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Everything posted by lawlessbaron

  1. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    usually means your missing something clientside
  2. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    I fixed the array
  3. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Ahh ok as i thought ok here it is orginally i think i forgot the , http://pastebin.com/Kd5gZgVz
  4. Hey guys i am looking for an ingame admin panel where i can spawn vehicles/weapons and teleport that is based off GUID system or an admin login if there is any out for A3 Thanks
  5. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    I have custom vehicles each time i add them to the shop array the shop won't display vehicles in game
  6. lawlessbaron

    Ingame Admin panel

    Thankyou sir
  7. lawlessbaron

    Squad.xml not working properly

    Check where the ID is that there aren't spaces in the UID for example "42344353434 " something like that
  8. Would these XML's work for arma 3?
  9. lawlessbaron

    Arma 3 life files

    Couldn't you just decompile the addons .pbo files? but then again you can't get access to @a3life_server
  10. lawlessbaron

    NSS Admin Console

    Can we get a reupload?
  11. lawlessbaron

    Ingame Admin panel

    Yeah still seems to get 404 error message Thankyou :)
  12. lawlessbaron

    NSS Admin Console

    Download link is brokeded
  13. lawlessbaron

    Ingame Admin panel

    Thankyou sir :)
  14. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Lol kid
  15. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Get over yourself people ask for a simple piece of help your just a wanker
  16. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Checked it a few times
  17. lawlessbaron

    Arma2NET issues Altis Life

    Yeah the SQL Server is fine tried everything i can
  18. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    any help i get these issues http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168563-Arma2NET-issues-Altis-Life&p=2557674
  19. Hey guys i have seen that Tonic has created the Altis Life mission as i can't use other servers mission files due to some issues where can i get the mission file to use on my server?
  20. Ok so i am hosting a few servers now which they all have the admin panel available since i am signed in as the admin i was curious as to what is the binding to access it? i have been trying macros and what not but nothing seems to get it up so if there is anyone out there who knows what the binding is to get it up and who could help me that would be good thanks
  21. Is there anyway to use this for wasteland to give custom loadouts?
  22. hey guys i am looking for a host where i can change and upload mission files to the server any host suggestions?
  23. lawlessbaron

    City Life 2 RPG MOD (WIP)

    CL3 Will be great this mod has come a very long way
  24. So i want to have a password for admins without having a dedicated server is there anyway to do this?