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Posts posted by dreadpirate

  1. allGroups is not propagated correctly in MP. Different machines can have different groups.


    Only way to be sure (aside from nuking the groups from orbit), is to exec something like this globally:


    [] spawn {
              if ((count (units _x)) isEqualTo 0) then {
                   deleteGroup _x;
         } count allGroups;
    The problem with this is that it will sometimes delete a new group in the process of being created.

    (I tried your clean up script with the deleteGroup part active and this happened several times)

    I was thinking of adding a "MPKilled" event handler to all spawned units to deleteVehicle them when there are no players nearby. That should help with emptying out groups, right?


    What is the locality of group when being deleted? Can removing units from group have some lag?

    Try this:

    (units _newGroup) join grpNull;
    [_newGroup] spawn {
        private _grp = _this select 0;
        waitUntil {(count (units _grp)) == 0};
        [_grp] remoteExec ["deleteGroup", _grp];


    It's a server-side script, so remoteExec shouldn't be necessary?


    Tried this and it was much the same.....


    I feel you're on the right track with spawning a process to check when the group is empty, but something is still missing.....

  3. According to the wiki, deleteGroup :


    In Arma 3 when last unit leaves a group, the group gets auto deleted. Manually deleting all units from a group however, does not auto delete the empty group.



    So for my AI respawning script JEBUS, I have been trying to clean up groups with no alive members using:

    (units _newGroup) join grpNull;
    deleteGroup _newGroup;

    According to allGroups, my demo mission starts with 26 groups, but after about 10 minutes of fighting and respawning, it reports 62 groups, so something isn't working.


    How do I clean up old empty groups, keeping in mind that new empty groups are being created as AI groups are respawning?


  4. It's just occurred to me having a quick look around the editor that there are no civilian aircraft (by default) in Arma3.. surely this can't be the case?


    I remember there were a few available in Arma2/OFP, where have they all gone?


    Can anyone point me in the direction of a good mod that puts some in if this is the case please?

    There's a Cessna on Armaholic. Also some civilian jets by Ivory Aircraft

  5. also, unrelated but can anyone think of a clever way to populate an EDEN created structure like this? My go to unit spawning script is EOS and it won't work over water and when I try to just use Zeus/Ares, the units spawn on the ocean floor instead of the object placed over the water.

    I'd just place units manually in Eden. My guess is that they'll have a hard time navigating and you'll have to get them to fight standing still.....

  6. In Eden:

    1. F5 (Systems) -> Multiplayer -> Respawn Position
    2. Double click to edit attributes, set it to Type: Infantry, Side: BLUFOR.
    3. F3 (Triggers) -> Trigger (0 100m)
    4. Double click to edit attributes, set it to Activation: BLUFOR, Activation Type: Present.
    5. Right click on Respawn position, select Connect -> Sync To and drag the line so the Trigger is highlighted, left click
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