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Posts posted by dreadpirate

  1. They attempted to fix some things and make the game more realistic, like adding zeroing to more rifles and adjusting the firing radius on mounted guns.


    Being able to tow aircraft and do airborne operations from the C-130 would be realistic, as well as being able to shoot from passenger vehicles that dont have windows..


    For example a well known military tactic is to employ snipers from helicopters. It is even an event at the annual warrior competition.

    I'm not saying these ideas are bad or wrong, I'm just saying they go beyond the scope of what these patches are meant to achieve.

    Adding zeroing to guns requires modifying a few lines of a config file, adding towing or firing from vehicles requires hundreds of lines of code, new animations, etc.

    • Like 1

  2. Great ideas!


    I also had a request or idea that I know is possible with scripting, it would be much more realistic if we could shoot from vehicles..


    Something like this video..





    Sorry for being gone for so long, I was struck by the Drama Llama over the holidays (family stuff)

    I want to say to everyone who has helped update and keep ArmA 2 alive, thanks!

    I have a quick request / question though.

    Would it be possible to make the Towing Tractor actually tow aircraft?  I know there is a script out there that allows this, but it's not a stock option as far as I know.  (I've tried to use that thing, and it' can't tow aircraft, but I've seen Youtube video of people doing it with scripts.)

    On that note, would be also nice to know if we could be able to open the C130's rear hatch and HALO out of it.  (You can walk up to the Mi-24 and open her troop compartment hatches, and do it on the Merlin for the BAF)  I know it can be done, but again, that's in scripts, and until I'm better at that stuff, I don't mess with it.  (Don't want to break things until I know what I'm looking at.)

    Anyway, I'm back around, and I'll get to work on those messages I received.  Have a great week everyone!


    As I understand it, the purpose of these patches is to fix config and scripting errors with A2 & OA, not to add new features that didn't exist in the original games.....

  3. @f2K sel or anyone else. I know how to do that  :) the issues is I was trying to use it with UPSMON, UPS, EOS, AISSP SLP spawn scripts. It is such a waste of time that bohemia never really finished these modules. There is no way to set the AI behaviors after they are spawned using outside scripts (maybe there is but I can't get it to work). Yes using the sector control module will make them move and engage but it seems such a waste that you can't other script with the module init to change the spawn groups behaviors like we can with the group leaders init. Time to more on unless someone can bring more light to this for me.  


    You can run UPS, etc, from the Expression field of the Spawn AI module:


    nul = [leader (_this select 0),"kavala","track"] execVM "ups.sqf"


    (Just tested in the UPS demo mission)

  4. how custom loadout for this group?

    Call your loadout script from the expression field

    Is there a way to trigger this module on and off synchronized to blufor present and deactivate with the !alive command when I unit is killed. I never thought about using this module as a reinforcement script for a AO before I saw this post!

    From what I've seen, it just spawns units until it hits the unit cap. You can activate it via trigger, but you can't switch it off and then back on again.

  5. Hi dreadpirate!

    I've tested it and I can't reproduce the issue you encounter. I've used the latest version of JSRS (v1.5 final) and CBA (v1.0.1.196)


    Hmmm. It must be a problem with my install, I guess.


    I got all the files from Armaholic. I thought I had it all patched up correctly.


    Let me reinstall everything and see what happens.


    Sorry for wasting your time.


    Edit: Still not working for me, I guess I won't use G36s in my missions...

  6. Wow, I just drove the Great Altis Highway at night with this script and it barely missed a beat.


    At one point, two sports hatchbacks whizzed by me like two kids having a race. It was awesome.


    Passed a traffic accident or two, but that's AI driving skills for you.


    A few cars decided to drive with their lights off, but I don't know if that's something you can fix or not.


    I got one script error, as follows:

    18:05:17 Error in expression <speed = "NORMAL"; if (_vehicle distance _destinationSegment < 500) then {_speed>
    18:05:17   Error position: <_destinationSegment < 500) then {_speed>
    18:05:17   Error Undefined variable in expression: _destinationsegment
    18:05:17 File E:\Paul\My Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\DreadPirate\mpmissions\EnigmasTrafficScript.Altis\Engima\Traffic\Server\Functions.sqf, line 86

    Two questions:

    1. Would it be possible to have random civilians as well as random cars? So I could have Takistanis driving instead of Altians?
    2. Do you use many A3-only scripting commands? Or could I change the classnames and use it in A2?

  7. Is there a way to get the respawn function of gaia to operate on a delay? My issue is that sometimes dead squads respawn and rush to re0-support a little too fast, and i'd like to pace it out more without moving the spawn areas.


    I tried inserting a sleep command in a few different spots in the code in the init.sqf as referenced by the answer to the same question earlier in the thread, but at best worked in a glitched way (stopped after 1st respawn) or not at all.


    I've used my respawning script Jebus successfully with GAIA:






    For example:


    nul = [this, "DELAY=", [60,120], "INIT=", "(group _proxythis) setVariable ['GAIA_ZONE_INTEND',['1', 'NOFOLLOW']];"] execVM "Jebus.sqf" ;


    Would respawn between 60 and 120 seconds and assign them to zone 1.....

  8. I've tried the retard method of actually controlling the Grads and ordering the AI to fire at a point on the map, and they do, however even after several minutes there is no impact of rockets. I've even gone so far as to play as the gunner and fire a salvo myself using the artillery computer, and it indicates the red line of the rockets trajectory and ETA to impact, about 80 seconds. So then I switch to a friendly unit observing the target area and after 80 seconds there is no impact. No dead enemies, no craters, no destroyed buildings, nothing.



    I just performed both of these tests in the editor. Rockets were fired and I switched units and watched them land.....
