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About v0lus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. v0lus

    AI detection

    Okay, since knowsabout isn't the best judge, what is another alternative to gauging LOS, sound detection, among other things?
  2. Learning the limits will help me greatly in making stealth missions. How does knowsabout levels tie into detection? At what knowsabout does the enemy attack on sight ("HOLY F*CK IT'S HIM KILL HIM!")? Does surprise attacking the enemy in darkness, with them having no NVG, then slinking back to the shadows and moving somewhere else work ("Huh? Where did he go?!")? Heck, how does evasion on breaking line of sight work (lol Metal Gear)? Can anyone answer these questions? Thanks.
  3. Hmmm... Radios, schmradios, is there an alternative to sideChat, like hint? Also, I made a Detected by BLUFOR trigger activatable by anyone, used an opfor player, synced them, and tested them on a resistance guy, but even when detected there was no message. What now? EDIT: Hmmm, while the trigger works, what functions can I use instead when the enemy physically detects me?
  4. How can I trigger my player character to go "Uh oh" when the enemy suspects him (heard his footsteps) or "Drat" when the enemy's definitely saw him (detected), through the editor, for stealth missions? If I can make that work, then I would get a good indicator of detection. Oh, and he doesn't have to actually verbally speak.
  5. v0lus

    indoor improvements

    ...They're slow, they'll only get here one year later.
  6. http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2013/06/ArmA-III-screenshot-8-610x344.jpg Ringin' any bells? Click the link to see.
  7. Where's the functions module?
  8. How do I use that function in Arma 3? Is it different from A2OA?
  9. v0lus

    No kill stealth missions?

    It's not about silent kills, it's about keeping out of sight and moving between concealment WITHOUT killing anyone. Maybe a simple mission where you have to get into a house before a big convoy you have NO hope of defeating passes?
  10. v0lus

    No kill stealth missions?

    I mean trying to not let the enemy hear or see you, even though you are right around that corner they didn't bother to check or that house they didn't look back on. Think concealment.
  11. I'm just wondering if anyone made a stealth mission where you have to sneak without making a sound. NOTE: Since suppressors aren't perfectly silent, the kinds of stealth missions I'm asking for are those where you have to either sneak in or sneak out of an enemy base without killing anyone.
  12. v0lus

    Stealth Kills?

    I'd suggest knives in the game, albeit the knife is not perfect and the enemy does not die instantly. EDIT: then how else will we stealth kill?
  13. Clarifying the above, you're not the leader. How do I make a group halo jump, activated by a trigger that can only be activated by their presence (or their plane's)? The catch is that I'm not the group leader, so I can't order my squad to halo jump. So how do I make it so, that by activating the trigger, my squad all gets out of the plane, and lands at a certain spot (not just anywhere)?
  14. Addweapon? So in the engine, NVG's a weapon? lol. Thanks, though.
  15. I know how to give them weapons, but how can I give them gear, like NVG?