Script Start ---------------| private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; while {true} do { waitUntil{(alive _unit)}; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; Removeuniform _unit; Removevest _unit; Removegoggles _unit; Removeheadgear _unit; Removeallweapons _unit; //---------- Uniform --------------------| _uniform = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_uniform ) do { case 0: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 1: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 2: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_2"; }; case 3: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_3"; }; case 4: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"; }; case 5: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"; }; case 6: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite"; }; case 7: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"; }; case 8: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"; }; case 9: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"; }; }; //---------- Body Armour ----------------| _armour = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_armour ) do { case 0: { _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; }; case 1: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_rgr"; }; case 2: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_cbr"; }; case 3: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_khk"; }; case 4: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_brn"; }; case 5: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_oli"; }; case 6: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk"; }; case 7: { _unit addvest "V_ChestrigB_rgr"; }; case 8: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"; }; case 9: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr"; }; }; //---------- Eyewear --------------------| _eyewear = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_eyewear ) do { case 0: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black"; }; case 1: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Blue"; }; case 2: { _unit addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred"; }; case 3: { _unit addGoggles "G_Tatical_Clear"; }; }; //---------- Helmet/Hat -----------------| _hat = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_hat ) do { case 0: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_brn_SERO"; }; case 1: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_blu"; }; case 2: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_red"; }; case 3: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_headphones"; }; }; //---------- Extra Items ----------------| _items = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_items ) do { case 0: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; }; case 1: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 2: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; }; case 3: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 4: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 5: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 6: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 7: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; }; //---------- Weapon ---------------------| _weapon = (ceil (random 10)); switch (_weapon ) do { case 0: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_F"; }; case 1: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_C_F"; }; case 2: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MX_F"; }; case 3: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXC_F"; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXM_F"; }; case 5: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; }; case 6: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG21_F"; }; case 7: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "srifle_EBR_F"; }; case 8: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_SDAR_F"; }; case 9: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_P07_F"; }; case 10: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_Rook40_F"; }; }; //---------- Bonus 1 ----------| // Chance to get a pistol if given a rifle if (_weapon < 9) then { _bonuswep = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_bonuswep ) do { case 0: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",3]; _unit addweapon "hgun_P07_F"; }; case 1: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",3]; _unit addweapon "hgun_Rook40_F"; }; }; }; //---------- Bonus 2 ----------| // Chance to get a weapon attachment if given a rifle if (_weapon < 8) then { _attachments = (ceil (random 6)); switch (_attachments ) do { case 0: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Holosight"; }; case 1: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco"; }; case 2: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; }; case 3: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; }; }; }; //---------- Grenades -------------------| _grenades = (ceil (random 12)); switch (_grenades ) do { case 0: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",1]; }; case 1: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",2]; }; case 2: { _unit addMagazines ["SmokeShell",1]; }; case 3: { _unit addMagazines ["SmokeShell",2]; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",1]; _unit addMagazines ["SmokeShell",1]; }; }; //---------- Script Done ----------------| waitUntil{(!alive _unit)}; };
  12. Script has been updated :) The new script might suit you better, blinger. It should work for all playable units present in edtior.
  13. To make it work for every respawn you could do this, not very nice looking but should work. //---------- Script Start ---------------| private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; //---------------------------------------| waitUntil {(player == _unit)}; //---------------------------------------| while {true} do { waitUntil{(alive _unit)}; // rest of script here waitUntil{(!alive _unit)}; };
  14. Alright, cool. Just so we are on the same page, here is my vision of how to fix script: private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; waitUntil {(player == _unit)}; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; Removeuniform _unit; Removevest _unit; Removegoggles _unit; Removeheadgear _unit; Removeallweapons _unit; //------------ Uniform ------------ _uniform = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_uniform ) do { case 0: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 1: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 2: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_2"; }; case 3: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_3"; }; case 4: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"; }; case 5: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"; }; case 6: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite"; }; case 7: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"; }; case 8: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"; }; case 9: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"; }; }; //------------ Body Armour ------------ _armour = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_armour ) do { case 0: { _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; }; case 1: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_rgr"; }; case 2: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_cbr"; }; case 3: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_khk"; }; case 4: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_brn"; }; case 5: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_oli"; }; case 6: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk"; }; case 7: { _unit addvest "V_ChestrigB_rgr"; }; case 8: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"; }; case 9: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr"; }; }; //------------ Eyewear ------------ _eyewear = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_eyewear ) do { case 0: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black"; }; case 1: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Blue"; }; case 2: { _unit addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred"; }; case 3: { _unit addGoggles "G_Tatical_Clear"; }; }; //------------ Helmet/Hat ------------ _hat = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_hat ) do { case 0: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_brn_SERO"; }; case 1: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_blu"; }; case 2: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_red"; }; case 3: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_headphones"; }; }; //------------ Weapon ------------ _weapon = (ceil (random 10)); switch (_weapon ) do { case 0: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_F"; }; case 1: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_C_F"; }; case 2: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MX_F"; }; case 3: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXC_F"; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXM_F"; }; case 5: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; }; case 6: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG21_F"; }; case 7: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_SDAR_F"; }; case 8: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "srifle_EBR_F"; }; case 9: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_P07_F"; }; case 10: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_Rook40_F"; }; }; //------------ Attachments ------------ _extras = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_extras ) do { case 0: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Holosight"; }; case 1: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco"; }; case 2: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; }; case 3: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",2]; }; case 5: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",1]; }; }; //------------ Extra Items ------------ _items = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_items ) do { case 0: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; }; case 1: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 2: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; }; case 3: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 4: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 5: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 6: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 7: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; }; //------------ Script Done ------------
  15. Tuliq

