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About roelvvv

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    No because it's pretty much on every server that has like 50-60 players on it and other people don't have the same lag as me.
  2. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    Any other online games usually just work fine. http://www.pingtest.net/result/75700822.png It's also how more people in the server how more lag.
  3. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    I recently got a new router from a new provider which is cable, not sure how fast it is but it download with 3,2mb/s. I got all bars of connection. I even had lag on multiplayer before my new router which was even slower.
  4. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    Thanks for the help i will post my arma 2 config tomorrow however I did find out something, when playing dayz multiplayer in a server with 5 ppl i get around 20-30 fps in cherno but if i go on a full server i get around 10 fps. But once the full server restarted i got 30-40fps in the north of cherno but that only stays for a few minutes that way after that the fps keep dropping, is there any fix for that?
  5. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    Yes I'm running the latest OA beta and these are my amd engine control center specs: Driver Packaging Version 9.01.8-121202a-150272E-ATI Catalyst Version 12.11 Provider Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2D Driver Version 2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000 Direct3D Version OpenGL Version AMD VISION Engine Control Center Version 2012.1202.303.5362 AMD Audio Driver Version Cool N Quiet is turned off, I have no programs that would mess up my CPU, HOWEVER I do use a fan controller, which I never use but I've been using it for years and it's not running on any software.
  6. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    could you please tell me how to do that? Lowering resolution did not help. And in OA Singleplayer I get around 25-50 fps with 1600 visibility.
  7. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    heres a picture of my settings: http://i46.tinypic.com/qstp8h.jpg Everytime i start the game it says something about 3d performance config.. would that matter? And here's what my config looks like: Arma2OA.cfg: Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; Resolution_Bpp=32; refresh=60; winX=4; winY=30; winW=1899; winH=1006; winDefW=1899; winDefH=1006; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=926799872; nonlocalVRAM=926799872; vsync=0; AToC=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; Windowed=0; Profile.cfg: version=2; blood=1; singleVoice=0; lastSPMission="07: Freedom Fighters"; class MainMap { class Compass { inBack=0; position[]={-0.037400007,-0.035062499,0.2}; positionBack[]={0.005499999,2.2351743e-009,0.1}; }; class Watch { inBack=0; position[]={-0.048510008,-0.036815621,0.20999999}; positionBack[]={-0.0060499986,2.4586915e-009,0.11}; }; class WalkieTalkie { inBack=1; position[]={0.093999997,-0.043000001,0.25}; positionBack[]={0.28,-0.155,0.625}; }; class GPS2 { inBack=0; position[]={-0.016939996,-0.038568746,0.22}; positionBack[]={0.013199997,2.6822089e-009,0.12}; }; }; anisoFilter=0; TexQuality=1; TexMemory=4; useWBuffer=0; tripleHead=0; class Difficulties { class recruit { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; HUDGroupInfo=1; AutoSpot=1; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; CameraShake=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0.55000001; precisionFriendly=0.99999994; precisionEnemy=0.19; }; class regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; HUDGroupInfo=1; AutoSpot=1; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; CameraShake=1; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0.69999999; precisionFriendly=0.99999994; precisionEnemy=0.45999998; }; class veteran { class Flags { HUD=1; HUDWp=1; HUDGroupInfo=0; Map=0; WeaponCursor=1; ClockIndicator=0; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; CameraShake=1; UnlimitedSaves=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=0; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0.89999998; precisionFriendly=0.99999994; precisionEnemy=0.81999987; }; class mercenary { class Flags { UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=0; NetStats=0; VonID=0; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionFriendly=0.99999994; precisionEnemy=0.99999994; }; }; showTitles=1; showRadio=1; shadingQuality=0; shadowQuality=0; maxSamplesPlayed=32; lastMPMission="DayZ Namalsk"; browsingSource="Internet"; class Filter { serverName="dayzero"; missionType=""; missionName=""; maxPing=0; minPlayers=0; maxPlayers=0; fullServers=1; passwordedServers=1; battleyeRequired=0; expansions=1; }; browsingLatitude=9; browsingLongitude=51; customScheme=1; trackIR=1; freeTrack=1; controller="Default"; sensitivity="Medium"; vibrations=1; class ControllerSchemes { }; keyMoveForward[]={17,200}; keyMoveBack[]={31,208}; keyTurnLeft[]={30,203}; keyTurnRight[]={32,205}; keyMoveUp[]={}; keyMoveDown[]={}; keyMoveFastForward[]={273}; keyMoveSlowForward[]={}; keyMoveLeft[]={211}; keyMoveRight[]={207}; keyEvasiveForward[]={}; keyEvasiveLeft[]={16}; keyEvasiveRight[]={18}; keyEvasiveBack[]={}; keyStand[]={46}; keyCrouch[]={45}; keyProne[]={44}; keyLeanLeft[]={16,524291}; keyLeanRight[]={18,524297}; keyLeanLeftToggle[]={272}; keyLeanRightToggle[]={274}; keyWalkRunToggle[]={298}; keyWalkRunTemp[]={42}; keyToggleWeapons[]={33,131074}; keySwitchWeapon[]={}; keyFire[]={487653376}; keyDefaultAction[]={65536,131072}; keyReloadMagazine[]={19}; keyLockTargets[]={15,131073}; keyLockTarget[]={65537}; keyRevealTarget[]={65537}; keyTempRaiseWeapon[]={}; keyToggleRaiseWeapon[]={-1660944365,285}; keyPrevAction[]={26,1048580,131078}; keyNextAction[]={27,1048581,131076}; keyAction[]={28,65538,131077}; keyActionContext[]={65536,131072}; keyHeadlights[]={38}; keyNightVision[]={49}; keyBinocular[]={48}; keyHandgun[]={39}; keyCompass[]={37}; keyCompassToggle[]={293}; keyWatch[]={24}; keyWatchToggle[]={280}; keyMiniMap[]={}; keyMiniMapToggle[]={-1660944334}; keyShowMap[]={50}; keyHideMap[]={50}; keyHelp[]={35}; keyTimeInc[]={13}; keyTimeDec[]={12}; keyOptics[]={82,65665}; keyOpticsMode[]={181}; keyPersonView[]={156}; keyTacticalView[]={83}; keyZoomIn[]={78,131075}; keyZoomInToggle[]={334}; keyZoomOut[]={74}; keyZoomOutToggle[]={330}; keyZoomContIn[]={524299}; keyZoomContOut[]={524293}; keyZeroingUp[]={201}; keyZeroingDown[]={209}; keyLookAround[]={56}; keyLookAroundToggle[]={55,312}; keyLookLeftDown[]={79,262149}; keyLookDown[]={80,262148}; keyLookRightDown[]={81,262147}; keyLookLeft[]={75,262150}; keyLookCenter[]={76}; keyLookRight[]={77,262146}; keyLookLeftUp[]={71,262151}; keyLookUp[]={72