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Everything posted by liukang168

  1. Nope, still get that error message, well it works, but dont want the error message to appear in the rpt. Weired anyhow
  2. because "lib_us_weapon" was deleted. I get this when making a warfare mission on staszow island and using americans as Resistance. I also added the required lib files to the addmod command at beginning of mission.sqm. Is this a bug or can I do something about it? This how my addon looks like. but still get this error ... or do they need to be in a certain order? addOns[]= { "staszow_island", "ca_modules_functions", "LIB_ger_characters", "LIB_P39", "LIB_sov_characters", "lib_li2", "lib_trenches", "lib_ger_infantry", "lib_sov_infantry", "ca_highcommand", "LIB_Ju87", "LIB_FW190F8", "LIB_PzKpfwVI_E", "LIB_PzKpfwIV_H", "LIB_PzKpfwVI_B", "LIB_PzKpfwV", "LIB_StuG_III_G", "LIB_Flakvierling_38", "LIB_FlaK_38", "LIB_SdKfz_7", "LIB_Pak40", "Lib_sdkfz251", "LIB_weapons", "lib_sdkfz251", "LIB_Zis3", "LIB_61k", "LIB_js2_43", "LIB_P39", "LIB_Pe2", "SG_sturmtroopers", "LIB_P47", "LIB_US_Characters", "LIB_M4A3_75", "LIB_US_Vehicles", "LIB_US_Weapons", "ca_modules_coin", "lib_arty_scripts", "LIB_SU85", "lib_houses", "CABuildings", "camisc3", "camisc_e", "castructures_e_misc_misc_market", "lib_rpzb", "CAMisc", "cabuildings2_misc_cargo", "lib_wheeled", "lib_coredata" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "ca_modules_functions", "ca_highcommand", "SG_sturmtroopers", "LIB_ger_characters", "LIB_sov_characters", "LIB_P47", "LIB_US_Characters", "LIB_M4A3_75", "LIB_US_Vehicles", "LIB_US_Weapons", "lib_arty_scripts", "ca_modules_coin", "LIB_weapons", "lib_trenches", "staszow_island" };
  3. Hi just wanted to know if some hase the gear that is not listed on the official wiki. Such as Handgrenades, Mines, Stachel etc. for US. Do the americans have stationaries? Dont see any in the editor. (AT, AA, Mortar etc.) a bit lame for a DLC not to have Static MGs and such ... THanks in advance ... ---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ---------- LIB_US_Mk_2 ----> Magazine LIB_US_Mk_2 ----> Ammo LIB_US_M18 ----> Magazine LIB_US_M18 ----> Ammo LIB_US_M18_Red ----> Magazine LIB_US_M18_Red ----> Ammo LIB_US_M18_Green ----> Magazine LIB_US_M18_Green ----> Ammo LIB_US_M18_Yellow ----> Magazine LIB_US_M18_Yellow ----> Ammo Or are these`? ---------- Post added at 19:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ---------- [LIB_US_M1A1_ATMINE_mag] [LIB_US_M3_MINE_mag] found for mines
  4. I bought the DLC and have it also activated on startup of my game and as I mentioned for the IronFrontserver.exe -mod=DLC_1 ... The files are also on the server. It works, and it is running. I only get that error. Hope you understand now. BTW, I am used to hosting, as I hosted quite lots of mods already. Cheers for the help.
  5. DLC is good, except for the following: 1. 1 Map only. Should have been at least one inland map. (Wishmap Huertgen Forrest Area) 2. Lack of Static weapons or portable ones such as mortar, mg, anti tank guns or AA etc. Please add these units in the next patches. That will make US an useable faction for Warfare :) Thanks.
  6. Hey, Gunther. this is not my first arma game ;) Of course I start server with "-mod=DLC_1" but still get that message. Thats why I am asking. The warfare mission works fine, even after 12 hours of running.
