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Posts posted by ToM666

  1. Hello look my precedent Post for the spawn center problem.

    the bug is caused for the variable "_r"

    Correction :

    add "_r" in Private for :

    Correction spawn infrantery

    file : \EOS\SpawnUnits\Spawn_Infantry.sqf

    private ["_r","_side","_type","_unitType","_grp", ........

    Correction spawn vehicle

    file : \EOS\Functions\EOS_Fill_Cargo.sqf

    private ["_r","_cargo","_emptySeats","_vehicle", .............

    Correction other bug :

    Group size vehicle:

    ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh;

    replace by :

    ligne 110 : _cGroup=[_pos,_cSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_LightVeh;

    Group size armoured

    ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour;

    replace by :

    ligne 124 : _dGroup=[_pos,_dSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_Armour;

    Group size mortar

    ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic;

    replace by :

    ligne 136 : _eGroup=[_pos,_eSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnStatic;

    Hi mate

    I'm trying this out but can't find which .sqf the "correction other bug" pertains to?

    What is the other bug this fixes?

    Thanks for your help mate.



  2. Quick comment/suggestion to folks using the revive script. One of the things I've found that works out great is that you can easily add Mission parameters that players can choose to change settings with Revive (and other scripts as well). To do that you just need to add some code to description.ext and then make some tweaks to the script you want it to change.

    So for example, I want the players to be able to turn on/off the Advanced wounding system if they want, and also set the maximum number of 'lives' they get. So I did the following:

    In your description.ext file set up a Class section for Parameters (Params).

    // Set Changeable Parameters in the Mission Start Up
    class Params
    // paramArray[0]
    		class advancedWounding {
    			title = "Use Advanced Wounding System?";
    			values[] = {0,1};
    			texts[] = {"No","Yes"};
    			default = 0;
    // paramsArray[1]
    		class maxRespawns {
    		   title = "Number of Times a Player may Respawn (Counts both revives and manual revives)";
    		   values[] = {1,3,5,10,20,999};
    		   texts[] = {"1","3","5","10","20","Unlimited"};
    		   default = 20;

    Then in your =BTC=_revive_init.sqf you can pull those values and plug them into the init. So for mine I have the following at the top of my file:

    // Options from description.ext
    advWound = (paramsArray select 0);  // Select Parameter for Advanced Wounding System.
    maxRespawns = (paramsArray select 1);  // Select Parameter for Number of Respawns

    Then you can just reference those variables in the init file, so I have the following two tweaked:

    BTC_r_new_system = advWound; //WIP - set 1 to activate it
    BTC_lifes = maxRespawns; // Set a max number of revives if previous set to limited number of lives. (Counts both times you get revived and times respawned.

    I use Parameters all over the place to let players choose all sorts of variables like Time of Day, Weather, Revive settings and even the amount/skill of AI in mission and it really let's them tailor to their playstyle.

    Thanks Meatball. I found this very useful :cool:

  3. New EOS v1.9 Released!

    Note that the PDF is not complete and there may be bugs!

    v1.9 Changelog

    - Transport helicopter unloads cargo

    - Re-written EOS

    - Select group sizes

    - Motorised infantry fill empty seats

    - Superior caching of units

    - Unit pools instead of group cfg's for use with Add-ons

    - Faster system

    - Swapped bis patrol functions for SHK patrols.

    Awesome news. I love this script and you appear to have addressed all those little imperfections that stopped it short of being brilliant.

    Thanks for sorting this out mate :cool:

  4. They are not fighting ???

    Yeh, I thought I read a discussion about it earlier in the thread but couldn't find it this morning when I was trying to see where we were with the issue.

    Essentially, I am finding that the infantry all spawn and for the most part try and attack us but the armour and fighting vehicles just drive about / sit looking at you waiting for you to destroy them LOL

    One tank crew even got out built a fire and starting brewing a pot of tea and made no attempt to attack me.

    Didn't share any biscuits either which I thought was rude so I killed them all. Bluddy provocation I call it.

    Anyway, yes from what I see and experience they are like lambs to the slaughter.

  5. how to do : >EDIT > "go to (ctrl + G)" : http://www.7tutorials.com/beginners-guide-notepad ;)

    Ahh, It's becuase I had word wrap selected and it disabled the "go to" option :p

    I have to say chal00 there are several things about this part of the thread that I am unhappy with.

    1) I've just been handed a tutorial for beginners on the use of notepad, something I've always considered the most basic of the basic word processing apps.

    2) and this is the worst thing, I actually needed to use the damn thing LOL :rolleyes:

    This is a new low in my IT career and I'd like to thankyou for sending me down here LOL :)

    That said thanks for you help mate, I am today a wiser man.

