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About crazydeviant

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  1. Hm. Do you know if there's a way to add a classname to an object, either through modding or by script? For example, can you make a class using code to either replace or to add on to an existing class? I don't know much beyond relatively basic mission editing, so some ideas on what's possible would be appreciated. :) EDIT: 1. The above classnames you provided didn't work, Iceman. :( And 2. What file holds the locations and types of structures that are placed on Stratis and Altis? I figured that I could look up how the map holds that data, and extrapolate. Is there is sqf file of some kind, or is it another kind? I didn't see an SQF in there excluding the scene files. Reason being is I want to see how the bridges and structures are declared in the map itself.
  2. Hey, just gave it a try, and this didn't work either. Any ideas? :)
  3. Hello! Before you ask, yes, the code is working. :P The problems are the classnames themselves. Anyway, I'm attempting to spawn some of the structure objects in the game. For example, "Land_Airport_Tower_F" works fine when combined with an object such as Helipad (Invisible). However, some other objects, do not seem to work even though they appear under the CfgVehicles list. In particular, I'm trying to spawn any of the following: Land_Bridge_01_PathLod_F Land_Bridge_Asphalt_PathLod_F Land_Bridge_Concrete_PathLod_F Land_Bridge_HighWay_PathLod_F Land_Bridge_01_F Land_Bridge_Asphalt_F Land_Bridge_Concrete_F Land_Bridge_HighWay_F Is there any particular reason and/or workaround to get any of these to spawn? Most structures will spawn with the CreateVehicle command, but these ones for some reason do not seem to work. (EDIT - I also tried to position them 50 and 100 units in the air, to ensure that it wasn't simply buried underground.) On a side question, I've wanted to spawn just the tank turrets, and/or the chassis (such as a tank factory or fixed emplacements, for example). Using the CfgVehicle entries for these also don't work. Again, I won't be surprised if the tank thing won't work, but I'm more concerned about not being able to place bridges. Thanks in advance! The code: WORKING testspawn = "Land_Airport_Tower_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "hspawn_1"); NOT WORKING testspawn = "Land_Bridge_01_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "hspawn_1");
  4. Hello! I'm trying to get this script to work with manned vehicles in the gunnery and passenger positions. However, when I'm in the gunnery position, the vehicle refuses to move. Is this intended or a bug of the code? I'd like to make it so that players can man the turrets of the escort vehicles in a form of shooting gallery. Thanks! :) EDIT: Also, I'd like to disable the AI from exiting the vehicle(s), and to simply continue driving. Is there a way to do this?
  5. I believe the page that you are looking for, is Arma 3 Respawn. From what I've read, you need to create a file in your mission directory called onPlayerRespawn.sqf - Inside of it, you would add the code necessary to run your random loadout generator, such as the code listed above. This should do the trick, though I haven't tried this before personally. :)
  6. Greetings, This is my first post here, and though I've found many useful tips on my own, and have made quite elaborate missions so far, a friend of mine recently gave me a question that I personally would love to know for my own purposes as well. Arma III's editor is quite amazing, and I've loved the new flexibility it gives. However, I've found that it doesn't make it easy at all to create custom loadouts. From what I've seen, you can place a preset infantry unit, then you have to individually add coding to a unit to give it its own loadout, coding that is quite lengthy and tedious to replicate. What my friend wanted to do is to create a simple add-on using existing resources so that way all he would have to do is to code the custom loadouts into a few templates, then select and place his units as if they were default units, without having to code the loadouts individually per unit placed. However, doing so would make his mission inaccessible to anyone except those with the add-on. What I'm hoping, is to find a way to either make it simple to customize infantry units, or to take it a step further and make it that you can place units in a click-only method that doesn't require an add-on. As a last resort, I've considered creating an external javascript application and make a loadout generator, but I'm hoping you guys have something in mind that would work a lot better, so that way making custom loadouts is as simple as selecting a few options, and placing them. Thanks! :)