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Everything posted by Rofl3r

  1. Rofl3r

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Hi guys, Just wanted to say I managed to fix my !!!MISSING STRING error by reinstalling both Arma 2 and OA. Then the running steam as admin fix worked correctly and I was able to install. If you are running Windows 8 and have retail Arma 2 and Steam OA, this might fix the issue for you too! Perhaps one issue which I'm not sure is DLC related or perhaps to do with my new clean install, is I now have to use the -flush command much more regularly, otherwise arma will minimize. I seem to remember reading a fix for this in the past, if anyone is able to point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. As for the DLC itself, I find it quite enjoyable. Only came across one bug so far during the civilian escort mission on Takistan - when my Humvee was hit by an IED, my troops bailed out as I repaired it, I ordered them back, but one soldier kept refusing. I noticed that he had already ran around 400m away in the time it took to fix the Humvee. I spotted him just before he walked into a minefield :( RIP Brave Czech! I would echo the comments of others that the new Bystrica terrain looks pretty and the main campaign seems to be quite fun so far. I would agree with Johan that it seems similar in quality to PMC.
  2. Rofl3r

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Fraczek thanks for your help with this - I'll give it a try tomorrow and report back.
  3. Rofl3r

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Hi all Having some trouble installing ACR. I'm running Windows 8 64 bit and I own retail Arma 2 and Steam OA, BAF, PMC and ACR. Even when running steam and arma exes as admin I still get !!! MISSING STRING error when I attempt to run ACR installer. Likewise running the CO batch files in my steam arma folder does not resolve the problem. One odd thing was that on attempting to install ACR, all of my launchers lost their path to my Arma 2 exe. For example DayZ Commander refused to believe I owned Combined Ops until I pointed it to my Arma 2 folder again, despite running well for months before I tried to install ACR. They work again now that I have pointed them back to the correct path, but this issue only presented itself when I attempt to install ACR. I would be grateful if anyone knows how to resolve this issue. Thanks