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Posts posted by theone

  1. there was on thing i didn´t like: all trees are standing around like nothing happens....

    so i scripted a bit by myself:

    you need those lines:

    _dist=(1.754411*((_kT)^(1/3)))*1000; //_kT= Bomb in kT
    _ArrayT=(nearestObjects [_pos, [], _dist]); //_pos= Position of detonation
    {if (typeOf _x == "") then {ArrayT set [count ArrayT, _x];};} forEach _ArrayT;

    place it for example in the init.sqf/nuke_countdown.sqf (it causes a lag of 1 sec + because of the huge data,but that shouldn´t be a problem at the start of the mission or on loadingscreen)

    so now i changed the shockawe.sqf a bit:

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _pos = _this select 0;
    _kT = _this select 1;
    _playersInvicibility = _this select 2;
    deletemarkerlocal "nukemarker";
    AllArray = [];
    timeAfter = 0;
    plus = (1.5 + random 1);
    [color="#FF0000"]// Shockwave affect
    _t=[_pos,_kT,_playersInvicibility] spawn sw2;
    _t=_pos spawn tree;[/color]
    // Instant waporazing of any vehicle or unit in closest area to Blast
    [_pos,_kT] spawn StaticPreLoad;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Motorcycle",((ln(_kT)+1) * 100)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Car",((ln(_kT)+1) * 100)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["StaticWeapon",((ln(_kT)+1) * 150)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Tank",((ln(_kT)+1) * 50)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Ship",((ln(_kT)+1) * 150)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Air",((ln(_kT)+1) * 100)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Man",((ln(_kT)+1) * 200)];
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _array;
    _array = _pos nearObjects ["Thing",((ln(_kT)+1) * 600)];
    {_x setDamage 1;} forEach _array;
    while {shockWaveSpreadDistance < (shockDistance - 1)} do {
    heatPlus = ln(heatDistance - heatWaveSpreadDistance)*((ln(_kT)+1)*88)/20;
    if (heatPlus > 0) then {heatWaveSpreadDistance = heatWaveSpreadDistance + heatPlus; };
    if (heatWaveSpreadDistance >= (heatDistance - 1)) then {heatWaveSpreadDistance = (heatDistance);};
    shockWaveSpreadDistance = shockWaveSpreadDistance + ln(shockDistance - shockWaveSpreadDistance)*((ln(_kT)+1)*41)/20;
    //hintSilent format ["Heatwave: %1 \n Shockwave: %2",heatWaveSpreadDistance,shockWaveSpreadDistance];
    sleep 0.05;
    while {timeAfter < radTime} do
    	plus = (1.5 + random 1);
    	sleep plus;
    	timeAfter = timeAfter + plus;

    i added two functions: tree and sw2 (you need to compile them etc. of course):


    {_x setDamage 1;}forEach ArrayT;


    _pos = _this select 0;
    _kT = _this select 1;
    _pI = _this  select 2;
    AllArray = nearestObjects [_pos,["Man","Air","Motorcycle","Car","Tank","Ship","StaticWeapon"], 30000];
    {[_x,_pos,_kT,false,_pI] spawn ShockpushPreLoad;} forEach AllArray;

    Tested with All in Arma :)


    I found a script error too....

    in nuke.sqf you spawn a function called wind....but the name is reserved...

    so you have to change it e.g. wind2 in nuke.sqf and in nenvi.sqf


    It seems to be more or less synchron to an 1kT explosion, otherwise it takes to long to finish the forEach command.

    I will try to make the script faster...

    I also found out that not only trees are affected...

    Also fences and light power poles are knockt over :)

  2. If you are a commander in high command you can use SITREP (Menu 0,1) to see the units you selected:



    But how can I display this SITREP via script?




    Got it :)

    Here is the script (was kind of hard to find the function ;) so it might help someone...):

    _g=hcAllGroups player; //find all groups under high command
    player hcSelectGroup _g; //select them
    _t="SITREP" call BIS_HC_path_menu; //displaying SITREP
    sleep 0.1;
    showCommandingMenu ""; //you need this to delete the MENU poping up

  3. Hi everyone,

    i tried to add smoke or cs gas ammo to a dingo.

    I tried addweapon, addmagazine, but it doesn´t work (only with HE).

    So I decided to add an EventHandler type "Fired" to the vehicle to create gas at the target (removing projectile etc).

    It works with Smoke but not for gas.

    "ACE_M7A3" createVehicle pos create a gas grenade and it seems to work but the gas has no effect on the player -.-

    Please help (or maybe there´s a easier way to add tear gas/smoke to a mounted GL?)



    BTW: Do you know if you can use IR Strobes in ACE for targeting as well?

    ---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

    Ok I finished my script...

    My only problem is that the ace tear gas doesnt have any affect if used with createVehicle....

    Any solutions?

    My script:

    Vehicle init:

    this addEventHandler ["Fired", {[_this select 6]execVM "gl.sqf"}]


    _p=_this select 0;

    waitUntil {(getPosATL _p select 2)<0.25 or (count nearestObjects [position _p,[],1])>1};

    deleteVehicle _p;

    test="ACE_M7A3" createVehicle position _p;