    WIP - TDM Kill Streaks

    A little bit too late for me to get into the specific details of making this MP-friendly, but I can tell you that to refer to the variable passed in the eventhandler you use _this instead of this.
  16. No problem, glad to help! Just a quick thought: try moving the waitUntil command at the beginning to the very top of the script. Might help, not sure. Actually scratch that, remove my IF check (remember the bottom brace) and set a waitUntil {(player == _unit)}; in its place. That should make it so that the script waits for the player to get control of the unit. Just remove that other waitUntil, since it is not needed.
  17. Try this, I added a _unit == player check to make it run only on the desired client private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; if (_unit == player) then { waitUntil {!isNull _unit}; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; Removeuniform _unit; Removevest _unit; Removegoggles _unit; Removeheadgear _unit; Removeallweapons _unit; //------------ Uniform ------------ _uniform = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_uniform ) do { case 0: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 1: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_1"; }; case 2: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_2"; }; case 3: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Commoner1_3"; }; case 4: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"; }; case 5: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"; }; case 6: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite"; }; case 7: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"; }; case 8: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"; }; case 9: { _unit adduniform "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"; }; }; //------------ Body Armour ------------ _armour = (ceil (random 9)); switch (_armour ) do { case 0: { _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; }; case 1: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_rgr"; }; case 2: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_cbr"; }; case 3: { _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_khk"; }; case 4: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_brn"; }; case 5: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_oli"; }; case 6: { _unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk"; }; case 7: { _unit addvest "V_ChestrigB_rgr"; }; case 8: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"; }; case 9: { _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr"; }; }; //------------ Eyewear ------------ _eyewear = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_eyewear ) do { case 0: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black"; }; case 1: { _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Blue"; }; case 2: { _unit addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred"; }; case 3: { _unit addGoggles "G_Tatical_Clear"; }; }; //------------ Helmet/Hat ------------ _hat = (ceil (random 5)); switch (_hat ) do { case 0: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_brn_SERO"; }; case 1: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_blu"; }; case 2: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_red"; }; case 3: { _unit addheadgear "H_Cap_headphones"; }; }; //------------ Weapon ------------ _weapon = (ceil (random 10)); switch (_weapon ) do { case 0: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_F"; }; case 1: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_Khaybar_C_F"; }; case 2: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MX_F"; }; case 3: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXC_F"; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MXM_F"; }; case 5: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; }; case 6: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG21_F"; }; case 7: { _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",6]; _unit addweapon "arifle_SDAR_F"; }; case 8: { _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "srifle_EBR_F"; }; case 9: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_P07_F"; }; case 10: { _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",6]; _unit addweapon "hgun_Rook40_F"; }; }; //------------ Attachments ------------ _extras = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_extras ) do { case 0: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Holosight"; }; case 1: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco"; }; case 2: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; }; case 3: { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; }; case 4: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",2]; }; case 5: { _unit addMagazines ["HandGrenade",1]; }; }; //------------ Extra Items ------------ _items = (ceil (random 7)); switch (_items ) do { case 0: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; }; case 1: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 2: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; }; case 3: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 4: { _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 5: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; case 6: { _unit addItem "ItemMap"; _unit assignItem "ItemMap"; _unit addItem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignItem "ItemCompass"; }; case 7: { _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "ItemWatch"; _unit assignItem "ItemWatch"; }; }; //------------ Script Done ------------ }; Maybe this will work. The problem lies in the random number creating a different num for each client, most likely.
  18. For Opfor: ({(alive _x) and (side _x == east)}count playableUnits) < 1; For Blufor: ({(alive _x) and (side _x == west)}count playableUnits) < 1; Put this in your condition field and see if that helps. That should be dynamic, if it works, might be syntax errors because I am not able to test atm. If it doesn not, this should: ({alive _x} count [opfor1,opfor2,...etc]) < 1;
  19. Hey, I might not fully understand what problem you are having, still I am going to blindly suggest you try using publicVariable and maybe addPublicVariableEventHandler. :p
  20. What ^. Anyway wonderful script. I used the old script from A2 in my A3 mish and it seemed to work just as well with the old one. But I am glad you decided to optimize it further for A3. :)
  21. Tuliq

    Re-spawning AI?

    Don't know about respawning, but you can always create new units during your mission using createUnit, createVehicle or call bis_fnc_spawnGroup. I recommend playing around with bis_fnc_spawnGroup because it can easily create large groups of soldiers quickly. Look it up on the wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnGroup
  22. you may be interested in bis_fnc_dynamicText op :)! http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=read&id=231#dynamictext
  23. I'm up for progress in this department. The scroll menu works, but there is clearly room for improvement.
  24. It's easy to jest, but we as a community and as consumers should be asking for these things. Beats hoping that BIS randomly will fullfill all our wishes.
  25. Right on, that seems to fix it for now. I wonder if this should be reported as a bug to the tracker?