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Pomi Git

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Everything posted by Pomi Git

  1. that's a really nice looking model. Cant wait to see this one finished
  2. All good, I think I got the gist of it :)
  3. Thanks Keewa, some really good feedback here. Below are my responses Agree, ill be releasing a patch shortly to fix this along with a few other bug fixes Its definitely something I will look at in the future, once a smaller calibre sniper rifle is added Your wording here is quite hard to follow, regarding vest capacity, In the next patch release I will be updating all vest capacity to be in line with how BI updated it recently, hopefully this should resolve any issues of missing magazines. The units do not have GPS by default, same as all BI vanilla units Im not sure about this one. I tried to replicate and it was fine for me. Does it happen every time. Has anyone else had this? By default I have set up the units to all use the black shades. This aligns with how I want the units to look. However I do agree that your profile selection should override this. After some testing I believe there needs to be some flexibility in how this works. I have created an issue for this on the feedback tracker here. Feel free to vote it up if you agree ---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ---------- If by ToH you mean Take On Helicopters, this is a completely separate game so there is no way anyone would get permission to modify the content of that game and use it in ARMA 3
  4. Thanks guys for the compliments. L3TUC3 - good pick up, i think i know what causes that, I'll look into what I can do. asuseroako - hey pretty cool eh, I couldn't believe it when I saw that, its featured in the community focus too :o GvsE - thanks mate, I'm not sure it's deserved over some of the other quality mods but still, its safe to say I'm not complaining :)
  5. I've tested a few times and I cant replicate. I can only assume its something on your end, unless anyone else is getting it I'm told PMC's do use MRAP's for some high profile personal security duties. Either way, it makes sense to me that in the future vehicles used (even by PMC) would have beefed up armour. So MATV's are ideal Well you obviously haven't checked out the PG Services website! It should answer most of your questions. A link is at the bottom of my signature and on the original post for this mod ---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ---------- Thanks, yes these all sound like great ideas. I just need BIS or an experienced modeler to make one of them :)
  6. Pomi Git

    MH-9 Door Control

    Its because the class names have changed for the helicopters. To fix it open the mission.sqm. Do a 'replace all' of A3_Air_F_MH9 with BH_EXT and B_MH9_F with B_Heli_Light_01_F That should fix it
  7. Ok ill look at what I can do then Im not completely sure what you are getting at. If you mean under Independent you see "AAF" listed and then "PMC (PG Services)" as a separate faction then yes this is correct and completely intended. You wouldn't do it any other way. If you mean something else then you will need to explain more :) the BAE Systems MATV in your picture is exactly what im looking for :) or even a full blown MRAP. I just want an alternative to the Hunter. You're not supposed to kill them, they're your colleagues! Geez I wouldn't want you in my squad ;) just kidding, thanks for letting me know. Was it the pilot/co-pilot or one of the guys that jump off? You may also notice the helicopter "get out" function doesn't appear to be working properly when you script it. The guys get out ok but they stand there with their weapons on their back.
  8. If I knew how to do models I would love to do some items. Refer to my notes about future plans; I would like to hear from experienced modelers who would be interested in doing items for the mod Ok good. I know they all work with Dslyecxi's gear selector though hmm not sure about this one. It's a lot of gear to put in ammo boxes. Would people seriously use it?
  9. Pomi Git

    Hidden Identity Pack v1.

    The Link is not working again
  10. Pomi Git

    Hidden Identity Pack v1.

