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Everything posted by DJankovic

  1. DJankovic

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    To bad for you :P and for the rest of us this is a long way away from us. But hey, devs just fixed waves in mp to be synced. yeey for usYea but my comment on the video,that water effect is just what we need in arma proper water physx. And that big ship, damn all the stuff people wants from the arma 3 is in VBS 3 :(
  2. DJankovic

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    After reading thread and some valid points my vote will go for the French Polynesia,even if there is some smilarity in those pictures of some chinese islands few posts up. Now lets not forget BI work policy(as far as i know) there is small island and than BIG one, but idk would they give us similar maps,speaking of forests and similar areas like Altis or Stratis,i would like to go for the desert type of map here. And i can not wait till damn countdown end,lets crack this And me to here would love to se sort of snow map,with proper snow cammo and gear it would be perfect thing fighting on ice and freaking snow storms where you can not see shit,but ofc just my wild imagination
  3. DJankovic

    Silencers - Why do they exist in ArmA 3?

    The range master in this video sounds quiet close to the one in game :D
  4. Switching weapon is possible to do widouth a problem and there is a proof of that in a mod. It is working flowlesly helped me in firong drils so much :) Prone on your sides go in prone and than Ctrl+ A or D to prone lean on either sides now idk is it possible do look down sights in vanila still but i know that AGM got that covered
  5. I can not belive that people here are comparing BF4 with Arma 3 ill show you the diference BF 4 Basic movement So you have basic WASD movement shift and you are sprinting ctrl or C is crouch and Y or Z prone is that it Q and E leaning Pretty basic for all those who want khmmm realistic shooting game. Now Arma 3 has WASD basic movement Ctrl+w or s changing from high stand to prone on side animation that is like 3 animations per stance Now there is animation for walking,joging,sprinting as far as i know and me using all of those with weapon up,weapon ready,and lowered weapon As for the leaning you have basic one with Q and E and than you have step out lean. I am admiting that arma has some flows with pivoting around axis but it is not quiet noticable. But as for the animation if you find "realistic" (BF4) turning back over 80 and something degrees(like on that video) before turning your lower body that is wrong for me. And ofc arma has the free zone of weapon movement before your character starts turning. Still thing BF has better movement? but i must admit GTA V climbing and geting down and jumping from high obstacles animations are needed in arma :) Ps. Writing this post on the phone sorry if it is messed up il fix it when i get back home I know ill be flaged because of this but main reason some animations sucks is That guy...we need real like profesionals doint MOCAP and not random guy dresed in mocap suit and doing animations. God damn hahahaha
  6. Beauty :) Love it..if you dont look at the stuf and bugs and fly around it is enjojable. Thank you for your hard work :)
  7. Ill get it one day Kimi aka GeraldBolso :P No worries mate,chill like ice... playing Construction Simulator atm (sentence that will piss of Kimi ) :D i cant be more chilled :P
  8. I stayed up late last night,woke up early this morning been on job,back from job waiting whole day, waiting will kill me :P :P
  9. Hype is real ...checking the COMPLETE section like mad man haha That last picture is so cool :)
  10. it is 0:23 my time now 1. June gonna go to bed now but,I can`t wait to weak up tomorrow and go on the Job...FFS,than i will be so happy coming back home and i will know that this beauty is released to its natural habitat :) I am gonna enjoy flying fast and low with this baby
  11. DJankovic


    What happen to basic 3 camofaces that we had in first release???
  12. I can confirm this thing,same thing happening on our clan server, yesterday we did a test on a Kunduz map,with ACE 3 and ALIVE running,the mission was unplayable, than we wanted to see is it maybe the map issue,and launched same mission but with AGM modules and stuff worked fine,with playable fps. And please revise the 3D menu,it is realy hard to work trough it when you have a lot of medical stuf,me like a medic in a squad it is real hard to find arms and legs because menu is opening and all those options are all around the character,so if i want to switch on other part of the body it is realy hard.
  13. Damn it,i will wait that June 1st like it was my birthday :D ---------- Post added at 08:42 ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 ---------- But please please, dont be cheep with inside texturing like Bohemia is,those side panels on front are always in the pilot view if it is possible to get a good texture on those :)
  14. I can understand that AGM fastrope have some flaws but it was best fastrope i have seen for a long time. And you guys didnt implemented It. Can u guys bring it back :) and when you find that better solution to just change it. :) But all in all than you for the hard work
  15. There is NO AGM fastrope????? Or do i need to place down a module for it now?
  16. More in game screenshoots please :) and i didnt catch it will all these weapons be avilable to mount on rails via sort of armament menu or it will be few diferent helicopters?
  17. So as the thread title asks what would you like to see in next DLC and if you want explain why. For the starter i love arma 3 diving system and too bad there wasnt a lot more focus on that but i see that dlc's are focusing in certain areas i got a feeling that i could be possible to have sort of naval DLC
  18. DJankovic


    QUICK EDIT on my side: Today when i was playing with my clan i was gearing up and in the Arsenal under + option (where u find medikit,and all other misc stuff) there was Cammo paint sticks US and Serbian one,and there was Kit for applying cammo face, Now idk do you need both of them but i had them in my uniform Only when i took evrything off my head i had option(in action menu) Cammo faces when i open it i got same imagge like EnigmaticallyEerie shared but widouth error. and keep in mind this was on online server not editor or init of the player. Now i want to thank you for the great mod and for giving us option to immerse ourselfs even more by painting our faces...Such a cool feature. THANK YOU
  19. DJankovic


    This just spawns me widouth any uniform on me, EnigmaticallyEerie how did u get it working? what did u do to get the action menu?
  20. DJankovic


    Cant get it to replicate it now i have issue i deleted all cammoface files from the AGM,and uninstalled Cammofaces mod and installed again,now i cant even see them(i was doing this additem "US_Facepaint") and before clean instal i got them to show in but after the instal they are not showing up not at all. Can u tell me can i find them mybe in inventory of a ammo box or something?
  21. DONT GET ME REPPORTED FOR THIS...but i think it is a time :P too deliver this baby to us...i am thirsty for this beauty holly smokes that gun on the side will be killing machine :D
  22. DJankovic


    When i have face paint in my inventory it breaks my action menu,now idk is it interfearing with AGM because i have those pbo`s in agm folder
  23. There is no point of making a large sewege plant because it would be just another large big indistructable unentrable building... i also would love to see some skyscrapers with eterable interior but that would hit performance So we need to be happy with this :)
  24. DJankovic

    HAFM - Eurocopter EC-635

    Wohoooo hooooo already in game damnnnn :D want it,one of my favourite helicopters :) TNX for making it
  25. DJankovic

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    A lot of guys on forum is mistaking about DLC and EXPANSION, after marksman DLC there will be expansion but this thread is not for EXPANSION it is about what is comming after the expansion there will be more DLC`s so i started this thread like i mentioned on page 3 or 4 so we can share our thoughts what would we want to see in next DLC on what thing would we like for the devs to focus(if anything :) ) now EXPANSION is comming latter this year witch will bring us Small and Big map(how bis always does it) and lot of new stuff. Just want to explain that this thread is about DLC`s and judging to the previus dlc`s it seems that in the future developers will be focusing on certain part of the game. And that is why i placed a poll there to choose one of my thoughts or sugest one of yours