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Posts posted by Socratatus

  1. Hmm. I`ve only played with the latest patch in strategy. I have never seen any docking problems in quite a few hours of gameplay. They dock when I tell them... However, I don`t use the keyboard commands as I prefer the Mouse interactions.

    Mantas not hitting turrets are interesting. I did find at one point the fault was mine as the Manta had actually run out of ammo! Are you sure it isn`t that?

    I agree about the Walrus, they do stop too far away and just point their turrets- that does need fixing. This seems to be because they have no real LINE OF SIGHT (like they think the brow of a hill is in the way). For now I just move them a little closer until they start shooting.

    The ++ - thing I don`t know about and don`t miss.

    My biggest issue is that the Walrus` still have some pathfining problems and need further fine tuning.

    It does mean a commander, for now, needs to keep an eye on his Mantas and Walrus until they release another Patch... Hopefully?

  2. 1.Custom paint and Logos, including naming your Carrier would be nice.

    2.Also being able to preset equipment on a manta or Walrus, so you can quick-fit them.

    3. An auto-return to base toggle would be nice if your vehicle is in danger of running out of fuel, especially for mantas.

    4. A chance to take off your `eye camera strategic view` and just look about your Captain`s area to see the staff doing their stuff and check docking bays, etc, more clearly (that background view you can see). Even walking about the ship would be nice as it looks like all the mechanics are there (from the 1st person part of the game) to do it.

  3. I really like the new version of Carrier Command. It still needs a little more patching, but very pleased with it. Good job.

    Just one thing that really bugs me is that I can`t personalise my carrier. I think it would be really nice to be able to NAME my carrier and add my own Personal LOGO on the side- heck even the ability to paint it! I`m in the thing for hours, would be nice to do this.

    How about it, Devs? :yay:

  4. After listening to that, lets get back to my main point.

    I have read a lot of grumblings and bad reviews of this game, and it is obvious that most are from before the 1.3 patch. But even now, people are still complaining, saying they want it to be like this game, or they want multiplayer, or they want the game to work a certain way.

    Then I have read comments from those who played the original back in 1988. These people love the game, they say it had added something extra to an already great concept without pulling it way from its real purpose. And I agree, it is as good as you will get it without adding too much stuff and losing the real purpose of the game.

    I have witnessed the AI do some strange things in places, and had to give them a nudge to get them back on track. I am sure this will improve with further updates, but that does not make the game harder or unplayable in any way. In fact given the complexity of the terrain they have to navigate I think the AI sometimes does pretty well. In the original you didn't have any obstacles, setting a course was a straight line, and if there were something in the way of the walrus it drove directly into it. So there you had to keep watch, and setting a course for you vehicles were just an aid to autopilot. For the majority of the game you had to take control. So this is no different. These vehicles are not piloted by some self aware AI, they are just an autopilot with benefits.

    This is how it was in the original, and this is probably why those of us that played the original are not having any major issues with the game. Anyway that is just my view on this.

    Hi all, new poster. :)

    I also just got the game and spent all day reliving my memories, but in a more real way!

    I pretty much agree here with the quote. I think the modern day CC is a great and faithful version of the old one. It does everything I remember the old one did with a LOT more. I suppose the fact that I`m now seeing a real nicely realised carrier (as I imagined it 20 years ago if technology was better), great landscapes, weather and even viewing staff in your Carrier has been more or less a dream I never expected come true. I guess the oldschoolers like me will appreciate it while the younger ones or those who never played it, won`t.

    I didn`t even find the Campaign all that bad (although I have only played 1.3), sure it`s not as smooth as today`s shooters, wouldn`t allow mouse button control config (and why is crouch -to -standing so weird?) but it played quite easily. The drones were EASY to take down and it never lasted long enough to be a pain. I didn`t even find the voice-acting to be all that bad... Being English and sounding common is how most English people sound!

    The Campaign did bug after I failed one mission and wouldn`t allow me to carry on the same Save, so I went to the Campaign mode. And I am very pleased with it.

    I would say that it would`ve been nice to name your Carrier and even place your own personal logo on it- A missed opportunity there.

    p.s. Having a non-steam version is greatly appreciated also.