    Excellent work, very nice. Looking forward to using these
  11. Wow, what can I say, im really taken back by all the great feedback. The ego comment was a joke, you all got that right? lol. Seriously all the comments are very much appreciated, its the community that makes it all worth while :o That's not a colour error mate. I did that deliberately to mix things up a bit. Believe it or not I had to search and isolate the part of the texture that related to the bag to do that :D No plans to do any more MX versions. Id prefer to focus on using whats in game by default if I can, and plus there are other alternatives. Are you still getting this? How about anyone else? I've tested the mod in both official beta and development version and was working fine Afraid you will have to let it go. Build a bridge ;) Yes good point. I have added full class list to bottom of first post
  12. I've spent the past couple of weeks working on a Private Military Contractors mod. It's at a point where im close to releasing an early version and wanted to share some pictures. Id really value feedback and input. Please tell me what you would like to see, what don't you like etc... This is my first proper mod so go easy :) I also expect this mod to continue to change and develop as new content is added to the game, so what you see here, really is a starting point. Current Features: Custom textured PMC uniforms - I spent a ridiculous amount of time rebuilding the blufor combat uniform pants from scratch but im happy with the results. Custom textured PMC headgear Custom textured vests Custom textured underwear (cant forget those!) Custom UI icons for all uniforms, headgear, vests Unit Classes based on A2OA PMC Groups based on A2OA PMC PMC Black MH9 and PMC Pilot Units use a mixture of different rifles including M4 rifles from the Hellenic Armed Forces mod and Mp7 by Christian1987 Using Blackwater logos but I might change this since they are now called ACADEMI Here's a list of the units as they stand at the moment: Bodyguard 1 Bodyguard 2 Bodyguard 3 Security Contractor (MX) Security Contractor (MX-GL) Field Technican (repair) Field Medic Field Specialist (LMG) Team Coordinator Tactical Pilot Security Contractor (M4) Defensive Marksman Security Contractor (M4-GL) Here's some preview photos These are the bodyguards Tactical Pilots in the black MH9. It's probably hard to see in this picture but he is wearing a sand coloured blufor pilot helmet. Im also thinking of doing a custom texture for the MH9 too.
  13. In case you missed it. Its out. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159271-PG-Services-Private-Military-Company Decommissioning this thread. If you have comments. Please post on the release thread.
  14. yes unfortunately I hit a couple snags on the weekend which took up a lot of time to resolve. Back on track now but looking like the release will be mid to late this week. All the better for it though :)
  15. Pomi Git

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    You can't change the texture on the independent vest without editing model, it's not set up for hiddenselections
  16. Pomi Git

    Littlebird Extension Beta

    Nice update. Really need moderator to update title. Easy for people to overlook this and miss all the new content. Any chance you could add those door and bench script lines by default? You should be able to add an eventhandler init to the helicopter class in the config to trigger them
  17. Thanks man, I could do more teasers but it will be out hopefully by this weekend so no need. There will be a few extra surprises for people. The mod's changed a bit since the first pictures I released. Fair bit of refinement (im a perfectionist), some things removed and even some new items not seen in any of my previous screenshots. Thanks for the compliment, appreciated. Certainly don't give up on your mod, there's plenty of room for different PMC mods, after all there's certainly more than one Private Military Company in real life! Good luck with it :) Cool, have a look on the forum for other PMC mods people are doing, AlexVestin for instance is doing a nice Metal Gear Solid PMC mod Yes its possible and I agree they are a little too shiny, but its a hassle to do. In the scheme of things its a minor issue and not on my radar. The first release will not have any road vehicles as part of the mod. Mainly because I am aiming to offer people something different. I'll hold back until something i'm happy with comes up. In the mean time, people can use whatever they want. Easy enough to drop an empty vehicle on the map and add units. Aside from the MH-9 retexture I've done, I have no plans to use any other helicopter with the mod. I've trialed a few weapon mods and there's some really decent ones out there. But I've decided to go with vanilla weapons for now. I will though be including the black MX I did as a primary weapon used by PG Services.
  18. Sticking a knife in a toaster would have a much more dramatic effect
  19. Pomi Git

    Littlebird Extension Beta

    Why not. Maybe try combine with Feints MH-9 door scripts for more variety :)
  20. Pomi Git

    Littlebird Extension Beta

    I doubt this addon will work anymore given the change in class names
  21. Pomi Git

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    I was hoping you were going to say there is another way of doing it. Bugger :( That surprises me actually. From the messing around I did with configs, for the gear unlocked mod, I found most gear (hats, uniforms, vests, bags) seemed to have hiddenselections, you just need to find the right camo name. The only exceptions for gear I'm aware of are the vests which now use the vest class "Vest_NoCamo_Base" and weapons. Almost every other gear item should work with hiddenselections. I'm not the best person to answer that, someone told me hex editing was "illegal" so I enquired with BI and got approval. I guess if you have any doubt you can always contact DnA from BI. He was pretty good about it when I contacted him.
  22. Pomi Git

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    No contradiction at all mate, I think you are reading too much into my question. You are correct I have (with full written permission from BI) edited and plan to include a modified version of the MX model in my mod. I'm asking Alex purely out of curiosity about the approach he has taken. Nothing more to it than that :)
  23. Pomi Git

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Congrats on the release Alex, nice work as usual. Just curious, how did you manage to retexture the M14 EBR without hex editing and including the model in your mod? I didnt think any of the BI weapons allowed hiddenselections :confused:
  24. I completely overlooked this. Wow this looks like its going to be sensational. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing how this progresses