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Posts posted by Mattar_Tharkari

  1. There should be something in this thread that will help you?


    eg this keeps the text within the players FOV:

    fnc_returnObjClass = 
       	_camDir = ([(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]), (positionCameraToWorld[0,0,1])] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff);
       	_pos = ASLToATL ([eyePos player, _camDir] call BIS_fnc_vectorAdd);
           _class = typeOf cursorTarget;
    drawIcon3D ["", [1,1,0,1],_pos, 0, 0, 0,_class, 2, 0.05, "PuristaMedium", "center"]; 
    _id = ["retObjClassID", "onEachFrame", "fnc_returnObjClass"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

  2. One thing I would like to know is how do I change the sidechat name of the arty??? It is currently CROSSROAD

    Have a look at CfgHQIdentities in the config viewer, options are:

    Base, HQ, PAPA_BEAR, AirBase, BLU, OPF, IND, IND_G


    [WEST,"BLU"] sidechat "Hello, hello, annoying radio ham here, talking over your freqs! Hello.....?";


    Broadway: "Hello, hello, annoying radio ham here, talking over your freqs! Hello.....?"

  3. Sounds nice, but how do I implement it in the script above?

    cutText ["","BLACK FADED"];
    [["This Space is Available for Advertising....","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t><br/>"],
    ["Poke if interested!","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>"]]
    ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;
    titleFadeOut 1;

    Paste into debug console for a demo. If you find it's running too early in the init.sqf put a check above it but it should be at the very end of the init.sqf or everything else will be delayed:

    waitUntil {alive player && isplayer player};

  4. Use BIS_fnc_typeText?

       [["CAMP ROGAIN,","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>"],
       ["RESSUPLY POINT","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>
       ["10 MINUTES LATER ...","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t><br/>
       0,0,"<t color='#FFFFFFFF' align='center'>%1</t>"
    ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;

  5. ^What he says - you need to work off the existing building positions or create arrays of new buiding positions for each building. Do you have that building position script from Arma2 that places helper objects at all the building positions? I used existing positions and this worked well:

    Requirements: Opfor player on map - probability of presence0%
    examples - [building type,[window positions]]
    _array = ["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F",[3,5,6,7,9]];
    _array = ["Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F",[1,2,3,4,5]];
    _array = ["Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F",[2,5,7]];
    _bldType = _array select 0;
    _bldPosArr = _array select 1;
    _nBld = nearestObject [player, _bldType];
    _bldLoc = getPosATL _nBld;
    for "_i" from 0 to (count _bldPosArr)-1 do
    _bldPos = ((_bldPosArr select _i)-1);
    _grp = createGroup east;
    _unit = _grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unit setPosATL (_nBld buildingPos _bldPos);
    _unit setDir (([_unit, _bldLoc] call BIS_fnc_dirTo) + 180);
    _unit setUnitPos "UP";
    sleep 1;

    If you setup the player with

    this allowDamage false;

    you get sprayed with fire from the windows using the above. But you will have to build a database of arrays to get it to work.

    The other way that I have used successfully in the past is to get AI squad members to move randomly to different positions in the building. It's less predictable and more lifelike. They appear at windows and doors when you don't expect it.

  6. May help: I had problems with setWindDir and setWindStr - If wind is set manually in the editor it overides setWindDir and the command doesn't work. If wind is set to auto then it overides setWindStr - so you can't use both commands at the same time.

    eg I would have liked the wind to be stronger in this:


  7. CH49 init:

    nul = [this] execVM "rampSetup.sqf";


    _heli = _this select 0;
    _heli animateDoor ["door_back_L", 1];
    _heli animateDoor ["door_back_R", 1];
    _gunHandle = createVehicle ["I_HMG_01_F",[0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _gunHandle attachTo [_heli,[0,1,2.3],"CargoRamp"];
    _gunHandle setDir 180;
    _heli addAction ["Ramp Open","rampOpen.sqf",_gunHandle];


    _heli = _this select 0;
    _caller = _this select 1;
    _id = _this select 2;
    _gunHandle = _this select 3;
    _heli removeAction _id;
    _heli addAction ["Ramp Close","rampClose.sqf",_gunHandle];
    _a = 1;
    _heli animate ["CargoRamp_Open",0.45];
    for "_i" from 1 to 20 do 
     _a = _a - 0.1;
     _gunHandle attachTo [_heli,[0,_a,2.3],"CargoRamp"];
     sleep 0.1;


    _heli = _this select 0;
    _caller = _this select 1;
    _id = _this select 2;
    _gunHandle = _this select 3;
    _heli removeAction _id;
    _heli addAction ["Ramp Open","rampOpen.sqf",_gunHandle];
    _a = -1;
    _heli animate ["CargoRamp_Open",0];
    for "_i" from 1 to 20 do 
     _a = _a + 0.1;
     _gunHandle attachTo [_heli,[0,_a,2.3],"CargoRamp"];
     sleep 0.1;

    The attached gun is not visible to the player sitting in cargo when ramp is closed - engine limitation.