,262144}; keyLookRightUp[]={73,262145}; keyLookLeftCont[]={524289}; keyLookRightCont[]={524295}; keyLookDownCont[]={524288}; keyLookUpCont[]={524294}; keyPrevChannel[]={51}; keyNextChannel[]={52}; keyChat[]={53}; keyVoiceOverNet[]={314}; keyPushToTalk[]={58}; keyPushToTalkAll[]={}; keyPushToTalkSide[]={}; keyPushToTalkCommand[]={}; keyPushToTalkGroup[]={}; keyPushToTalkVehicle[]={}; keyPushToTalkDirect[]={}; keyNetworkStats[]={23}; keyNetworkPlayers[]={25}; keyDSInterface[]={905969689}; keySelectAll[]={41}; keyTurbo[]={}; keyVehicleTurbo[]={42}; keyWalk[]={}; keyHoldBreath[]={65537}; keySalute[]={43}; keySitDown[]={40}; keySurrender[]={}; keyGetOver[]={47}; keyAimUp[]={1048578}; keyAimDown[]={1048579}; keyAimLeft[]={1048576}; keyAimRight[]={1048577}; keyAimHeadUp[]={1048578}; keyAimHeadDown[]={1048579}; keyAimHeadLeft[]={1048576}; keyAimHeadRight[]={1048577}; keyIngamePause[]={1}; keyMenuSelect[]={}; keyMenuBack[]={14,65665}; keyForceCommandingMode[]={57}; keySwitchCommand[]={486539321,221}; keyHeliUp[]={16}; keyHeliDown[]={44}; keyHeliLeft[]={1048576}; keyHeliRight[]={1048577}; keyHeliCyclicLeft[]={30,203,196616}; keyHeliCyclicRight[]={32,205,196608}; keyHeliRudderLeft[]={45,211}; keyHeliRudderRight[]={46,207}; keyHeliForward[]={17,200,1048579,196617}; keyHeliBack[]={31,208,1048578,196609}; keyHeliFastForward[]={18}; keyAutoHover[]={299}; keyAutoHoverCancel[]={43}; keyHeliThrottlePos[]={}; keyHeliThrottleNeg[]={}; keySeagullUp[]={16,1048579,196609}; keySeagullDown[]={44,1048578,196617}; keySeagullForward[]={17,200}; keySeagullBack[]={31,208}; keySeagullFastForward[]={18}; keyCarLeft[]={30,203,196616}; keyCarRight[]={32,205,196608}; keyCarWheelLeft[]={1048576}; keyCarWheelRight[]={1048577}; keyCarForward[]={17,200,196617}; keyCarBack[]={31,208,196609}; keyCarFastForward[]={18}; keyCarSlowForward[]={16}; keyCarAimUp[]={1048578}; keyCarAimDown[]={1048579}; keyCarAimLeft[]={1048576}; keyCarAimRight[]={1048577}; keyCommandLeft[]={30,203}; keyCommandRight[]={32,205}; keyCommandForward[]={17,200}; keyCommandBack[]={31,208}; keyCommandFast[]={18}; keyCommandSlow[]={16}; keySwitchGunnerWeapon[]={486539297}; keyVehLockTargets[]={15,131073}; keySwapGunner[]={}; keyHeliManualFire[]={40}; keyTurnIn[]={45,46}; keyTurnOut[]={44}; keyCancelAction[]={}; keyCommandWatch[]={56}; keyTeamSwitch[]={20}; keyTeamSwitchPrev[]={21}; keyTeamSwitchNext[]={22}; keyGear[]={34}; keyGetOut[]={}; keyEject[]={}; keyLandGear[]={-1660944350}; keyLandGearUp[]={-1660944350}; keyFlapsDown[]={-1660944347}; keyFlapsUp[]={-1660944346}; keyLaunchCM[]={19}; keyNextCM[]={486539283}; keyBuldSwitchCamera[]={210}; keyBuldFreeLook[]={76}; keyBuldSelect[]={57}; keyBuldResetCamera[]={82}; keyBuldMagnetizePoints[]={63}; keyBuldMagnetizePlanes[]={64}; keyBuldMagnetizeYFixed[]={65}; keyBuldTerrainRaise1m[]={24}; keyBuldTerrainRaise10cm[]={22}; keyBuldTerrainLower1m[]={38}; keyBuldTerrainLower10cm[]={36}; keyBuldTerrainRaise5m[]={25}; keyBuldTerrainRaise50cm[]={23}; keyBuldTerrainLower5m[]={39}; keyBuldTerrainLower50cm[]={37}; keyBuldTerrainShowNode[]={35}; keyBuldSelectionType[]={31}; keyBuldLeft[]={203}; keyBuldRight[]={205}; keyBuldForward[]={200}; keyBuldBack[]={208}; keyBuldMoveLeft[]={1048576}; keyBuldMoveRight[]={1048577}; keyBuldMoveForward[]={1048578}; keyBuldMoveBack[]={1048579}; keyBuldTurbo[]={42}; keyBuldUp[]={201,16}; keyBuldDown[]={209,44}; keyBuldLookLeft[]={75}; keyBuldLookRight[]={77}; keyBuldLookUp[]={72}; keyBuldLookDown[]={80}; keyBuldZoomIn[]={78}; keyBuldZoomOut[]={74}; keyBuldTextureInfo[]={20}; keyDiary[]={36}; keyUser1[]={17}; keyUser2[]={31}; keyUser3[]={30}; keyUser4[]={32}; keyUser5[]={16}; keyUser6[]={44}; keyUser7[]={72}; keyUser8[]={80}; keyUser9[]={75}; keyUser10[]={77}; keyUser11[]={42,54}; keyUser12[]={57}; keyUser13[]={210}; keyUser14[]={211}; keyUser15[]={}; keyUser16[]={}; keyUser17[]={}; keyUser18[]={}; keyUser19[]={}; keyUser20[]={}; revMouse=0; mouseSensitivityX=1; mouseSensitivityY=1; floatingZoneArea=0; mouseSmoothing=30; joystickSensitivity[]={0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1}; headBob=1; sceneComplexity=150000; viewDistance=508.95563; terrainGrid=50; volumeCD=6.5; volumeFX=8.5; volumeSpeech=5.5; volumeVoN=6.5; vonRecThreshold=0; gamma=0.9734357; brightness=0.96578574; fovTop=0.97500002; fovLeft=1.5599999; uiTopLeftX=0.30416664; uiTopLeftY=0.26499999; uiBottomRightX=0.69583333; uiBottomRightY=0.73500001; IGUIScale=0.47; And some other cfg file: version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; sceneComplexity=0; shadingQuality=0; shadowQuality=0; viewDistance=500; terrainGrid=10; volumeCD=6.5; volumeFX=6.5; volumeSpeech=6.5; volumeVoN=6.5;
  8. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    It can't be a virus, I reinstalled my pc a dozen times over the year and every time arma 2 still lagged. And I contacted AMD and the guy there said it's normal that it switches between those frequencies. Any other help would be appreciated :)
  9. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    Nope none of the fixes given proved working :( However I did notice that while playing arma 2 my frequency first is around 870mhz (It says the cores are 70% active) then suddenly it switches to 3200mhz(Then it says the cores are 90% active) this happens every few seconds. I'm also getting CPU Fan error every pc boot but I got used to it.
  10. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    I had an expert help me with the bios update, I'm pretty sure that should be ok. As for the hardware I'm pretty sure it's all working together because it was all double checked. I'm using 64 Bit Windows 7 with a quad core, btw do you think upgrading to windows 8 would work?
  11. roelvvv

    Awful lag decent specs

    Thanks for the quick response :) Yes I did something with the vram and it improved my fps by 2-4. However I didn't quite understand the thing with the memory allocator and dll files and which one to use. About the hardware, yes I have a few problems, everytime I start my pc it says CPU Fan error, however the cpu fan is running (this started happening after a bios update). Also I was told my 7850HD wasn't working well with my AMD Phenom because the cpu clock was staying at 800mhz all time, I usually see it switching from 800mhz to 3200mhz even when I'm gaming. (Yes I turned of cool n quiet.)
  12. Hey, I bought arma 2 a while ago but it really lagged so I didn't play it that much I had around 10-20 fps in dayz and 20 in singleplayer. On multiplayer it was like 15 fps. My specs are: AMD Phenom II x4 3,2ghz Sapphire 7850HD (2GB GDDR5) 8GB Ram 120GB SSD And still my arma 2 is lagging, even in dayz I get like 10-20 fps. I did alot of tweaks and they didn't help that much, I editted my options (no result) I'm using a 1900x1280 resolution. Could anyone please help me? Thanks in advance.