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Posts posted by dreadpirate

  1. New Version is ready for download, that annoying error message was fixed.  


    Congrats on the latest release, but I was just having a look in the Arsenal and I think I've found a bug.....


    CSAT helmets, Combat Light helmets and Combat SF helmets aren't showing their correct textures.....

    • Like 1

  2. So heres an interesting problem, I'm trying to get some motorized/armored groups to respawn and one or more of the vehicles ends up crushing its crew, leading to a useless vehicle. Have you encountered this?


    Just ran a quick test with a bunch of motorised groups and it happened to me too.


    Open up Jebus.sqf and search for:

    deleteGroup _unitGroup;

    and add:

    sleep 1;

    on the following line.


    That fixed it for me, but let me know if it works for you.....

  3. Hello! I love your script, it makes unit spawning so easy and saves on performance in a lot of situations.

    I do have a problem getting it to work with the F3 though. I put the call compile line in the .init file but it seems like it doesn't run and throws the "Jebus.sqf" not found on startup.

    Any advice on how to get this to work?

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with F3.

    Does it not use "init.sqf"?

    Or maybe "Jebus.sqf" is in the wrong folder?

  4. Hi BangaBob!


    Been playing around with your script in Fallujah lately, I really love the ease of use you've put into this. Great work!

    Looking at your code I see that you use createUnit to spawn civs? Have you considered spawning them as agents? I'm considering tweaking your script to try this for pedestrians, and see what framerate could be gained...

    Haven't seen BangaBob on here for quite a while. Make a "Haleks COS" and give credit where it's due.....

    • Like 1

  5. Sorry for digging this up. I'm trying to get Thirsk working on a Arma 3 server. Can anyone confrim it is still working and if so, what mods are required?


    I got it working with CUP Terrains. In the summer version, the ponds glitch when seen from the air, but the winter version seems ok from a quick fly around.....

    • Like 1

  6. Hi Dread


    Sorry to keep bothering you. Used your script last night and had a great time! Enemies spawned and stayed in a zone that I wanted them to (more or less ;))

    Had a problem with a different scenario where I opted for the DELAY parameter. Had various enemies in squads or amoured vehicles using code similar to this

    0 = [this, "DELAY=", 300, "LIVES=", 1] execVM "Jebus.sqf";

    While the delay time changed from group to group, when the unifying synced trigger was fired, ALL groups spawned from zero seconds. To workaround the issue, I had to use as almost as many triggers as groups with varying timer values in the different triggers. I can post a small video if it helps demonstrate the problem. Overall still happy with what this script offers our clan and will continue to use regardless. :)


    DELAY is the time until the group re-spawns after it has been eliminated, it doesn't affect the initial spawn. Seeing as you're only using 1 LIFE, DELAY won't have any effect at all.


    How many triggers did you have to use in the end? I might be able to read the minimum and maximum times from the trigger and incorporate that into the script.....

  7. Hi again


    You can see I'm right into your script, but am observing something funky going on. I've placed down 1 x 8 man squad of RHS Russian troops and have

    0 = [this, "LIVES=", 1] execVM "Jebus.sqf";

    ...in the group leaders init. Everything was fine early as the triggered fired, they spawned and I killed them. All good and I'm happy.


    However... further into editing task, I come back to test the very same group, which will despawn on initialisation as designed, but then wouldn't spawn when the trigger fired. So I put down more four man squads to test along side using same init code and one of the following will occur:

    • 8 man squad won't spawn on trigger, but 4 man squad will
    • Three 4 man squads all linked to same trigger, using same code (maybe LIVES changed to 2). Result: 2 squads spawn, 1 doesn't.

    Has this been observed? I must admit we are using mods, but I'm wondering why it would work initially then degrade to the point where it goes wonky?


    Later edit: I now believe it is the RHS AFRF units I am using, and the fact that I'm still using a slightly older RHS.


    I can't see anything wrong with what you've done. Mod units shouldn't be a problem.


    Try: 0 = [this, "LIVES=, 1, "DEBUG] execVM "Jebus.sqf";


    and see what it says.....

  8. Hi dreadpirate


    Can I get your advice from someone who only posseses a basic understanding of code in general

    I'd like to spawn AI very simply, where we (Blufor) activate a trigger, the AI spawns and is killed never to return.

    Is the application of the following code workable?

    0 = [this, "LIVES=", [1,1]] execVM "Jebus.sqf";

    I deduced by putting [1,1] I offer the AI only 1 life. Also is the "GAIA" folder used in the mission folder only when "GAIA_MOVE" or "GAIA_FOLLOW" or "GAIA_FORTIFY" codes are used?


    "LIVES=" can be either an array as you have in your example or a number as in:​

    0 = [this, "LIVES=", 1] execVM "Jebus.sqf";

    Both will produce the same outcome, the group will spawn once when the trigger is activated and never respawn.


    If you don't use any GAIA codes with JEBUS, you can safely delete the GAIA folder, but you will also need to remove the GAIA initialisations from the init.sqf file.


    Everything from the line:

    // Change the following numbers to your liking

    to the end of the file.....

  9. You can retexture most vehicles without opening the game files at all.


    Try pasting this in the init of the Qilin:

    this setobjectTextureGlobal[0, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.5)"]; 
    this setobjectTextureGlobal[1, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.5)"]; 
    this setobjectTextureGlobal[2, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.5)"]; 
    this setobjectTextureGlobal[3, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,0.5)"]; 
    this setobjectTextureGlobal[4, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,0.5)"];

    and you'll see that texture 0 is the main body, texture 1 is the wheels and texture 2 is the interior.


    Just replace "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.5)" with your texture filename and you're good to go.


    It's not as good as having access to the game files, of course, but it's fine for a quick and dirty retexture.....

  10. Alright guys, just started to really have a go at editing with alive. This is probably a stupid question but i'd rather be sure before i start messing around. Was just wandering if i want to place units, objects, tasks etc in specific places it's not going to cause problems or conflicts is it? I'm assuming it won't but again, i'd rather be sure.


    Edit: I meant placing things inside TAOR markers


    Thanks in advance




    Try it and find out!  :)


    Seriously, it's fine.

  11. Hello


    Great job on the units, in particular the Russian units.


    I have a quick question - 


    Do the Russians not have Russian language voices? On my end, the Russian units are speaking in english when giving out commands and such.


    (Ran simple test by just placing 2 grouped Russian units whom follow a patrol path, at each new move position the leader issues the move order in english)




    They did have Russian voices, but something broke in the last update.


    Same thing observed with Takistanis.....