    I found the "CargoRamp" memory point by chance - it's not in the config and is located at the "hinge end" of the ramp. Might be simpler if you dePbo the model and see if there is a memory point on the ramp? Ramp MG may be a WIP:

    _heli animate ["AddGunHolder", 1];

    Gives a ramp tripod but it isn't attached to the ramp.

  8. I'm pretty sure BI made the titlecards with video editing, something I cannot do.

    It's reasonably easy to do, but time consuming. Just make 150-200 or so different images in a drawing package and import them into Windows Live Movie Maker (it's free to download from Microsoft) under the animations tab - set the duration of each image to around 0.05 - 0.08 - export/save video. Convert the video to .ogv format with Theora Convert of some other converter. BIS use a resolution of 1280x720 - so I used that. Or use fewer images and some of the standard effects - make the duration longer.

  9. Usefull in many scripting situations!

    1.eg - when a marker can't be used as the command requires an object:

    sphere01 setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)']; // makes it invisible

    sphere01 setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)']; // green

    sphere01 setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']; //  blue

    2. make a glowing orb or arrow - make a light with #lightpoint, change the colour of the sphere / arrow and attach the #lightpoint to it.

    3. make neon animated signs with the above.

    3. Use as a visual aid to mark a position in space.

    4. I made a daylight flare by attaching the 10, 25 & 100cm spheres with varying alphas/colours to a smoke grenade spawned at 500m.

  10. Well, I am so sorry but YES. I need your help. But the issue is, when I tried this, I used an invisible helipad, and now, to be sure, I used a visible one.

    First problem, I am unable to put the helipad on rooftop, tried just adjusting height and copytoclipboard. Nothing.

    It doesn't matter what height you put a helipad - the graphic spawns at terrain level. Just use an invisible one.

    Here is an example mission where the helicopter lands on 6 different structures just using a Transport Unload waypoint and a helipad set to the correct height.

    Add to or change the positions in the array in init.sqf and the helicopter will land there too.

    There are 2 functions - 1 sets up the LZ the other sets the correct headwind so the helicopter doesn't land backwards etc. If it's a hot LZ also make sure to setBehaviour "CARELESS" and setCombatMode "BLUE". To get the rooftop position just land there, stand in the middle of the roof and call this in the debug dialogue:

    _pstn = getPosATL player; copyToClipboard str _pstn;



    ^ that's an AI flying

  11. Remember helicopters land into the wind so set a headwind during landing to prevent them landing sideways / backwards. Spawn this from a 150m trigger at the LZ.

    //Wind must be set to auto under "Intel" in Editor for setWindDir to work.
    private ["_dir","_vcl"];
    _vcl = _this select 0;
    _dir = getDir _vcl;
    	if (_dir <= 180 then {_dir2 = _dir + 180} else {_dir2 = _dir - 180}; //updated - setWindDir needs a value between 0-360
    for "_i" from 0 to 60 do 
    	0 setWindDir _dir2;
    	//hint format ["dir:%1 | str:%2",windDir,windStr];
    	sleep 1;

  12. Myke;2550322']@txalin i don't know what your issue is there. Common picture after laundry day in the airforce. Give it a day to dry and it is good as new. :D

    It's the only way to get wet paint to dry evenly isn't it? (incident from 2008 - germany)


  13. I first joined this thread on the 20th March last year, the part in bold is and always has been my position. attributing things to people that they did not say is very dishonest, but I'm no longer surprised at that kind of behaviour around here.

    Not really heard about this and was very excited when I read it just now - what a waste of time. Bottom line is: there is no "ground breaking announcement".

    -NASA hasn't completed research and is still investigating if LENR has any usefull practical application.

    -The oil companies and investors are selling long term futures in oil for a variety of reasons most of which have nothing to do with LENR (electric cars, manipulating markets for profit, US Govt. policy to move away from oil, BP requiring funds to pay fines etc).