    *sneaks of to get a very long ladder*

  6. When we give you a line number => never open file with "word pad" or "winword", or other... else you know something i don't !?! but!...

    Open your file with a notepad or same!!... And in notepad, you press "Ctrl + G" => you have a little window asking you line number!!.. Enter the number!! ;)

    If i had said number "2598", how you should do?? :butbut:

    Ok, then, this is what you're shearching for :

    _currentMKR setmarkercolor getmarkercolor _currentMKR;
    if ("colorGreen"==getmarkercolor _currentMKR) then {_currentMKR setmarkerAlpha _mkrAlpha;} else {
    _currentMKR setmarkerAlpha _mkrAlphaHighlight;};
    		_spotEnemies = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_currentPOS]; 
    		_spotEnemies setTriggerArea [_eosMarkerSizeA,_eosMarkerSizeB,0,true]; 
    		_spotEnemies setTriggerActivation [_enemyFaction,"NOT PRESENT",true]; 
    		_spotEnemies setTriggerStatements ["this","",""]; 
    			_spotTaken = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_currentPOS]; 
    			_spotTaken setTriggerArea [_eosMarkerSizeA,_eosMarkerSizeB,0,true]; 
    			_spotTaken setTriggerActivation ["ANY","PRESENT",true]; 
    			_spotTaken setTriggerStatements ["{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x && ((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 10} count allUnits > 0","",""]; 


    Ahh, I see. I was opening in notepad, wordpad and the word trying to find an app that had the option to show line numbers.

    I usually just use notepad but as with most things I try and sort it myself before asking for help and that was the case here :)

    Thaks for put the code in chal00 that is just the job :cool:

    However, when I open the .sqf in notepad and press Ctrl + G nothing happens? I don't see a box appearing within the window?

  7. You just have to put this in the eos_init.sqf, line 39 :

    _spotFriendlies setTriggerStatements ["{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x&& ((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 10} count allUnits > 0","",""];

    As you can see, if the heli isn't under 10m high, ennemies don't spawn!! :yay:


    Bit unsure as to where line 39 is. I've just opened in word and the line 39 position doesn't look right so thought I'd better check :D

    Could you give me a bit of the surrounding code for reference please.

    Many Thanks


  8. I'm not sure! this is what he said :

    Perhaps if we just can add delay to de-spawn ennemies, will be a good option for this!!

    Is there someone tested this :

    Because, if we can't save deads ennemis, we can try to set a delay for despawn them instead we got time to return in zone before they disappear ?

    Someone think about something to add delay?

    Thanks ;)

    I was thinking this very same thing last night.

    I was going to look through the settings to see where the variable is. There must be a figure dictating despawn time somewhere.

    The only downside of this is if someone flies all over the island activating all the zones this will create a extra burden on the server.

    Ideally I would like if possible any zones activated above a certain height to despawn as normal but have a seperate, longer & adjustable despawn time for any zonez activated below that height.

  9. Check for the BTC_objects_actions_west

    Hello again :p

    Okay, I've checked the line you suggested and it said this:

    BTC_dlg_on_respawn = 1;//1 = Mobile only - 2 Leader group and mobile - 3 = Units group and mobile - 4 = All side units and mobile
    BTC_objects_actions_west = [bTC_base_flag_west];
    BTC_objects_actions_east = [bTC_base_flag_east];
    BTC_objects_actions_guer = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_civ  = [];
    if (isServer) then
    BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_1,mobile_west_2,mobile_west_3,mobile_west_4,mobile_west_5];//Editable - define mobile west
    BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east
    BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent
    BTC_vehs_mobile_civ  = [];//Editable - define mobile civilian

    I then changed it to this (error code still appeared afterwards):

    BTC_dlg_on_respawn = 1;//1 = Mobile only - 2 Leader group and mobile - 3 = Units group and mobile - 4 = All side units and mobile
    BTC_objects_actions_west = [bTC_base_flag_west];
    BTC_objects_actions_east = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_guer = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_civ  = [];
    if (isServer) then
    BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_1,mobile_west_2,mobile_west_3,mobile_west_4,mobile_west_5];//Editable - define mobile west
    BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east
    BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent
    BTC_vehs_mobile_civ  = [];//Editable - define mobile civilian

    and then this:

    BTC_dlg_on_respawn = 1;//1 = Mobile only - 2 Leader group and mobile - 3 = Units group and mobile - 4 = All side units and mobile
    BTC_objects_actions_west = [bTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_west_1,BTC_base_flag_west_2,BTC_base_flag_west_3,BTC_base_flag_west_4];
    BTC_objects_actions_east = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_guer = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_civ  = [];
    if (isServer) then
    BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_1,mobile_west_2,mobile_west_3,mobile_west_4,mobile_west_5];//Editable - define mobile west
    BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east
    BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent
    BTC_vehs_mobile_civ  = [];//Editable - define mobile civilian