  7. Here is what the server rpt file says ... even though it works and the mission plays ... 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_characters 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_weapons 1:06:34 "[WFBE (INFORMATION)] [frameno:27561 | ticktime:473.069 | fps:50] Common_CreateUnit.sqf: [GUER] Unit [LIB_US_second_lieutenant] was created at [[11416.8,6785.54,0]] and has been assigned to team [R 1-1-C]" 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_vehicles 1:06:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 26f87040# 1031911: lib_us_willys.p3d 1:06:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 26f87040# 1031911: lib_us_willys.p3d 1:06:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 26f87040# 1031911: lib_us_willys.p3d 1:06:34 "[WFBE (INFORMATION)] [frameno:27561 | ticktime:473.116 | fps:50] Common_CreateVehicle.sqf: [GUER] Vehicle [LIB_US_Willys_MB] was created at [[11416.8,6785.54,0]]." 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_characters 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_weapons 1:06:34 "[WFBE (INFORMATION)] [frameno:27561 | ticktime:473.122 | fps:50] Common_CreateUnit.sqf: [GUER] Unit [LIB_US_engineer] was created at [[11416.8,6785.54,0]] and has been assigned to team [R 1-1-C]" 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_characters 1:06:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. lib_us_weapons
  8. Hi, in every mission.sqm it starts with: addOns[]= where all addons from certain troops are loaded. Now my question is, if it is required if a unit will be used in it? Or will it also work, such in case of a trigger spawned vehicle if the vehicle is not loaded within the addOns[]= command? Cheers
  9. Gosh, working all day to find a bug, only to figure out they changed some buildings names ...
  10. Sorry for the wrong wording. I ment alpha ... :)
  11. Ok, done. Official "alpha" test starts now: BE Warfare 2.073 - IF44 v.1.65 (veteran) 100mbit Dedicated Server TS:
  12. Ok, first alpha seems to work and server is running it. Building scenary Stalingrad (staszow) ... Will open server once I know it works ...
  13. Well it is a bit weired, when I assign to GUE units from Russia for example tank crew with overroll and i dont use them with any normal russian faction. They are being maned to the defenses. But when I assign a t34 or any other static defense they start shooting each other, and dont shoot russians. WEll, i am programming for a week now, and maybe too much of coding for me atm. I need a break, but i am getting closer to it. Everything works, except the indepenend groups. Well I need to restructure the hole BE warfare maybe ....
  14. I really start to dislike this game. No Independent will make battles a bit more singlesided. Well I will make a map like stalingrad, Russia vs Germans. Cant really implement an indipendent faction as they just want to shoot each other, or dont shoot the russians or wise versa. Until someone can create Independent units. This will be it ...
  15. Not having a 3rd Faction makes things complicated ...
  16. There is a new version 1.03. But it still lacks of AI. Check my thread, I am working on a conversion from BE 2.073 to work with IF44. NExt week I be able to release first alpha
  17. dbl post, pls delete please go to: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143470-BE-Warfare-2-073-for-Iron-Front-(work-in-progress)
  18. AI doesn't work ... such a shame
  19. Hi fellow scripters and editors. I have an artillery script that works fine. Trigger: If Independent present then / this / Nul = execVM "scripts\arty\arty.sqf"; Ok so far so good. It rains down artillery on the designated areas ... But if I want to have the script stop, as soon as no more independet units are in that triggered area? Or make it stop when other faction reaches a certain area? Or make the hole script stop after a certain time? The artillery script is like this: if(!isServer) exitWith{}; private ["_trg2", "_round2", "_alpha2", "_bravo2", "_loc2", "_delay2"]; _trg2 = trgArty2; _round2 = "I44_S_81L14_WGr34"; _alpha2 = ((triggerArea _trg2) select 0); _bravo2 = ((triggerArea _trg2) select 1); _loc2 = getPos _trg2; while {triggerActivated trgArty2} do { _round2 createVehicle [(_loc2 select 0) + _alpha2 - random (_alpha2 * 2),(_loc2 select 1) + _bravo2 - random (_bravo2 * 2), 600]; _delay2 = 5 - random 5; sleep _delay2; }; sleep 1; Thank you. ---------- Post added at 12:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ---------- how can i label this script? something like _script = arty (arty.sqf) then i could use in the trigger line on deactivation: terminate _script; Sorry for asking, I am still learning this scripting.
  20. When I try to play my steam version i only get that message: Online support for Iron Front is no longer available. Is this just temporary or did I do something wrong? I disabled firewall, switched of my dedicated server where I ran Iron front. Removed all maps I installed in my appdata/local/....