    -Obama's Executive Order (40-50 issued per year-rare?) has nothing to do with LENR - it's suggests existing power stations should use their waste hot water to heat homes/businesses rather than just dumping the heat into the atmosphere through cooling towers. Or, existing large boilers producing heat should be converted to produce electricity too.

    "Instead of burning fuel in an on site boiler to produce thermal energy and also purchasing electricity from the grid, a manufacturing facility can use a CHP system to provide both types of energy in one energy efficient step."

    -The EU issued a similar directive in 2004 which predates the LENR acronym, the US is just playing catch up on energy efficiency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHP_Directive

    Please don't waste your time on this like I did. According to level headed bloggers - much of the current media noise about LENR is generated by green activists who seem to have a semi-religious belief in 'free energy' / using it as leverage against their industrial monsters. If NASA ever find anything useful, I would celebrate it, until then.....

    NASA found a possible use for transmuting nuclear waste and submitted a patent, nothing significant on the energy front yet.

    Rossi - "company is now property of a trust of investors", no doubt he fought the unwanted investment all the way until they forcibly invested lol.......(who knows what's actually true)


    He doesn't exactly ask for money directly, that would be a bit obvious, instead he asks people to buy commercial licenses and to pre-order the E-Cat. Deliveries were supposed to start last Autumn?

    We give exclusive commercial licenses for limited territories. When the interested persons ask to us a commercial license to sell the E-Cats we make an offer. The price of the license depends on many factors, regarding the Territory. If the interested persons agree upon the text that we propose, we send a text of an agreement, which is obviously covered by NDA. The uncorrect persons do not respect the NDA and our attorneys take care of them. After the interested persons sign the agreement, we send an invoice, and the agreement is deemed valid only after the payment of the license fee is done within the term agreed. If the payment is not done, the agreement expires and that invoice for which the payment has not been made is compensated in the accounting by a credit memo.
    In Autumn we will surely send the detailed offers to all the “horde†of pre-orderers.

    The deliveries will start hopefully within the next winter, surely within 18 months .


    Even E-Cat news have parted company:

    August 6, 2013

    To anyone wondering why I only post ‘significant’ developments regarding the eCat, please note that at this point, I consider the eCat/Hyperion arena a giant waste of time. I admit to being baffled and cling to fading hope that the 7 scientists involved in the HotCat test have not been duped or worse. I sincerely hope that my radar is broken – the world needs a miracle more than I need to be right. Despite the best efforts of our hardest sceptics, there is still a slim chance that Rossi’s bizarre behaviour is symptomatic of a lone genius riding a tiger. Unfortunately, apart from that one report, almost every other ‘fact’ supports the tentative conclusion that he is mentally ill or a fraud.


    Well birds of a feather flock together, that's all I can say about that. Let me know if anything concrete on LENR shows up.

  14. Rossi did assure the inspector there was no radioactive material in his reactors; which is 100% true

    You left out the part where he told the inspector that only low energy photons were produced inside the device? If you have something that produces ionizing radiation you still need to have certification, it doesn't matter if the original components and materials are non-radioactive. Odd isn't it that he previously reported that gamma radiation in the 511 KeV range was produced and that he had manufacturing facilities in Florida and New Hampshire. Why did he tell the inspector the opposite of what was published on the E-cat blog, was he lying to an official? These contradictions are very mysterious but I do admire your enthusiasm.

    PS I have an open mind on LENR, if someone makes it a success, good luck to them. I have never stated anything else. I'm just concerned that in 12 months all the talk of LENR factories, customers, scientific breakthroughs, LENR power plants (you told us we could go and look at one?), colapse of the oil and nuclear markets etc. have not really resulted in anything concrete or real have they? So far all those involved in LENR have required large amounts of cash, but have produced nothing marketable or anything that has aroused much scientific interest. The wild claims and half-truths are starting to get a little dull.


    I spoke to Dr Rossi concerning the construction and operation of his E-cat device. He stated the active ingredients are powdered nickel and a tablet containing a compound which releases hydrogen gas during the process. The output thermal energy is six times the electrical energy input. He acknowledged that no nuclear reactions occur during the process and that only low energy photons in the energy range 50-100 keV occur within the device. There are no radiation readings above background when the device is in operation. Since the device is not a reactor, the NRC does not have jurisdiction. Since there is no radioactive materials used in the construction and no radioactive waste is generated by it, the State of Florida, Bureau of Radiation Control has no jurisdiction. Currently, all production, distribution and use of these devices is overseas. Dr Rossi has arranged to meet with Underwriter Laboratories (UL) to seek approval for manufacturing in the United States. I thanked Dr Rossi for his time meeting with me.