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Everything posted by Foxy

  1. I'll get back to you asap with an answer, geloxo. Just talking to the team.
  2. Great stuff! I don't use skype myself, but Dimitri may do. He checks the forums regularly anyway and will be in touch soon, I'm sure. :)
  3. Hello again, Giallustio! As Pedersen says, Dimitri is the best man to speak too regarding helping us out. Knowing your abilities already, as I do, I think you would be a tremendous asset to us! Thanks for offering your skills!
  4. Yes, A3 is our focus now for the mod.
  5. Yeah I seem to remember it never quite worked out as well as I had hoped when I tried this. Maybe you can influence the direction by using a different animation? Like the "sprint in a 45 degree angle one", if you know what I mean.
  6. If you use set up a trigger you can call via radio with this as your activation code: copyToClipboard str (animationState player) You can then sprint yourself, activate the trigger while sprinting and it will copy your sprinting animation to the clipboard. You can then use this animation to make them sprint. I did this in an A2 mission but I can't remember how good it came out tbh.
  7. Foxy

    Setting Color of SUV?

    Try using: setObjectTextureGlobal http://https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTextureGlobal
  8. That was aimed at THESPICYSAUCE, not you. You need to set your aircraft groups to "CARELESS" to get them to attack each other.
  9. Sorry I don't understand.Are you asking if we can fix it? - If so, we won't be doing any more updates for HIP in Arma 2 so no there won't be a fix for it. The focus is on Arma 3 now.
  10. Hi chycius, There's a wierd bug with the aircraft. From the manual: @THESPICYSAUCE - just wanted say, once you've followed GottMitUns advice, don't forget that there is a 30 second sleep at the beginning of the AI voices script, so nothing is going to happen for that time. For testing, you could comment it out like this: or just delete that line. Hope you get it working, let us know if not.
  11. Its about time I popped in to say a big thanks for these aircraft! Superb work! :)
  12. Sorry but we're not doing any more updates for HIP in A2. Pedersen has already been working on Guadalcanal for A3 though.
  13. Foxy

    A-10C for Arma 3

    With regards to this comment. I get the same results by placing 2 A10s on the map, starting one and then jumping in the other. I also find that sometimes after respawn the aircraft doesn't "auto-start" and I can't start it with the normal start up proceedure. Its a bit of game breaker atm, so I'm really looking forward to a fix. Thanks again for all your hard work Peral. Its very much appreciated.
  14. _startList = [[3461.92,5021.77,200],[8582.35,14077.7,200]]; _endList = [[3461.92,5021.77,200],[8582.35,14077.7,200]]; _cargoPlaneStart = _startList select floor(random (count _startList)); _cargoPlaneEnd = _endList select floor(random (count _endList)); EDIT: Just noticed that you've got the same positions in your list of start positions as you have in the end positions. You'll need to change this otherwise the start and end positions may be the same.
  15. Well I would make sure that BIS_fnc_selectRandom is returning what you want it to return, i.e: a position array. I don't use it myself tbh, but the error may indicate the spawn position in the createVehicle array is not right. You could add a diag_log to see what its returning by adding this after the start/end positions are selected: diag_log ["_cargoPlaneStart", _cargoPlaneStart]; diag_log ["_cargoPlaneEnd", _cargoPlaneEnd]; Or just place one of the possible starting position arrays straight into the createVehicle array.
  16. createVehicleCrew is fine... assuming your playing Arma 3. ---------- Post added at 17:25 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ---------- Easily done. I'm sure you'll get it working now then.
  17. Sorry for all my edits. Have you tried the additional things I mentioned above yet? ---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ---------- Stupid question mate, but are you editing Arma 2 or 3? Only I just realised this is an A2 thread (not quite the right one, but I'm sure a moderator will move it) and afaik there's no createVehicleCrew in A2 as it was introduced in A3.
  18. Try this: cutText ["A supplydrop has just started! Go get it!","PLAIN"]; Also you've got a loop with no "};" to close it. But I doubt you want the loop in there anyway do you? Is this the full script? There's a fair few variables declared that don't exist in the script to I'm guessing no. And I guess you don't need the getPos in the createVehicle array, since it should be a position array thats returned from BIS_fnc_selectRandom afaik. _cargoPlane = createVehicle ["C130J", _cargoPlaneStart, [], 0, "FLY"]; Similarly when you add the waypoints, no need for getPos. Also addWaypoint needs a radius adding. _cargoPlaneWP = _cargoGroup addWaypoint [_cargoPlaneEnd, 0]; One last thing. You create a group for the aircrafts waypoints, but you need to use the actual aircraft group. Try replacing this: _cargoGroup = createGroup east; With this: _cargoGroup = group _cargoplane;
  19. Foxy

    A-10C for Arma 3

    This is an excellent mod. Top marks! Can anyone tell me the correct proceedure for shutting the aircraft down fully? Thx in advance. EDIT: I should say, so the aircraft requires the correct start up proceedure again.
  20. Looking at the script, DIH_log_psob.sqf is normally called from an addAction on the boat by a player. _boat = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; So I would say your parameters are not right: [_tLc,server,-1] I don't think this script is really designed for what your doing, but you may be able to trick it by changing 'server' to any western unit present on the map?
  21. Hi rodrix. Sorry for not replying sooner. Putting a respawn point on the carrier can be done a few different ways. If you start on the carrier in the first place then you can add something like this to your init.sqf: if (local player) then { unitStartPos = getPosASL player; player addEventhandler ["Respawn", { player setPosASL unitStartPos; }]; }; Or you could use the carriers cargo positions, just change "myCarrierName" to whatever you called your carrier: if (local player) then { player addEventhandler ["Respawn", { player moveInCargo myCarrierName; [] spawn { sleep 1; player action ["GetOut", vehicle player]; }; }]; }; Check this post for how to add aircraft to a carrier: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143150-Hell-in-the-Pacific-0-5-beta-release&p=2292646&viewfull=1#post2292646 Those 2 islands are nowhere near being done... they're basically just the ground layout and thats it. So your not missing anything. The maps which are complete (as far as A2 version goes) are Tarawa and Peleliu.
  22. Run this on each unit doStop unitName; and this on the group groupName enableAttack false; It stops the squad leader issuing commands "like fall back". Can't remember for sure if you need the doStop now, but it won't hurt.
  23. _this select 1 gives you the position entered, not the unit.... use _this select 2 to check for isPlayer and side.