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About SRBuckey5266

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Did you read my post? I said I wanted a method besides something that has to do with editing the mission in init.sqf What happens if I just want a BLUFOR to attack ONE civilian? Intended to be used on mission start. Changing value during mission can cause unexpected errors in AI behavior.
  2. Why would Bohemia limit us like this? Scripting should open a world of customization, and this is a huge limitation not being able to get blufor to attack armed civilians. What's with this? I also don't want to edit side relations in the init.sqf, I just want to be able to do "doTarget"/"doFire"...
  3. Thanks, this is a great help! Where did you look to find this function? I looked at the ArmA 3 functions page on the wiki, and this wasn't one of the BIS functions. Thanks again!!
  4. I can use getDir on a unit, but how can I check and see if a unit is within this units 180 degree view? Basically, what I'm asking, can I check and see if a unit is within the view of another unit?
  5. Can I use "doArtilleryFire" on an empty M5 Sandstorm? I do NOT want AI.
  6. What? The AI doesn't automatically change the firing distance on the MLRS, and seems to always stay at "close" distance. I want it to use a "medium" firing distance.
  7. How can I do this? I do not want to use the map editor and set a trigger. Thanks.
  8. Is it supposed to be a replacement for "_this select 0"? Are there any differences in speed?
  9. If there is a building that has no stairs in it, but I want to teleport to the roof....how would I go about getting the correct height? I know how to write the script, but is there a way to make the script detect the correct height to put the player at? I don't want to spawn to high and die, or spawn to low and be stuck in the building.
  10. How do I draw a menu in game? Takistan Life servers, when you press 1, comes up with a menu. Any idea which scripting function allows me to get started with that? Thanks!
  11. Already tried it. Doesn't work.
  12. player addAction["Get Message", {hint "message";}, nil, 6, True, True, "", "_this == _target"]; The ArmaA2 wiki says that the "code/filename" parameter of addAction accepts Code or a path to a .sqf/.sqs script; however, when I try to use a block of code, it doesn't seem to work? Any ideas as to why this is so?
  13. Any idea why my script doesn't sleep for the 7 seconds it's suppose to? da_name_of_me = name player; serialkiller = true; player addEventHandler ["Fired", { if(serialkiller) then { [] call change_name; }; }]; change_back = { hint "John Doe"; player setIdentity "John"; sleep 7; player setIdentity da_name_of_me; hint format["%1", da_name_of_me]; }; if(!serialkiller) then { player removeEventHandler ["Fired", 0]; };