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About Yorkie065

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  1. Hey guys. Just a load of videos that I recorded from a number of missions with IGG (Independent Gamers Group) that we did in our Tactical Tuesday sessions. ACE and ACRE mods are being used, plus a number of weapon packs and other useful additions to enhance the gameplay and user experience. Hopefully you find them enjoyable, especially the last video! And if your interested in getting involved in a group like ours, make sure to check out the site and sign up, as these missions are open to the public too! Clearing at Dawn Town Control Mountain Goats
  2. A 3 Part mini series of a night playing ACE Insurgency in Fallujah Part 1- Sitting on the sidelines Part 2- Case Hunting Part 3- Stopped Dead
  3. Hey guys, just a quick short snippet of some Arma 2 gameplay I caught whilst playing with the guys from IGG. Thought I'd post it for everyone to enjoy!
  4. Yorkie065

    Playing Arma III alone?

    Like others have said above, don't be afraid to jump in! One of the best things about Arma is the community that backs it. If your new, the true arma players won't call you a noob, or any other insults to degrade you and make you want to leave. Instead, they'll pull you aside and if you have the time and patience, spend hours with you talking you through all the features of the game and how to work in a proper fire-team, squad, platoon and what not. Playing solo isn't really a problem! Once again, like others have said, a lot of people play co-op vs AI. If you see other people around you, just stick with them, cover their backs and help them when they go down. They'll thank you for it. It's better if you have a mic just so you can chat across comms, but sometimes typing works just as fine as the slower more methodical pace of Arma can allow for that. If I were you, I'd get a Alpha light key and see if you like the general feel of the game. If you do, then give the full alpha a go and im sure you'll like it. Im loving it and wishing a lot of other FPS's are just the same, especially with the movement and stance system!
  5. Yorkie065

    Arma3 Videos

    Hey guys! Just started making Arma videos as I can just about manage to record them at a decent FPS. Got a mission in 2 parts that a member of IGG created using the editor. Make sure to check it out!
  6. Just sent my application. Hopefully it was the right addresses, so please let me know if it gets through and gets approved :) Cheers, Yorkie065
  7. Yorkie065

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Just wondering if anyone can help. Me and a friend were playing Wasteland earlier today and we started to setup and build our own base. When the server admin came on, he performed a server restart, and everything that we had stocked up/ positioned and placed for our base was wiped. Is this normal across all Wasteland servers? Or is just a "feature/ bug" for that specific server?