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About Bartoneye

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  1. The Razor Gaming Community has added their lot in with the I44 Wasteland server list. A Server [currently] without donation perks or the need for a whitelist, Razor will provide a gaming environment that is fun and enjoyable without needing to dish out your income for an in-game bonus. This also means you don't have to worry about that P51 Mustang swooping in from above simply because someone bought into the server for the ability to have a one-up on everyone else. With assets freely shared by the Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation; the original Wasteland author, Tonic; and 404 Games for their great base to begin with: Razor looks to expand the gameplay in the future with the possibility of more missions, added availability in the gunstores, and a custom feel. We always like to add our own touch to these kinds of things and while we're still a fresh property on the I44 Wasteland front, you might decide to hang around and sign up for the chance to run some base Arma 2: Combined Ops missions featuring ACE, ACRE, and many more choices. WE ALSO RUN FREQUENT WASTELAND AND DAYZ GROUPS, IF THAT'S MORE YOUR STYLE. WITH PARTIES OF 12 PLAYERS AND UP. Check us out some time in our Teamspeak, poke around. Hang out for a day. C'mon, we're open to new faces and voices. Teamspeak: And play with us in Arma! Just filter "Razor" in your "Host" and look for Razor Gaming. Come play with us!
  2. New Quality Wasteland Server RazorGaming brings to you a new Wasteland server meant to be custom-tailored to our play style. We're new, fresh, a constantly growing community and are looking for people to share our server with. With one hundred slots available, we'll always have room to spare for those who want to enjoy a rich gaming environment with all the amenities that a top-of-the-line Wasteland server offers- but there's more! We also plan to incorporate a custom weapons list for our gun stores, custom missions, more options and possibilities and eventually much more. Being a new, budding, community we're also looking for those willing to fill our ranks and share the laughs- and rage!- that comes with a welcoming and kick-ass community. If you're man enough to challenge our evolving version of Tonic's great Wasteland, to test these churning waters alongside- and against!- our armies then step forward and butt heads with Razor's WASTELAND. TeamSpeak 3 IP: Host Name: Razor Gaming Wasteland
  3. Bartoneye

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    New Quality Wasteland Server RazorGaming brings to you a new Wasteland server meant to be custom-tailored to our play style. We're new, fresh, a constantly growing community and are looking for people to share our server with. With one hundred slots available, we'll always have room to spare for those who want to enjoy a rich gaming environment with all the amenities that a top-of-the-line Wasteland server offers- but there's more! We also plan to incorporate a custom weapons list for our gun stores, custom missions, more options and possibilities and eventually much more. Being a new, budding, community we're also looking for those willing to fill our ranks and share the laughs- and rage!- that comes with a welcoming and kick-ass community. If you're man enough to challenge our evolving version of Tonic's great Wasteland, to test these churning waters alongside- and against!- our armies then step forward and butt heads with Razor's WASTELAND. TeamSpeak 3 IP: Server Hostname: Razor Gaming Wasteland