    The current error code I am getting is this:

    Error in expression <;_spawn = [_x] spawn BTC_mobile_marker;{_x addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") >
     Error position: <_x addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") >

  10. Hi guys

    I'm getting an error when joining the mission I made on our server as follows:

    Error in expression <;_spawn = [_x] spawn BTC_mobile_marker;{_x addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") >

    Error position: <_x addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") >

    Anyone know what the error is so I can change it?

    Many thanks


  11. One core seems a little light for ArmA, and I honestly doubt it can handle Altis. Run a quick mission and look at how much of the core is being used, if it's almost or at 100% utilization that's the issue.

    It looks like after your first month you might be better off with another server provider. I've personally used NFO and can vouch for their service. https://www.nfoservers.com/order-virtual-dedicated-server.php

    Their 3 core VDS is about the same price,and offers an extra gigabyte of ram as well.

    Hmm, something to think about for sure.

    I am getting alot more machine for around £8.00 more a month but it looks like you dont get a free TS3 with it so it will end up being another tenner a month.

    I think I will see how the game runs on this server when the full release comes out and then decide but thanks for the info I may just switch to the nfo after a bit more shopping around.

  12. Did they provide specifications of the hardware, or whats made available to your server environment? It seems like a lot of game server providers aren't up to speed on how to properly manage and run a ArmA server.

    It could possibly be due to the [DEV] build. I would go through the standard troubleshooting steps. Firstly remove any mods and see if it crashes, secondly if it still crashes revert to the standard build, and finally see if a certain mission is causing the crashing. Missions that involve dynamic AI may or may not be an issues depending on how it handles spawning AI.



    Would this be the gamehosting you are talking about?

    Yes, we are using spec one.

  13. I have a 30 Slot Arma3 server in Vilayer (previsly i had a 20 slot Arma2 by a year) and the hosting is perfect! Recently i rent a second server in gamehosting and the day before i rent it i claim a refound because they have not idea about arma servers! They config was totally wrong, i open a ticket and only respond when i claim my refound.

    Wow. Okay.

    I have to say the set up was a little painfull but they got there in the end. It seems to be running okay now but it does crash randomly which isn't helping get it filled up at all LOL.

    It maybe the map I am using but I will have to wait and see as I experiment with different maps.

  14. Hi guys

    I am running the dev build on our server and quite randomly it seems to crash. It can be fine for hours and then everyone loses connection and it dies LOL

    Is this something everyone has a problem with at the moment using the dev build on a server or should I look elsewhere for the reason?

  15. You still have "mobile_east_1" listed as a mobile respawn for east. You either need that on the map, or just remove it so it looks like the _guer or _civ lines...

    Okay mate. Thanks for clarifying the error. We had already sorted it out but I wasn't specific about what the error was so this should potentially help others that make the same mistake :)

  16. Just by way of wrapping this up after Giallustio took time out of his life to check through my mission it appears it was me misunderstanding the readme as regards the requirement for an enemy spawn object.

    Runs perfectly now I have made the changes suggested.

    Thanks Giallustio and thanks for the awesome script. :cool:

  17. @Tom

    You could create 1000 or 0 mobile respawns. The most important thing is to define the objects in the init with the same editor name! If you don't want to use any, just leave the array empty!

    I think I have? :confused:

    At the moment I have 5 vehicles set up as mobile respawns.

    The vehicles are named consecutively "mobile_west_1" through to "mobile_west_5".

    I have created a spawn object for each called "BTC_base_flag_west" then "BTC_base_flag_west_1" through to "BTC_base_flag_west_4"

    All five of these objects have been attached to the vehicles.

    I have also created a spawn object called "BTC_base_flag_east" and dumped it in the ocean of the east coast of Altis LOL

    The part of the init that is relevant I believe is shown below. Can you see anywhere I have gone wrong?

    BTC_objects_actions_west = [bTC_base_flag_west];
    BTC_objects_actions_east = [bTC_base_flag_east];
    BTC_objects_actions_guer = [];
    BTC_objects_actions_civ  = [];
    if (isServer) then
    BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_1,mobile_west_2,mobile_west_3,mobile_west_4,mobile_west_5];//Editable - define mobile west
    BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [mobile_east_1];//Editable - define mobile east
    BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent
    BTC_vehs_mobile_civ  = [];//Editable - define mobile civilian
