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About bagelmanstan

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  1. Hi Sa-Mantra, first off i want to say that you've made the most epic server of arma 2. your hardwork is really amazing. i have somewhat of a complaintsuggestion to make. Your server is pretty much perfect except for the fact that for some reason on your server(your server only) i experiencing stuttering on a regular pattern, whether it just restarted or not. Im running at 60 fps but theres microstutters every 10 seconds on the ArmA watch. on the 5 mark, 15 sec mark, etc. I think whats happening is because your time cycle is different from the one in regular arma, the sun moves at those exact times creating lag. Idk. I'm just requesting if you could maybe somehow find a way to fix this stuttering in v15 beecause if that could be done, then your server would be perfect