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About Asytra

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  1. Asytra

    No Women=Disturbing

    Do you have a link to this mod? I've been searching the forums and Armaholic to no avail. If you can post it in a reply or a PM I would be most grateful, thank you. :) On topic... While I don't expect we'll get female soldiers from BIS, I do hope the female civs can use weapons/vehicles unlike in ARMA 2 so we can easily mod them into female soldiers. As a female, I don't feel that BIS is sexist. They just have a lot on their plate with this game and there's a lot of stuff, like the campaign, that is still yet to be implemented.
  2. Asytra

    They better have female soldiers...

    QFT. That's precisely why they should be included, and why the poll here as well as the majority of posts after the polls closed have voice support for playable female soldiers. It's just more realistic and more importantly, it's a feature the majority of the playerbase wants to see. There's no need to debate about whether or not women should be in combat. We are in combat roles.
  3. Asytra

    They better have female soldiers...

    I've been lurking this thread for quite some time now after I heard about ARMA 3. I wanted to know if they were planning on fixing my biggest issue with the previous ARMA games, that being the inclusion of female soldiers or at the very least, fixing the issue of female characters not being able to hold weapons/use vehicles. In light of this thread being unlocked (thank you mods) and the recent announcement that the Pentagon will allow women to serve in frontline combat roles including special forces I felt it was a good time to comment on this as a woman instead of lurking. I was shown Operation Flashpoint by my uncle back when it was just a demo in 2001. I had always been a gamer but not much of a warsimmer aside from 1942 PAW Gold and a couple of the Jane's sims. I was blown away by the scope of the game, especially the vehicles and aircraft you could control. Since then I've purchased every OPF/ARMA title and ARMA 3 won't be an exception regardless of what BIS decides on this issue. I realize that I am an atypical female gamer though there is strong evidence that women are more inclined to try games where they feel included and immersed. I would also like to commend BIS on including playable female characters into DayZ. While I have been playing DayZ on and off since the initial alpha release, that choice by BIS has solidified my decision to purchase DayZ retail. I'm also impressed with how tastefully they were done. They are realistic and fit the setting and it gives me hope for what BIS could do with playable female soldiers in ARMA 3. Thank you. Female soldiers should be added for a few reasons, the first being realism. Since this is a sim and it does take place in the near future the US will have woman serving in active combat roles by then. Not only that, but the game also features several aircraft and vehicles and women serving in that capacity for over a decade now. It would also increase immersion for female players, in addition to our teammates when we use in-game VOIP to communicate with others and have a character that matches our voice. The second reason would be inclusion, BIS has absolutely nothing to lose by adding playable female soldiers and everything to gain. I'd like to point out the successful campaign for playable females to be added to Aliens: Colonial Marines as an example of how a company (Gearbox) gained a lot of positive PR for listening to the petition and adding playable females to a game based on future where women fight side-by-side with men, a future that is becoming a reality in that regard. (Besides, we can't ignore how badass Vasquez was.) I can understand, though, that creating playable female characters does take development time. For that reason I am completely happy buying playable female soldiers as DLC, just please make it so that the existing female characters are able to use vehicles and weapons/items, even if they have to use male animations. This would benefit the mod community greatly. Thank you BIS for listening to your customers, even your atypical ones. :)