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Everything posted by liukang168

  1. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    Its the perspective that makes him chubby legged ... and till testing ... long road till then ... But I will look into this more closely ... thx Unless we can't find someone to work with us in order to make a custom skeleton the unit itself will remain in this size. I wish I could simply make him larger as it supposed to be, but then the usual functions of the model do not work as it is out of scale. Maybe at a later stage, with a custom skeleton we might be able to create a larger version.
  2. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    Improved version of T-600, now time for some texturing ...
  3. Thanks 4 clarifying this.
  4. Sorry to restart, but I am stuck at this project. Animations work in Oxygen and visible motion in Bulldozer. But not ingame. Is there a work around? e.g. to generate an animation that is linked to the movement of the controler? For example moving forward = rotation of partx or turn/bank left/right motion of partx?
  5. And another question is it possible to add a custom sound to a unit. For example you wear a metal protected vest, which wouldnt sound on hit like flesh being hit, rather a *pling* from the metal plate. In my case I am building a Unit that is made out of metal :) So I would like to see if you can change the sound when the unit is hit by a bullet.
  6. Yeah seems like the AI runs away for this reason...
  7. liukang168

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Would it be possible to create a grab and throw mod? e.g. grab a soldier and throw him? would work maybe with physx ...
  8. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152775-Nordkindchens-Sammelsurium
  9. I think config.cpp is different, simulation=plane etc. Just a hint ... And as you said, like cars there must be a physx part. So far I was unsuccessful porting the sample a10 (combined out of a1&2)... Having a problem with the glas of the cockpit and the plane on the ground
  10. Hard to judge on that as the terminator has a high set armor value. Have to test that once i am back. I will update this on sunday...
  11. liukang168

    Weapon modeling for absolute starters?

    Could have advised me on that too. :)
  12. Hi folks, is there a way to change an AI units face (not the regular faces). i know of this command _this setFace _face (_face = "face89_camo") but I want to have a code like this: _texture="face.paa"; _unit setObjectTexture [0;_texture]; or would this never work? Wonder if there is a code or script to apply "custom face" only change to a unit.
  13. liukang168

    Any handanim_ tutorials (video?)

    Place a weapon crate and look at all weapons ...
  14. well weired, the unit makes impact sound of the bullets instead of the sound when flesh is hit
  15. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    This is the current basis for the new T-800 i am porting ... http://www.terminatorrising.com/pics/demo.jpg
  16. You sure this is the music from the startscreen?
  17. liukang168

    ArmA2Net and ArmA2MySQL

    I was refering to this : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?111484-ArmA2-Persistent-Database-Scripts-WIP&highlight=mysql So its basicly both the same system?
  18. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    Hey ICE, thats pretty nice of you. Thank you for that support. I will definetly use these. Arent those the hobo dayz from 2020 or so?
  19. Seems like my solution doesnt work, makes the units not a threat ... Answered 2 early. Just created a bug, didnt had to do wit h that ... Works.
  20. liukang168

    ArmA2Net and ArmA2MySQL

    Oh you are that "other" guy ... isnt there another open source database project?
  21. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    Yes I am looking to form a DEV team, I cant handle all the stuff alone. Read on top what I can supply my team with.
  22. liukang168

    Terminator Rising (WIP)

    They are already hard to kill now, no worries. And yes a postapocalyptic island (best would be a totally destroyed city like a part of Los Angeles :) But I do not have the resources to that ...
  23. I just added the metal.rvmt instead of the meat.rvmt ... did its job.