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Everything posted by lawlessbaron

  1. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    -.- ok my bad ill give it a go now ---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ---------- I have declared the variable and nothing
  2. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    Ok so i have been adding weapons to a weapon array the original array comes from Altis Life RPG these are two arrays Civilian Shop http://pastebin.com/naAgKb3h Blufor Shop http://pastebin.com/6vdH5eLN can anyone assist ? I have been through it a heap of times and nothing i am also using Notepad ++ with ArmA Script Plugins
  3. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    For alot of the custom weapons i get <null>
  4. lawlessbaron

    [MP] [RPG] Daylight RP (Coming soon)

    any ETA on release?
  5. lawlessbaron

    Multiplay hosting

    I would never use them again
  6. lawlessbaron

    ArmA3 - Unlimited Hydroplane

    Sweet this is gonna be awesome
  7. lawlessbaron

    Realistic Wounding System [RWS]

    Sweet job can't wait to use it
  8. lawlessbaron

    FLAY Hang Glider Mod

    Sweet can't wait to use them
  9. So i have two sides i have blufor and civ now my question is how can i remove this in the picture below http://i.imgur.com/RN2l2Wu.png (258 kB) and have the setup like this to where it doesn't have the line http://i.imgur.com/W4MgXr4.png (278 kB)
  10. Can't wait to try these out once im home
  11. lawlessbaron

    How do you remove the link on a side?

    Thanks man ill check it out when im home i already got the unit moving with a marker at the moment
  12. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Ok because i was using case "black_market": is my identifier ---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ---------- Help me develop :P ---------- Post added at 15:11 ---------- Previous post was at 15:02 ---------- http://imgur.com/a/eHogl from .rpt Error in expression <getDir _veh; waitUntil {sleep 1; !Alive _veh}; _veh setVariable [_set,0,true]; s> Error position: <_veh}; _veh setVariable [_set,0,true]; s> Error Undefined variable in expression: _veh Error in expression <"U_OrestesBody","Surfing On Land",1100 ]; }; case 1: { [ ["H_Bandanna_camo","C> Error position: <; }; case 1: { [ ["H_Bandanna_camo","C> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\core\config\fn_clothing_bruce.sqf, line 34 Error in expression <"U_OrestesBody","Surfing On Land",1100 ]; }; case 1: { [ ["H_Bandanna_camo","C> Error position: <; }; case 1: { [ ["H_Bandanna_camo","C> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\core\config\fn_clothing_bruce.sqf, line 34 Error in expression <i<=([_item] call GTA_fnc_itemWeight)},_i=_i-1}] do { if(_sum <= 0) exitWith {_su> Error position: <=_i-1}] do { if(_sum <= 0) exitWith {_su> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\core\functions\fn_calWeightDiff.sqf, line 21 Error in expression <i<=([_item] call GTA_fnc_itemWeight)},_i=_i-1}] do { if(_sum <= 0) exitWith {_su> Error position: <=_i-1}] do { if(_sum <= 0) exitWith {_su> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\core\functions\fn_calWeightDiff.sqf, line 21 i have just renamed the file http://www.mediafire.com/download/4x2ohhjak64aidx/AnotherLife.altis.pbo
  13. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    [/color] Thankyou i don't know how i didn't see that i had removed some custom vehicles and done it all with replace on Notepad ++ i need to find a proper editor These error suck http://imgur.com/a/eHogl
  14. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    .rpt http://pastebin.com/QAqjYbzL vars.sqf http://pastebin.com/3fRV75eJ
  15. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    I have fixed the issue at hand im using R3F weapons and such with other weapon packs i am trying to get the market to display the weapons This is out of the vars.sqf http://pastebin.com/qhx6TYLz Also i have this screenshot http://i.imgur.com/4DAsiCg.jpg
  16. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    This is out of the vars.sqf http://pastebin.com/qhx6TYLz Also i have this screenshot http://i.imgur.com/4DAsiCg.jpg (283 kB) I already have it on thanks man
  17. So i have found this from a supposed developer does anyone know where i can get the files? http://gyazo.com/175757c24a16f9180707b621b43259e5.png http://gyazo.com/96983fdb78535dbb91933ba520c4f0c6.png http://gyazo.com/c1d7c6f3a3358be3c3a9a7b27b1aaaa9.png http://gyazo.com/19786299cd2172a658b9c443e52ee070.png http://gyazo.com/fc199f1c8ac2e6bc05e2f2efe5090c72.png
  18. lawlessbaron

    Altis Life RPG

    Ok so i have been adding weapons to a weapon array the original array comes from Altis Life RPG these are two arrays Civilian Shop http://pastebin.com/naAgKb3h Blufor Shop http://pastebin.com/6vdH5eLN
  19. lawlessbaron

    Array Error

    When i scroll wheel on an AI it is suppose to display the array of weapons but nothing appears just the menu nothing more for example this enableSimulation true; this allowDamage false; this addAction["Black Market Weapons",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"black_market",0,false,false,"",'playerSide == civilian'];
  20. I want to apply it some vehicles people use
  21. lawlessbaron

    How do you remove the link on a side?

    i got it sorry i meant marker
  22. Ok with the revive is there anyway to have it work for one side like blufor?
  23. Just a question how can you set it to a side like blufor and a certain slot name like emt
  24. lawlessbaron

    How do you remove the link on a side?

    Ok thanks because i want to completely remove it Thankyou :) Since we are on topic anyway to have a unit move around the map with a mark at his each new location?