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Posts posted by zigzagtshirt

  1. use getDammage to check to see if damage changes (even if it isn't visible) after shooting at it, etc.  If it does, have a condition that checks to see if it equals 0.  From there you could delete the object to simulate it being destroyed, or even swap it with another junky looking object.  I honestly don't know if this would work and I'm not home at the moment to test. 


  2. On 8/21/2017 at 8:54 PM, 7erra said:

    I don't know what was wrong with me it seems i didn't read the question at all. Here is a script with the suggestions from above:

    _random_pos_in_trigger = [];
    _loopCount = 0;
    while {_random_pos_in_trigger isEqualTo [] && _loopCount < 100} do {
    	_random_pos_in_trigger = trigger_spawn call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    	_random_pos_in_trigger = _random_pos_in_trigger findEmptyPosition [0, 0, "vehicleType"];
    	_loopCount = _loopCount +1; //Prevents infinite executions with severe hit on performance if no position can be found

    _random_pos_in_trigger should be safe to spawn vehicles on afterwards.


    Thanks!  Finally got it to work with a solution I came up with (at work so I don't have the script on me).  But I like yours a lot better so I think I'm going to use it instead since it's a lot less complicated- thanks!


    Another problem now:


    I'm trying to select a random trigger to be "trigger_spawn", so I have three triggers named "trigger_spawn1", "trigger_spawn2", "trigger_spawn3" in an array and I select one from random and pass it to a variable.  However, when I execute the BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger on this variable, it will only select the center of the trigger every time.  When I use the actual name of the trigger instead of the variable I created with the trigger name, it works.



    _random_pos_in_trigger = trigger_spawn call  BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; // Just like in your solution; returns random location within trigger area


    Doesn't Work:



    _select_trigger_spawn = _trigger_spawn_array call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


    _random_pos_in_trigger = select_trigger_spawn call  BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; // Just returns the center of the trigger area


    In order to try to isolate the issue I used triggerArea on my variable that has the randomly picked trigger from the array, and received the "string, expected object" error.  Now I'm stuck.  Any idea how to make this work?  Again, trying to select trigger from array, and having that serve as the trigger to execute BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger on.


    _area_of_trigger = triggerArea select_trigger_spawn; // ERROR

  3. How should I go about getting a random position within a trigger area (circle - 500m) to spawn units on?  I have the following so far:


    _random_pos_in_trigger = trigger_spawn call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;


    Won't this pick a random position that isn't necessary safe for a unit spawn (e.g., on a rock, in the water, etc.)?  Is there a way to use BIS_fnc_findSafePos with this to make sure I'm not spawning units in unsafe locations?


    Many thanks.

  4. Can someone please tell me where I can find the camo nets in the editor? I used them a dozen times before but today for some reason I can't find the dang section in the editor where they are stored. I have looked through each list 10 times and I can't find them. So, either I'm blind or they vanished for some reason.

    ---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

    Nevermind. For some reason a mod I am using removed them. When I disabled the mod, they came back. Weird. Has anything like this happened to anyone else before?

  5. Looking for a couple of guys to play COOP with. I'm not really into the whole "professional, elitist" squads; too serious for me. Yet, I want to play with some guys who actually take the game seriously, know what they are doing, and know how to be tactical. I've been working a lot with editing lately, so if you want to do custom missions, I'm sure I can fire up something if you don't have any or don't want to play the prepackaged missions. Message me.

  6. Has anyone ever made an insurgency variant where the Opfor gets access to the Awesome ACE light mortars ?

    Perhaps inside of a ammo cache with 10-20 shells , or 2 new opfor classes, mortar man (Tube + bipod ) Mortar ammo man (20 or so shells).

    Would completely change the gameplay imo.

    Arm them with simple tools such as map tools and they can provide inaccurate indirect fire much like they do in real life.

    Great idea, I second this!
