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Posts posted by dreadpirate

  1. Can I suggest that if you're going to use this in Multi-player, you use setObjectTextureGlobal instead of setObjectTexture

    Beerkan makes an excellent point about setObjectTextureGlobal.

    Also Beerkan, any chance of releasing those redressing scripts? Really like the look of those units.

    Anyway, Civilian Zamak:

    this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_kab_co.paa"];
    this setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_kuz_co.paa"]; 

    Civilian Zamak Fuel:

    this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_kab_co.paa"];
    this setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_fuel_co.paa"]; 

    Civilian Zamak Repair:

    this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_kab_co.paa"];
    this setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\soft_f_beta\Truck_02\Data\truck_02_repair_co.paa"]; 

  2. Bandit Clothes (reskin of Worker Coveralls) (you can replace 'bandit' with 'black', 'grey' or 'urbancamo' for different skins)

    this setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\characters_f\common\data\coveralls_bandit_co.paa"];

    Nice find! Between these, the sage uniforms and the woodland uniforms, you can make entire new armies without installing a single mod.....

  3. I made two triggers and synced them both to the respawn point.

    First Trigger:

    Activation: OPFOR



    Second Trigger:

    Activation: BLUFOR



    (F7) Modules

    Category: Multiplayer

    Module: Respawn Position

    (F5) Synchronize

    Hold left mouse button on First Trigger and drag a line to Respawn Position and release.

    Hold left mouse button on Second Trigger and drag a line to Respawn Position and release.

    Seems to work ok.

  4. All the doors in Takistan start wide open - the module in Arma 3 editor to shut doors has no effect.

    All the doors in Takistan start wide open in Operation Arrowhead.

    The A3 editor module uses the door classnames for Altis & Stratis buildings.

    ie it's not a problem with AiA TP.

    Try this:

    //mr_book.PXS.Pvt Door Closing script.
    //Closes all doors within a certain radius
    //Place a Game Logic in the centre of the desired area.
    //On Activation: nul = [this,1000] execVM "closeAllDoors.sqf";
    //1st parameter is a Game Logic at the location where you want to close the doors 
    //2nd parameter is the radius. Don't recommend using radius over 1000.
    private ["_y","_houses","_zeroes","_ones"];
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _houses = position (_this select 0) nearObjects ["house", (_this select 1)];
    _zeroes = ["dvere","dvere1l","dvere1r","dvere2l","dvere2r","dvere_spodni_r","dvere_spodni_l","dvere_vrchni","vrata1","vrata2","vratal1","vratar1","vratal2","vratar2","vratal3","vratar3"];
    _ones = ["door","door_1_1","door_1_2","door_2_1","door_2_2","dvere1","dvere2","dvere3","dvere4","dvere5","dvere6","dvere7","dvere8","dvere9","dvere10","dvere11","dvere12","dvere13","dvere14","doorl","doorr","door_01","door01_a","door_02","door02_a","door_03","door_04","door_05","door_06","door_1a","door_1","door_2"];
       _y = _x;
       {_y animate [format ["%1", _x], 0]} foreach _zeroes;
       if ((worldname=="Utes") or (worldname=="Chernarus")) then
           {_y animate [format ["%1", _x], 0]} foreach _ones;
       } else
           {_y animate [format ["%1", _x], 1]} foreach _ones;
       sleep 0.0001;
    } foreach _houses;

  5. Hi DreadPirate! Can you point me out on a weapon with ACOG that actually works like you intended in game? So I can check those you mentioned ;)

    After looking at it some more, I realise that there are no other weapons with the exact same sight, so if it's a no go, I understand.

    But here are some weapons with the properties I mentioned (ie Iron sight option and no night vision while using the main sight):



    The following are slightly different. They have a main sight (ACOG) which you can't use with night vision and a red-dot sight mounted on top which you can use with night vision:



  6. Hey guys, I've got a simple mission working with 5 zones, the first zone starts at the beginning of the mission and the other 4 are deactivated at the beginning. Is there a way I can detect that all the enemies in the first zone are dead and trigger the second zone to start? Then after all the enemies in the second zone are down, start the next zone and so on...?

    Sure, place a trigger over the first zone that activates when the enemy side is not present, with activation "activateZone2 = true"

    Then set the condition on Zone2 to "activateZone2".

    Repeat for the other zones.

  7. hi cool script

    i am trying to get this code to work with your script

    (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["1", "MOVE"], false];

    but i dont know how



    0 = [this, "INIT=", "(group _proxyThis) setVariable ['GAIA_ZONE_INTEND',['1', 'MOVE'], false];"] execVM "Jebus.sqf"

    Two things to note:

    1. Use "_proxyThis" where you would usually use "this" in a function call.
    2. Use single quotes instead of double quotes inside the init string

    Hope this helps

  8. AAF Orca

    this setObjectTexture [0, "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_indp_co.paa"];

    Civilian Orca

    this setObjectTexture [0, "\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_02\Data\heli_light_02_ext_civilian_co.paa"]; 

    Civilian Mohawk 1

    this setObjectTexture [0,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_1_dahoman_co.paa"];   
    this setObjectTexture [1,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_2_dahoman_co.paa"];   
    this setObjectTexture [2,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_3_dahoman_co.paa"];  

    Civilian Mohawk 2

    this setObjectTexture [0,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_1_ion_co.paa"];
    this setObjectTexture [1,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_2_ion_co.paa"];
    this setObjectTexture [2,"a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Data\Skins\heli_transport_02_3_ion_co.paa"]; 
