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Everything posted by dreadpirate

  1. Version 1.45 Major code rewrite Changed the Global Mobilization fix to use config entries Added a recruit function Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fd09XZilJqs_qsBzvRAuxbDzT3qvadNb GitHub https://github.com/DreadPirateAU/JEBUS
  2. CACHE just hides the units and disables simulation. REDUCE does the same, but teleports infantry back to the leader when they "un-reduce" (which is why I don't recommend using REDUCE with multi-vehicle groups). ALIVE actually deletes the group and rebuilds it when players are in range. With the new version, I may be able to replicate this, but it's still a WIP.....
  3. You can't use CACHE and REDUCE at the same time. REDUCE is taking precedence in this case. My new version *may* allow me to completely despawn and then rebuild groups, but there are a few technical hurdles to get over first. Is 50 patrols a lot for JEBUS? Depends on a lot of factors, but mostly how many groups will be active at once. Are your players concentrated in one area, activating only a few groups at a time? Or are they spread out doing different tasks?
  4. It seems that Ravage zombies can't join groups like other units. Seeing as JEBUS relies on groups, it won't work.... at the moment. I'm working on a JEBUS update which would allow the spawning of individual units, that might make a difference. I've pretty much rewritten JEBUS from the ground up, making it more modular and easier to read and maintain. Saving and spawning groups is much faster now. The only real feature I've added is the (optional) ability to recruit JEBUS units to your group. Instead of a recruit script with a menu, just run up to a unit and get him to join you, meaning you can customise loadouts for recruits. I'm also tinkering with other minor AI enhancements for recruits, like the ability to teleport them if they get stuck and unlimited ammo, so they aren't constantly whining about running out.....
  5. I think that's what the hotfix is about. Something in the latest update broke things.....
  6. There may be special Ravage scripts running on zombies that are interfering. You might have to ask in the Ravage thread about spawning zombies via script.... If I get a chance over the weekend, I'll look into it.....
  7. 0 = [this, "LIVES=", 1] spawn jebus_fnc_main;
  8. Version 1.433 Vehicles spawn 2m off ground (Global Mobilization fix) Various tweaks and fixes Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=11ExOwrgZFq4wox_VBhn8mQYONDgXwvAO GitHub https://github.com/DreadPirateAU/JEBUS
  9. Here's the way I did it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ho7oivdkJX580Ls4qgDDaAbxuSeeilq2 (The deactivation code in the trigger deletes the vehicle and its crew when OPFOR has left the area)
  10. Shows how many people use the github, the entire main script was pasted in there twice..... Fixed now, thanks for the heads up @slatosniper
  11. We've all been there.....
  12. JEBUS doesn't work well with multi-vehicle groups, especially planes. Other than that, your init should work fine. Add "DEBUG" to the init, maybe your trigger isn't firing for some reason.....
  13. The group won't respawn until the whole group is killed AND the trigger is activated...
  14. Thank you @sgtfuzzle17 I will include this fix in the next update..... @Rayjer If you look at the planes in the demo mission, you'll find that JEBUS already has a function called pilotKill that does what you want. Here's an example of how to call it: 0 = [this, "FLYING", "INIT=", "[_proxyThis] call jebus_fnc_pilotKill"] spawn jebus_fnc_main;
  15. I just had a look at this. Seems like the vehicles aren't configured correctly. As a workaround, look for the following line in fn_main.sqf: _newVehicle = createVehicle [_newVehicleType, _newVehiclePosition, [], 0, _special]; (it's line number 278 if your editor shows line numbers.....) Add a line *above* that one that reads: _newVehiclePosition = [_newVehiclePosition select 0, _newVehiclePosition select 1, (_newVehiclePosition select 2)+ 1.5]; This will spawn vehicles 1.5 metres above their default position and then they will drop to the ground..... Unfortunately, this may cause problems for other vehicles, particularly planes that may tip over and get damaged when dropped.....
  16. Success! Thank you @engima!!! I'm also experimenting with your Civilian, Ambient Infantry and Patrolled Areas scripts. Everything is working well! For the record, here is my ConfigAndStart.sqf. I don't know if what I've done will work in a dedicated or headless client environment, but for single player and listen servers it does the job..... ConfigAndStart.sqf
  17. @engima This is what I tried...... The driver is being replaced as I want, but when the vehicle leaves the spawn radius, only the vehicle is deleted and the civilian is either killed or severely injured as the car disappears from under him..... ConfigAndStart.sqf
  18. I was going to use ON_UNIT_CREATED to delete the driver and add my own, but wouldn't that interfere with managing and despawning the vehicles and units?
  19. @engima Would it be possible to define an array of possible drivers as well as possible vehicles? It would be great for people using modded civilians and vehicles to mix and match what spawns.
  20. Because it was for enemies, I didn't bother with precise loadouts, but if that's what you want it will be a big script. At that point, you might want to look at creating your own faction. There are some good tools for doing that like the ALIVE Orbatron or Drongo's Config Generator: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ORBAT_Tool https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1771335720
  21. I did a similar thing myself. Have a look at setSkill.sqf in eos\functions....... // ADD CUSTOM SCRIPTS TO UNIT HERE [_unit] execVM "redressFIA.sqf"; {_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true]} forEach allCurators;